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Basic Moves:

Level 0 Light Punch: A weak punch. Damage of +5.

Level 0 Heavy Punch: A strong punch. Damage of +7.

Level 0 Light Kick: A weak kick. Damage of +6.

Level 0 Heavy Kick: A powerful kick. Damage of +9.

Level 0 Grab: This is simply grabbing onto the opponent, usually to set up for another maneuver. Grab is most useful for combos.

Level 0 Roll With Impact: You roll when you hit the ground to avoid injury.

Level 0 Dash: This is simply all-out running.

Level 0 Fly: Flying while in combat.

Regular Attacks:

Level 1 Straight Punch: A forward punch. Damage of +6. Ki cost 1.

Level 1 Palm Strike: A forward punch with the palm held up. Damage of +6. Ki cost 1.

Level 2 Uppercut: A punch that goes up. Damage of +7. Ki cost 2.

Level 3 Haymaker Punch: A powerful punch that goes forward. Damage of +8. Ki cost 3.

Level 4 Back Knuckle: A spinning hand strike with the back of the hand. Damage of +9. Ki cost 4.

Level 5 Knife Hand: A spinning hand strike with edge of the palm. Damage of +10. Ki cost 5.

Level 6 Elbow Strike: A strike with the elbow. Damage of +11. Ki cost 6.

Level 7 Headbutt: A headbutt. Damage of +12. Ki cost 7.

Level 5 Tackle: A rush and hit with the upper body. Damage of +10. Ki cost 5.

Level 3 High Kick: A kick that hit’s the head. Damage of +8. Ki cost 3.

Level 3 Mid Kick: A kick that hit’s the middle torso. Damage of +8. Ki cost 3.

Level 3 Low Kick: A kick that hit’s the leg. Damage of +8. Ki cost 3.

Level 4 Foot Sweep: A low sweep kick. Damage of +9. Ki cost 4.

Level 5 Spinning Thrust Kick: A spinning thrusting kick. Damage of +10. Ki cost 5.

Level 6 Crescent Kick: A overhead bringing down kick. Damage of +11. Ki cost 6.

Level 7 Drop Kick: A jumping forward kick with both feet. Damage of +12. Ki cost 7.

Level 7 Bear Hug: A grab with both arms and squeezes on the lower back. Damage of +12 each round the hold is maintained. Ki cost 7.

Level 8 Powerbomb: A grab that folds the enemy into a down head position and then picks them up by there waist and slams them on there back. Damage of +13. Ki cost 8.

Level 8 Piledriver: A grab that folds the enemy into a down head position and then picks them up by there waist and turns them upside down and then jumps and lands on there head. Damage of +13. Ki cost 8.

Level 9 Tombstone Piledriver: A grab that turns the enemy upside down and then lands on there head. Damage of +14. Ki cost 9.

Level 10 Atomic Piledriver: A grab that folds the enemy into a down head position and then picks them up by there waist and turns them upside down and then flies high into the air and lands on there head. Damage of +15. Ki cost 10.

Weapon Techniques:

Level 1 Sky High: You jump in the air and land your sword slicing down on the enemy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Cutter: You rush at the enemies and strike each one once as you pass until you pass them all. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Quad Slash: You strike four of your opponents one time or if not four you can strike and add the damage up to four damaging strikes on them or it. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Flash Cut: You strike your opponent three times in a row. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Twice Flash: You slash your opponent two times left and right. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5. Level 6 One Hit Boom: You strike your opponent once with all your might. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Omi Strikes: You strike your opponent down, left, right, up, left-down, right-down, and jump and come down on the opponent. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Hammer Head: You jump in the air and land your axe slicing down on your opponent. Damage of +6. Ki cost 1.

Level 2 Giant Axe: You swing your axe and cut the enemy in front of you. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2. Level 3 Deadly Swirl: You spin around inflicting damage to every one around you with your axe. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Power Axe: You send a rip of energy at your enemy from the slash of your axe. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 X Axe: You slice a X on your opponent. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Slammer: You spin around and deliver a powerful blow to your enemy. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Omi Slice: You strike your opponent down, left, right, up, left-down, right-down, and jump and come down on the opponent. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Dive: You jump in the air and land your lance stabbing down on your opponent. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Double Thrust: You thrust twice at the enemy. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Rush Pierce: You rush your opponent and pierce him. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Four-Way Stab: You thrust your lance four ways delivering a blow to each one. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Spinning Slice: You spin your lance and slice the enemy with it while its spinning. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Power Thrust: You thrust with all your might your lance towards a enemy. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Omi Pierce: You strike your opponent down, left, right, up, left-down, right-down, and jump and come down on the opponent. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Mighty Crush: You jump in the air and land your morningstar crushing down on your opponent. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Melee Slam: You slam your morningstar into a opponent. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Third Strikes: You strike three times on three separate enemies doing three damage on them each. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Crushing Blows: You strike left-down, right-down, left-up, right-up on a enemy. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Tornado Strike: You spin your morningstar around on your hand and strike your enemy with it. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Brain Basher: You slam your morningstar upside your opponent’s head. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Omi Crusher: You strike your opponent down, left, right, up, left-down, right-down, and jump and come down on the opponent. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Swing Down: You jump in the air and land your flail crushing down on your opponent. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Hurricane Assault: You spin your flail and strike all enemies around you for two damage. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Hit Trip: You hit your opponents leg and trip him in the process. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Twice Is Nice: You hit with your flail left and right. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Strike Down: You hit with a over the head swing on the back of the head from the front. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Skull Splitter: You bash with all your might upside your enemies head. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Omi Bash: You strike your opponent down, left, right, up, left-down, right-down, and jump and come down on the opponent. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.


Level 1 Laser Weapon: You create a laser like weapon from your body or a object like a sword or a axe laser object. It cuts through things with a +6 bonus and damage. Both are applied but it only does +6 damage not +12 damage. It can slice a enemy in to half if it can beat there AC. It can be upgraded by increasing the talents level by leveling up which increases the damage, power level and, ki cost by one point for each one level up. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Laser Body: You are infused with a laser like energy. Each strike you make is like a laser hitting the object or creature. It cuts through things with a +6 bonus and damage. Both are applied but it only does +6 damage not +12 damage. You can slice a enemy in to half if you can beat there AC. It can be upgraded by increasing the talents level by leveling up which increases the damage, power level and, ki cost by one point for each one level up. Ki cost of 1.

Gene Splicing:

Level 1 Gene Splicing: You can gain a talent of a enemy or a number of body part(s) of the enemy to replace yours. Ki cost of 1.


Level 1 Toughness: You have damage reduction of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Multi Attack: (This will not be used in a regular campaign. Its to be used in high power campaigns and it may go higher but each two times it goes higher counting your starting attack you must add a multiplying digit to the life-force to the character.)

Level 1 Multi Attack: You attack once more. No cost.

Level 2 Multi Attack: You attack twice more. No cost.

Level 3 Multi Attack: You attack three times more. No cost.

Level 4 Multi Attack: You attack four times more. No cost.

Level 5 Multi Attack: You attack five times more. No cost.

Level 6 Multi Attack: You attack six times more. No cost.

Level 7 Multi Attack: You attack seven times more. No cost.

Level 8 Multi Attack: You attack eight times more. No cost.

Level 9 Multi Attack: You attack nine times more. No cost.

Level 10 Multi Attack: You attack ten times more. No cost.


Level 6 Warp A blue portal opens and you and others of your choice come in and warp somewhere else you know of in the same dimension. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Trance A white or black or white-black flame engulfs you and you come out with your eyes glowing the fires color and you have +12 all stats. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Invisibility You turn invisible for twenty minutes or until you strike. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Invisibility You turn invisible for thirdly minutes or until you strike. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Invisibility You turn invisible for forty minutes or until you strike. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Invisibility You turn invisible for a hour or until you strike. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Invisibility You turn invisible for two hour or until you strike two times. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Invisibility You turn invisible for three hour or until you strike three times. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Invisibility You turn invisible until you strike four times. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Mold Things Molds anything moldable. Ki cost of 1.

Level 6 Alter Being: You can change a being or yourself into what ever you like. You or they can also keep the categories that you or they have. Ki cost of 6.

Level 1 Charm Animal: Charms a animal to be your friend for a hour on a roll of 5-6 on a d6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 4 Dominate Animal: Dominates a animal to be under your metal control for a minute on a roll of 6 on a d6. Ki cost of 4.

Level 2 Charm humanoid: Charms a humanoid to be your friend for a hour on a roll of 5-6 on a d6. Ki cost of 2.

Level 5 Dominate humanoid: Dominates a humanoid to be under your metal control for a minute on a roll of 6 on a d6. Ki cost of 5.

Level 3 Charm Monster: Charms a monster to be your friend for a hour on a roll of 5-6 on a d6. Ki cost of 3.

Level 6 Dominate Monster: Dominates a monster to be under your metal control for a minute on a roll of 6 on a d6. Ki cost of 6.

Level 1 Drain Life-Force: Each amount of damage you do is healed in life-force to you. Once started it stays in effect for 24 hours then turns off. Ki cost of 1.

Level 3 Soul Take: If you kill a creature you gain there soul or there level and stats and regular attacks, sorceries, disciplines, abilities and, powers. Ki cost of 3.

Level 1 Create Creates any number of normal materials that stays for any amount of time but you must have the craft ability in question to do it and make a check on the complexly of the work. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Create Flesh Creates dead creatures that stays for any amount of time from a creature you have seen or can think of totally in your head. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Infuse With Life Infuses a dead creature with life and gives them a way to reproduce by dividing or turning another creature into one of them. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Create Sound Create any kind of sound for any amount of time. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Set Sound Set a sound to occur when someone comes to a certain place. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Create Smell Create any kind of smell for any amount of time. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Set Smell Set a smell to occur when someone comes to a certain place. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Repair Makes repairs on any object that stays for any amount of time. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Make Hole: You make a ten feet wide hole going down all the way to the bottom of a place. Ki cost of 4.

Level 1 Shield 50% weapon techniques defense. Once started it stays in effect for 24 hours then turns off. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Shell 50% super damage defense. Once started it stays in effect for 24 hours then turns off. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Iron Will 50% psychic defense. Once started it stays in effect for 24 hours then turns off. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Block 50% super powers defense. Once started it stays in effect for 24 hours then turns off. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Energy Barrier 50% Ki defense. Once started it stays in effect for 24 hours then turns off. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Force Field 50% magic defense. Once started it stays in effect for 24 hours then turns off. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Barrier 50% Defense. Once started it stays in effect for 24 hours then turns off. Ki cost of 1.

Level 3 Continues Light You can create a permanent ball of light that extends a radius of 12 feet of light. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Continues Darkness You can create a permanent ball of darkness that extends a radius of 12 feet of darkness. Ki cost of 3.

Level 1 Infuse With Ki: You infuse something with Ki power of your choice you have or just Ki energy. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Infuse With Magic: You infuse something with magic spells of your choice you have or just magic energy. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Infuse With Super: You infuse something with super power of your choice you have or just super energy. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Infuse With Psychic: You infuse something with psychic power of your choice you have or just psychic energy. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Infuse With Regeneration: You infuse something with regeneration power you have of your choice or just regeneration energy. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Infuse With Weapon Techniques: You infuse something with weapon techniques power of your choice you have or just weapon techniques energy. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Infuse With Toughness: You infuse something with toughness power of your choice you have or just toughness energy. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Infuse With Super Damage: You infuse something with super damage power of your choice you have or just super damage energy. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Infuse With Life-Force: You infuse something with Life-Force power of your choice you have or just Life-Force energy. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Fuse: You fuse something with something else. Ki cost of 1.


Level 1 Regeneration: Heal +6 in Life-Force each round to your max. Can only be killed by a blast that totally hits all of you and drives your Life-Force down to zero. Once started it keeps on going for 24 hours, no extra cost. Ki cost of 1.

Super Damage:

Level 1 Super Damage: Add +6 to your damage. Ki cost of 1.


Level 1 Life-Force Up: Gain +6 in Life-Force points. Ki cost of 1.

Sorcery Magic Spells:

Level 1 Fire Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction! Now! Effect: A multitude of small-size fireballs rushes and hits a target. Damage of +6 Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Fireballs Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction and hearts of angry giants! Now! Effect: A multitude of medium-size fireballs rushes and hits quarter of targets. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Fire Pillars Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants and, breath of dragons! Now! Effect: A multitude of fire pillars sprout from the ground beneath half of targets. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 3.

Level 5 Darsu’s Flames Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants, breath of dragons, ultimate fire and, the flames of Hell! Now! Effect: A cone of giant-size fire rushes out from your palm and a fire portal to hell and it comes out of it and hits all of targets. Damage of +40. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Fire Teleport Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, teleport me to the place I want to be! Now! A swirl of fire surrounds you and teleports you anywhere on the same dimension that you know is real. Ki cost of 6.

Level 4 Exploder Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants, breath of dragons and, explosions! Now! Effect: A giant bang of fire comes out of a point and continues to get bigger up to 25 feet on both sides. Damage of +30 Ki cost of 4.

Level 4 Flare Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants, breath of dragons and, ultimate fire! Now! A giant boomerang of fire that flames all enemies. Damage of +30. Ki cost of 4.

Level 4 Volcano Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants, breath of dragons and, magma! Now! A giant eruption of lava comes out of you or the land and hits creatures in a cone going the way it erupted. Damage of +30. Ki cost of 4.

Level 4 Final Blast Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants, breath of dragons and, dragon‘s heat! Now! A giant dragon head of fire comes out and rushes all enemies in a straight line. Damage of +30. Ki cost of 4.

Level 6 Final Inferno Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants, breath of dragons, ultimate fire, the flames of Hell and, the burning inferno! Now! A giant wall of flames comes and rushes through all the enemies in a cone. Damage of +50. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Mega Flare Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants, breath of dragons, ultimate fire, the flames of Hell, the burning inferno and, the mega flare! Now! A colossal boomerang of fire that flames all enemies. Damage of +60. Ki cost of 7.

Level 8 Pyron Up Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, burn me up! Now! A burst of pyron fire blows up underneath you with flames on your body and you grow better. All physical stats +12 +1 fire damage. Can only apply the defense as a ability meaning once and one per battle. Ki cost of 2.

Level 1 Water Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, splash my foes! Now! A beam of water hits a enemy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Whirlpool Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, splash my foes and submerge them! Now! A whirlpool appears below the enemy and hits a quarter of enemies. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Water Blasts Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, splash my foes, submerge them and, blast them! Now! Beams of water come from a large whirlpool outstretched in front of your hand on its side with the pool part facing you and the enemy and hits a half of enemies. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Water Canon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, splash my foes, submerge them, blast them and, wash them! Now! A giant beam of water hits all enemies. Damage of +30. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Tidal Wave Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, splash my foes, submerge them, blast them, wash them and, tidal wave them! Now! A giant tidal wave materializes on the spot and washes away all your enemies. Damage of +40. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Blood Wave Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, splash my foes, submerge them, blast them, wash them, tidal wave them and, blood wave them! Now! A giant blood tidal wave materializes on the spot and washes away all your enemies. Damage of +50. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Drowning Pool Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, splash my foes, submerge them, blast them, wash them, tidal wave them, blood wave them, and drown them! Now! A colossal rain pour falls on the enemies and drowns them all. 1 death. 2-6 Damage of +60. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Earth Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, pierce my enemies! Now! A small thorned plant pops up and hits a enemy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Acid Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, pierce my enemies and glob them with acid! Now! A medium glob of acid hits a quarter of enemies. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Meteor Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, pierce my enemies, glob them with acid and, smash them with stone!! Now! A giant rock comes from the sky and hits your enemies in a 25 by 25 field. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Ground Wave Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, pierce my enemies, glob them with acid, smash them with stone and, send a ripple into the ground! Now! A giant ground wave hits all enemies. Damage of +30. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Meteor Swarm Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, pierce my enemies, glob them with acid, smash them with stone, send a ripple into the ground and, send a stone storm! Now! A bunch of giant rocks comes from the sky and hits your enemies in a 25 by 25 field. Damage of +40. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Earthquake Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, pierce my enemies, glob them with acid, smash them with stone, send a ripple into the ground, send a stone storm and, shake the ground! Now! The ground shakes and knocks the enemies down at all of them. Damage of +50. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Earth Flip Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, pierce my enemies, glob them with acid, smash them with stone, send a ripple into the ground, send a stone storm, shake the ground and, flip the Earth! Now! The ground flips over underneath the enemies and then smashes them. Damage of +60. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Shock Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the force of static shock! Now! A small static shock shocks a enemy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Thunderbolt Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh great goddess Thundra, become the force of static shock and thunderbolts! Now! A large thunderbolt shocks a quarter of the enemies. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Thunderjolts Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the force of static shock, thunderbolts and, thunderjolts! Now! Many medium and multiple static shocks shock half of enemies. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Thunderblast Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the force of static shock, thunderbolts, thunderjolts and, thunderblasts! Now! A large thunder bolt shoots out your outstretched hands and shocks all of the enemies as you move the thunder bolt around. Damage of +30. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Thunder Slam Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the force of static shock, thunderbolts, thunderjolts, thunderblasts and, thunderslams! Now! Giant thunder bolts strikes the enemies from your outreached palm. Damage of +40. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Thunder Storm Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the force of static shock, thunderbolts, thunderjolts, thunderblasts, thunderslams and, thunder storms! Now! Giant lightning strikes the enemies. Damage of +50. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Thunder Smash Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the force of static shock, thunderbolts, thunderjolts, thunderblasts, thunderslams, thunder storms, and the ultimate thunder smash! Now! A colossal bolt hits each enemy. Damage of +60. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Ice Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast these fools with ice! Now! A small-size ice pick hits a enemy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Snow Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast these fools with ice and snow balls! Now! Medium-size snow balls hits a quarter of enemies. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Ice Cannon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast these fools with ice, snow balls and, ice blasts! Now! A large ice blast hits a half of enemies. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Blizzard Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast these fools with ice, snow balls, ice blasts and, blizzards! Now! Giant-size ice and snow hits all enemies. Damage of +130. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Hail Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast these fools with ice, snow balls, ice blasts, blizzards and, hail. Now! Colossal hail hits all enemies. Damage of +40. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Snow Cannon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast these fools with ice, snow balls, ice blasts, blizzards, hail and, the snow cannon! Now! A giant snow blast hits all of enemies. Damage of +50 Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Blizzard Cannon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast these fools with ice, snow balls, ice blasts, blizzards, hail, the snow cannon and, the blizzard cannon! Now! A colossal blast of ice, snow and, hail hits all of enemies. Damage of +60. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Wind Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my foes with wind! Now! A small-size boomerang of wind hits a enemy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Wind Bomb Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my foes with wind and a wind bomb! Now! A medium-size wind bomb hits a quarter of enemies. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Wind Slicer Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my foes with wind, a wind bomb and, the call of the wind! Now! A large-size slicer of wind hits a half of enemies. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Wind Cannon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my foes with wind, a wind bomb, the call of the wind and, the blast of a wind cannon! Now! A giant-size blast of wind hits all of enemies. Damage of +30. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Tornado Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my foes with wind, a wind bomb, the call of the wind, the blast of a wind cannon and, the force of a tornado! Now! A giant tornado or spinning winds in a cylinder bottom pointing down force of wind hits all enemies. Damage of +40. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Hurricane Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my foes with wind, a wind bomb, the call of the wind, the blast of a wind cannon, the force of a tornado and, the power of a hurricane! Now! A hurricane or colossal field of winds going everywhere hits all enemies. Damage of +50. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Air Flow Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my foes with wind, a wind bomb, the call of the wind, the blast of a wind cannon, the force of a tornado, the power of a hurricane and, your last breath! Now! The breath of a creature is took out of there lungs and all air around them is pushed away. d6 1 death 2-6 damage of AP used plus damage of +70. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Dark Ball Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, shoot a dark bolt at my enemies. Now! A small dark ball of energy comes and hits a single enemy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Dark Blast Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, shoot a dark bolt at my enemies and a dark blast. Now! A medium dark energy blast hits all enemies in a straight line and ten feet width. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Dark Bomb Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, shoot a dark bolt at my enemies, a dark blast and, a bomb of total darkness. Now! A large dark energy ball hits the ground near enemies and sends a explosion of 25 by 25 feet. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Dark Wave Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, shoot a dark bolt at my enemies, a dark blast, a bomb of total darkness and, a dark wave of pure havoc. Now! A large dark energy wave runs and hits all enemies. Damage of +30. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Dark Matter Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, shoot a dark bolt at my enemies, a dark blast, a bomb of total darkness, a dark wave of pure havoc and, a blast of dark matter. Now! A giant wall of dark energy hits all the enemies. Damage of +40. Ki cost of 5.

Level 7 Dark Force Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, shoot a dark bolt at my enemies, a dark blast, a bomb of total darkness, a dark wave of pure havoc, a blast of dark matter, the dimension of darkness come to my enemies and, let dark forces flow through my veins like fire. Now! A rush of dark and black energy rushes through your arms. Attack +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 6 Dark Dimension Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, shoot a dark bolt at my enemies, a dark blast, a bomb of total darkness, a dark wave of pure havoc, a blast of dark matter and, the dimension of darkness come to my enemies. Now! A colossal dark energy ball starts from somewhere in the air and expands to 50 by 50 feet and explodes. Damage of +50. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Dark Prophecy Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, shoot a dark bolt at my enemies, a dark blast, a bomb of total darkness, a dark wave of pure havoc, a blast of dark matter, the dimension of darkness come to my enemies and, the dark prophecy shall be fulfilled. Now! A giant dark energy beam flies and goes through and hits all enemies. Damage of +60. Ki cost of 7. Destruction Spells sorcery:

Level 5 Animate Dead Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, infuse the dead bodies with dark life. Now! You can give undead life to creatures by channeling black energy and there soul into the body or skeleton. Ki cost of 5.

Level 7 Unliving Dead Effect: Somatic and Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, make skeletons come to help me with dark life and forces. Now! A unliving dead army pops up and attacks the enemies. Skeletons attack damage. Ki cost of 7.

Level 7 Dark Killer Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, infuse me with the strike of true death to my undead enemies. Now! You can channel death powers into your body and strike with a touch of true death to undead creatures. Ki cost of 7.

Level 7 Demonic Whispers Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, infuse my opponents with demonic whispers. Now! You give someone whispers in there head or “voices” and it is permanent. They voices tell them to either to kill other people or kill them self, your chose. Ki cost of 7.

Level 6 Antimatter Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, shoot out beams of antimatter to my foes. Now! Streams of grayness shoot out of your hand and almost kills the target. d6 1 death 2-6 damage of +50. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Destruction Effect: Verbal. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, shoot out beams of antimatter to my foes and a giant blast of antimatter. Now! A giant gray energy beam flies and goes through and hits all enemies and almost kills them all. d6 1 death to all 2-6 damage of +60. Ki cost of 7.

Level 7 Death Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, take out the soul of my enemies. Now! The Shadow of Life comes and cuts you down with his world-size scythe. d6 1 death 2-6 damage of +60 Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Light Ball Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my opponents with light balls. Now! A small light ball of energy comes and hits a single enemy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Light Blast Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my opponents with light balls and a light beam. Now! A medium light energy blast hits all enemies in a straight line and ten feet width. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Light Bomb Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my opponents with light balls, a light beam and, a light bomb. Now! A large light energy ball hits the ground near enemies and sends a explosion of 25 by 25 feet. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Light Fist Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my opponents with light balls, a light beam, a light bomb and, a fist empowered with light. Now! A light energy ball forms in your hand and you fly and hit your opponent. Damage of +30. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Holy Cannon Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my opponents with light balls, a light beam, a light bomb, a fist empowered with light and, the holy cannon blast. Now! A large light energy blast comes from your whole body and hits all opponents. Damage of +40. Ki cost of 5.

Level 7 Light Force Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my opponents with light balls, a light beam, a light bomb, a fist empowered with light, the holy cannon blast, the light of a super nova and, let light forces flow through my veins like fire. Now! A rush of light and white energy rushes through your arms. Attack +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 6 Nova Light Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my opponents with light balls, a light beam, a light bomb, a fist empowered with light, the holy cannon blast and, the light of a super nova. Now! A colossal light energy ball starts from somewhere in the air and expands to 50 by 50 feet and explodes. Damage of +50. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Holy Shield Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, blast my opponents with light balls, a light beam, a light bomb, a fist empowered with light, the holy cannon blast, the light of a super nova and, the power a holy . Now! A white diamond appears around you and then fades away. Cuts first total 60 of damage. Ki cost of 7.

Level 4 Ice Spirit Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth the ice spirits. Now! A circle of ice or attacks with a hail storm on all enemies. Damage of +9 or defense of +9 used. Ki cost of 4.

Level 4 Water Spirit Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth the water spirits. Now! A bubble shield of water or attacks with water on all enemies. Damage of +9 or defense of +9 used. Ki cost of 4.

Level 4 Fire Spirit Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth the fire spirits. Now! A circle of fire or attacks with a barrage of fireballs attack on all enemies. Damage of +9 or defense of +9 used. Ki cost of 4.

Level 4 Wind Spirit Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth the wind spirits. Now! A wind wall around you or attacks with a tornado on all enemies. Damage of +9 or defense of +9 used. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Zoza Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth the holy undead knight Zoza. Now! A dead zombie knight on a ghost white steed who hits his enemies with a holy white magic sword. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 3 Gango Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth the werewolf Gango. Now! A werewolf who runs to the enemy or mirror images of him hit the rest and combos it or them with a left slash, right slash, straight slash, back chop slash and triple somersaults with the last one knocking it or them in the air and he jumping and spiking it or them back down to Earth. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 6 Brako Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth the king of all dragons Brako. Now! The king dragon who charges up a spinning blue blast and then shoots it like a cannon at the enemies. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Army of Souls Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth the army of souls. Now! A army of sixteen dead souls comes and strikes the opponents one at a time with fire, wind, ice, water, earth, thunder, light, dark, sword, axe, lance, claw, staff, mace, gun and then the final one or general comes and strikes the opponents down with a bow of plasma. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 3 Summon Demon: Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth a demon. Now! Summons a sex of your choice and type of your choice demon for your pleasure. They do anything you want for one hour times your level then they disappear. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Create Greater Vampire: Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth a greater vampire. Now! Creates a sex/race of your choice greater bloodro for your pleasure. They do anything you want for one hour times your level then they disappear. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Create Golem: Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth a golem. Now! Creates a sex/race of your choice golem out of any solid material for your pleasure. They do anything you want for one hour times your level then they disappear. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Create Shapeshifting Morphing: Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth a shapeshifting morphing. Now! Creates a shapeshifting morphing for your pleasure. They do anything you want for one hour times your level then they disappear. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Create Vampire: Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth a vampire. Now! Creates a sex/race of your choice bloodro for your pleasure. They do anything you want for one hour times your level then they disappear. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Create Skeleton/Zombie: Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, summon forth a skeleton/zombie. Now! Creates a sex/race of your choice skeleton/zombie for your pleasure. They do anything you want for one hour times your level then they disappear. Ki cost of 3.

Level 1 Sleep Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, bring to foes a peaceful sleep. Now! Causes sleep to a enemy on a roll of 3-6 on a d6. Ki cost 1.

Level 3 Stiff Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, paralyze my foes. Now! Causes paralyze to a enemy on a roll of 5-6 on a d6. Ki cost of 3.

Level 5 Diamond Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, turn my foes into diamond. Now! Turn a enemy to diamond on a roll of 6 on a d6. Ki cost of 5.

Level 7 Zombie Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, turn my foes into zombies. Now! Turns a enemy into a zombie on a roll of 6 on a d6. Ki cost of 7.

Level 9 Energy Undead Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, turn my foes into energy undead. Now! Turns a enemy into a energy undead on a roll of 6 on a d6. Ki cost of 9.

Level 3 Confuse Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, confuse my foes. Now! Causes confusion to a enemy on a roll of 6 on a d6. Ki cost of 3.

Level 5 Bio Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, poison my foes. Now! Causes poison to a enemy for a poison of 10 damage each round+ your level. Ki cost of 5.

Level 7 Seal Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, seal my foes ki. Now! Causes ki to can not be used to a enemy on all roll of 6 on a d6. Ki cost of 7.

Level 7 Blindness Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, blind my foes. Now! Causes blindness to a enemy on a roll of 6 on a d6 and if hit on a 6 roll a d6 and 1-3 miss attack or spell for the person hit with the spell. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Slow Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, slow my foes. Now! Slow down the enemy to half its speed on a roll of 6 on a d6. Ki cost of 5.

Level 7 Stop Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, stop my foes. Now! Stops the enemy from moving for three rounds on a roll of 6 on a d6. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Antidote Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends from poison. Now! Cure poison. Ki cost of 5.

Level 3 True Mind Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends from confusion. Now! Cure confuse. Ki cost of 3.

Level 1 Wake up Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends from sleep. Now! Cure sleep. Ki cost of 1.

Level 3 Unstiff Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends from paralyze. Now! Cure paralyze. Ki cost of 3.

Level 5 Undiamond Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends from diamond. Now! Cure diamond. Ki cost of 5.

Level 7 Restore Status Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends from there status effects. Now! Removes a status effect. Ki cost of 7.

Level 9 Remove Curse Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends from there curses. Now! Removes a curse effect. Ki cost of 9.

Level 11 Remove Metal Illness Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends from metal illnesses. Now! Removes a mental illness like demonic whispers or paranoia. Ki cost of 11.

Level 5 God Heal Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends of there damage, heal them, restore them, help them and, power them up. Now! AP used heal+40 healed. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Earth Heal Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends of there damage, heal them, restore them, help them, power them up and, give them the healing power of the earth. Now! AP used heal+50 healed. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Power Heal Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) AP used heal+60 healed. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Heal Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends of there damage. Now! AP used heal+6 healed. Ki cost 1.

Level 2 Mega Heal Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends of there damage and heal them. Now! AP used heal+8 healed. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Ultra Heal Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends of there damage, heal them and, restore them. Now! AP used heal+10 healed. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Ultima Heal Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends of there damage, heal them, restore them and, help them. Now! AP used heal+30 healed. Ki cost of 4.

Level 8 God's Life Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends of there damage, heal them, restore them, help them, power them up and, revive them. Now! Revive with half of life. Ki cost of 7.

Level 16 Ultima God's Life Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends of there damage, heal them, restore them, help them, power them up, revive them, and restore them to total health. Now! Revive with full life. Ki cost of 14.

Level 7 God's Limb Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, cure my friends of there damage, heal them, restore them, help them, power them up and, regenerate them. Now! Brings back a missing limb. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Animate Objects Effect: Verbal. (Have to be light, good, or neutral) Chant: Oh ki of creation, animate objects. Now! You can give undead life to objects but not skeletons or zombies. Ki cost of 5.

Level 1 Wind Weapon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, give me wind power to my weapons. Now! Gives wind powers to a weapon. +3 wind damage plus +3 damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Shock Weapon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, give me shock power to my weapons. Now! Gives shock powers to a weapon. +3 shock damage plus +3 damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Fire Weapon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, give me fire power to my weapons. Now! Gives fire powers to a weapon. +3 fire damage plus +3 damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Earth Weapon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, give me earth power to my weapons. Now! Gives Earth powers to a Earth weapon. +3 Earth or ground damage plus +3 damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Water Weapon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, give me water power to my weapons. Now! Gives water powers to a weapon. +3 water damage plus +3 damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Dark Weapon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, give me dark power to my weapons. Now! Gives dark powers to a weapon. +3 dark damage plus +3 damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Light Weapon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, give me light power to my weapons. Now! Gives light powers to a weapon. +3 light damage plus +3 damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Dark Enchant Weapon Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, enchant my weapon with dark forces. Now! Attack +6 damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Dark Enchant Armor Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, enchant my armor with dark forces. Now! Defense +6 damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Dark Enchant Weapon Break Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, break or power down my opponents weapon with dark forces. Now! Damage -6 to creature. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Dark Enchant Armor Break Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, break or power down my opponents armor with dark forces. Now! Defense -6 to creature. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Dark Enchant Rage Up Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, increase my rage. Now! Your anger goes up by a three points. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Dark Enchant Valor Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, increase my courage. Now! Your courage goes up by three points. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Dark Enchant Nice Power Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, decrease others rage. Now! Anger down by three points on a other. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Dark Enchant Chicken Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, decrease others courage. Now! Courage down by three points on a other. Ki cost of 1.

Level 14 Dark Enchant Berserker Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, drive me/you into a berserk rage. Now! Causes berserker or you or someone else to fly into a rage to kill everything when hurt and gain supernatural strength and toughness during this time. It then triggers when ever the person gets angry. Strength and defense +19. Ki cost of 14.

Level 2 Aquaflame Effect: Verbal. Chant: Oh ki of creation, become the fires of destruction and splash my foes. Now! You shoot out balls of fiery water at a quarter of the enemies. Damage of +8. Ki cost 2.

Super Powers:

Level 1 Elemental Beam. You shoot out a beam of pure elemental which can be lightning, fire, water, ice, ground, acid, air, light and, darkness. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Elemental Beam 2. You shoot out a beam of pure element. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Elemental Beam 3. You shoot out a beam of a pure element. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Elemental Beam 4. You shoot out a beam of a pure element. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Elemental Beam 5. You shoot out a beam of pure element. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Elemental Beam 6. You shoot out a beam of a pure element. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Elemental Beam 7. You shoot out a beam of a pure element. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 8 Elemental Beam 8. You shoot out a beam of a pure element. Damage of +13. Ki cost of 8.

Level 9 Elemental Beam 9. You shoot out a beam of a pure element. Damage of +14. Ki cost of 9.

Level 10 Elemental Beam 10. You shoot out a beam of a pure element. Damage of +15. Ki cost of 10.

Level 50 Elemental Beam 50. You shoot a beam of a pure element. Damage of +55. Ki cost of 50.

Level 1 Energy Beam. You shoot out a beam of pure energy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Energy Beam 2. You shoot out a beam of pure energy. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Energy Beam 3. You shoot out a beam of pure energy. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Energy Beam 4. You shoot out a beam of pure energy. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Energy Beam 5. You shoot out a beam of pure energy. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Energy Beam 6. You shoot out a beam of pure energy. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Energy Beam 7. You shoot out a beam of pure energy. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 8 Energy Beam 8. You shoot out a beam of pure energy. Damage of +13. Ki cost of 8.

Level 9 Energy Beam 9. You shoot out a beam of pure energy. Damage of +14. Ki cost of 9.

Level 10 Energy Beam 10. You shoot out a beam of pure energy. Damage of +15. Ki cost of 10.

Level 50 Energy Beam 50. You shoot a beam of pure energy. Damage of +55. Ki cost of 50.

Level 1 Absorb Element. You absorb the first 6 points of one type of elemental damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Absorb Element 2: You absorb the first 7 points of one type of elemental damage. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Absorb Element 3: You absorb the first 8 points of your chosen element. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Absorb Element 4: You absorb the first 9 points of your chosen element. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Absorb Element 5: You absorb the first 10 points of your chosen element. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Absorb Element 6: You absorb the first 11 points of your chosen element. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Absorb Element 7: You absorb the first 12 points of your chosen element. Ki cost of 7.

Level 8 Absorb Element 8: You absorb the first 13 points of your chosen element. Ki cost of 8.

Level 9 Absorb Element 9: You absorb the first 14 points of your chosen element. Ki cost of 9.

Level 10 Absorb Element 10: You absorb the first 15 points of your chosen element. Ki cost of 10.

Level 50 Absorb Element 50: You absorb 55 damage worth of your chosen element. Ki cost of 50.

Level 1 Absorb Energy. You absorb the first 6 points of pure energy. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Absorb Energy 2: You absorb the first 7 points of pure energy. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Absorb Energy 3: You absorb the first 8 points of pure energy. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Absorb Energy 4: You absorb the first 9 points of pure energy. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Absorb Energy 5: You absorb the first 10 points of pure energy. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Absorb Energy 6: You absorb the first 11 points of pure energy. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Absorb Energy 7: You absorb the first 12 points of pure energy. Ki cost of 7.

Level 8 Absorb Energy 8: You absorb the first 13 points of pure energy. Ki cost of 8.

Level 9 Absorb Energy 9: You absorb the first 14 points of pure energy. Ki cost of 9.

Level 10 Absorb Energy 10: You absorb the first 15 points of pure energy. Ki cost of 10.

Level 50 Absorb Energy 50: You absorb 55 damage worth of pure energy. Ki cost of 50.

Level 7 Aquatic Adaptation: You take in oxygen from water form your skin. You can still breath air. Your hands and feet become webbed with a green color. You swim at the speed of your flying speed. You become immune to the pressures of the ocean. You become immune while underwater to cold temperatures that are above freezing point. Ki cost of 7 each day for the use of it.

Level 1 Trance: You gain a +1 bonus in all stats. Ki cost of 1.

Level 6 Alter Being: You can change a being or yourself into what ever you like. You or they can also keep the categories that you or they have. Ki cost of 6.

Level 1 Brawn: Add +6 to your damage. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Drain 1: Drain 6 in points from a stat. Increase the same stat you drained from for your same stat but the increase only stays for the day as does the stat damage. Ki cost 1.

Level 1 Heal: Heal 6 points of Life-Force or 6 points of stat damage. Ki cost 1.

Level 1 Hyper Speed: You double your flying speed which in turn doubles your land speed. Ki cost 1.

Level 7 Life Support: You don’t need to eat or sleep or drink or breath anymore as you get this from your environment. Pressure of underwater and space do not effect you. Radiation does not effect you. Temperatures do not effect you. Poisons do not effect you. Diseases do not effect you. You stop aging and become immortal. Ki cost of 7 each day for the use of it.

Psychic Powers:

Level 1 Create Creates any number of normal materials that stays for any amount of time but you must have the craft ability in question to do it and make a check on the complexly of the work. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Create Flesh Creates dead creatures that stays for any amount of time from a creature you have seen or can think of totally in your head. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Infuse With Life Infuses a dead creature with life and gives them a way to reproduce by dividing or turning another creature into one of them. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Create Sound Create any kind of sound for any amount of time. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Set Sound Set a sound to occur when someone comes to a certain place. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Create Smell Create any kind of smell for any amount of time. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Set Smell Set a smell to occur when someone comes to a certain place. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Repair Makes repairs on any object that stays for any amount of time. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Make Hole: You make a ten feet wide hole going down all the way to the bottom of a place. Ki cost of 4.

Level 14 Psychic Control: You control the mind of another on a roll of 6-your intelligence + your opponents intelligence on one d6. Ki cost of 14.

Level 1 Fire: Shoots out a fireball at a enemy. Damage is +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Flames: Quarter of enemies torso bursts into flames then it dies down. Damage is +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Fire Pillars: Half of underneath enemies burst with a fire pillar. Damage is +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Final Blast: A giant dragon head of fire comes out and rushes all enemies. Damage is +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Flare: A giant boomerang of fire that flames all enemies. Damage is +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Final Inferno: A giant wall of flames comes and rushes through all the enemies in a cone. Damage is +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Mega Flare: A colossal boomerang of fire that flames all enemies. Damage is +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 7 Trance: You gain a +12 bonus in all stats. Ki cost of 1.

Level 1 Steadfast Gaze. Gaze attacks don’t work on you. Ki cost of 1 each day for its use.

Level 5 Telepathy: Read deepest thoughts and give your thoughts to others. Ki cost of 5.

Level 1 Telekinesis: Lift your intelligenceX1,000 in pounds. Damage is pounds used. Ki cost of 1.

Ki Disciplines:

How to make your own ki discipline and moves. Just give them a name and description. The modifiers can be: Ball: The ki blast is a tiny ki ball. Blast: The ki blast is a small ki blast. Bomb: The ki blast is a large ki ball. Wave: The ki blast is a small ki wave. Ring: The ki blast is a small ki ring. Arrow: The ki blast is a small ki arrow. Object: The ki blast is a small ki object. Armor Piercing: Pierces any armor. Energy: The ki blast is ki energy. Flaming: The ki blast is flaming. Cold: The ki blast is cold. Thunder: The ki blast is electricity. Water: The ki blast is water. Acid: The ki blast is acid. Plant: The ki blast is plant. Ground: The ki blast is dirt. Rock: The ki blast is rock. Light: The ki blast is light. Shadow: The ki blast is shadow. Dark: The ki blast is darkness. Flying: The ki blast flies at its target. Ground Moving: The ki blast moves along the ground at its target. Exploding: The ki blast explodes on contact hitting all enemies. All Around: The ki blast goes out in a sphere around you to the enemy. Cylinder: The ki blast goes out in a cylinder around you to the enemy. Other Body Part: The ki blast shoots out from other then your hands. Flash Strike: The strike moves at ten times your flying speed. Lunging/Flying Strike: The strike is performed while you lunge or fly at your enemy. Continuing Blast: The blast continues as long as you shoot it. Catch Blast: The blast catches and sends the enemy flying back. Cone Blast: The blast is a cone coming from the point of origin and extending outward from there. Column: The blast is a going up or up-forward column. Grab: You grab your opponent to do the move. Multiple Same Strikes: You strike the same move multiple times each doing a certain amount of damage. Multiple Strikes: You strike multiple times each doing a certain amount of different or same damage. Multiple Same Blasts: You shoot the same blast multiple times each doing a certain amount of damage. Multiple Blasts: You shoot multiple blasts each doing a certain amount of different or same damage. Boost: This boosts the character’s stats. Push: The blast pushes them back. Pass: The ki blast passes through the enemy. Big: It is one size category bigger and each big increases the size category by one. Preparation time: This ki blast or strike does damage times each round it is prepared. All ki discipline moves can be charged up by taking a number of rounds or a round to increase the power by each round charged. Being hit does not knock you out of the charge.

Ra Su discipline:

Level 1 Energy Ball: Throw a blue energy ball from your hand. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Ball. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Energy Blast: Shoot a blue energy blast from your hand. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Energy Bomb: Throw a blue energy bomb from both your hands raised up and throw down that explodes on contact. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Bomb. Explosion. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Shin Blast: Shoot a blue energy blast from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the energy blast. It blows up like a nuclear bomb when it hits but doesn‘t hurt you or your allies. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Explosion. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Shin Den Energy Ball: Shoot a red energy ball from your facing each other palms by making it and then thrusting your palms forward and shooting the red energy ball. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding inside the ball. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Ball. Catch. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Shoryuuha: Shoot a large blue energy blast from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the blue energy blast. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Catch. Continues. Big. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Ryuu Shoryuuha: Shoot a large white energy blast from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the white energy blast. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Catch. Continues. Big. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 8 Shin Bomb: Throw a white huge energy bomb from both yours hands raised up and throw down that explodes on contact. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Bomb. Big. Big. Explosion. Damage of +13. Ki cost of 8.

Level 9 Dan-Ha: Shoot a large metal gray energy blast from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the blue energy blast. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Catch. Continues. Big. Damage of +14. Ki cost of 9.

Level 10 Chou Shoryuuha: Shoot a huge white energy blast from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the white energy blast. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Catch. Continues. Big. Big. Damage of +15. Ki cost of 10.

Level 50 Den Shoryuuha: Shoot a colossal, with white electricity going around it, white energy blast from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the white energy blast. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Catch. Continues. Big. Big. Big. Damage of +55. Ki cost of 50.

Ken Ku discipline:

Level 1 Diamond Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Ki in punch form. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Diamond Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Ki in kick form. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Ultra Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Ki energy in punch form. Modifiers: Energy. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Ultra Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Ki energy in kick form. Modifiers: Energy. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Denji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Denji Ki electricity in punch form. Modifiers: Thunder. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Denji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Denji Ki electricity in kick form. Modifiers: Thunder. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Denji Form. Go Denji which means electricity wraps your body and then hit a enemy. Modifiers: Boost. Thunder. Damage of +12 each blow. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Fireji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Fireji Ki fire in punch form. Modifiers: Fire. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Fireji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Fireji Ki fire in kick form. Modifiers: Fire. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Fireji Form. Go Fireji which means fire wraps your body and then hit a enemy. Modifiers: Boost. Fire. Damage of +12 each blow. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Iceji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Iceji Ki ice in punch form. Modifiers: Ice. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Iceji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Iceji Ki ice in kick form. Modifiers: Ice. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Iceji Form. Go Iceji which means ice wraps your body and then hit a enemy. Modifiers: Boost. Ice. Damage of +12 each blow. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Acji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Acji Ki acid in punch form. Modifiers: Acid. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Acji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Acji Ki acid in kick form. Modifiers: Acid. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Acji Form. Go Acji which means acid wraps your body and then hit a enemy. Modifiers: Boost. Acid. Damage of +12 each blow. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Grouji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Grouji Ki ground in punch form. Modifiers: Ground. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Grouji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Gouji Ki ground in kick form. Modifiers: Ground. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Grouji Form. Go Grouji which means ground wraps your body and then hit a enemy. Modifiers: Boost. Ground. Damage of +12 each blow. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Windji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Windji Ki wind in punch form. Modifiers: Wind. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Windji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Windji Ki wind in kick form. Modifiers: Wind. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Windji Form. Go Windji which means wind wraps your body and then hit a enemy. Modifiers: Boost. Wind. Damage of +12 each blow. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Waji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Waji Ki water in punch form. Modifiers: Water. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Waji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Waji Ki water in kick form. Modifiers: Water. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Waji Form. Go Waji which means water wraps your body and then hit a enemy. Modifiers: Boost. Water. Damage of +12 each blow. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Liji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Liji Ki light in punch form. Modifiers: Light. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Liji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Liji Ki light in kick form. Modifiers: Light. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Liji Form. Go Liji which means light wraps your body and then hit a enemy. Modifiers: Boost. Light. Damage of +12 each blow. Ki cost of 7.

Level 5 Darji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Darji Ki dark in punch form. Modifiers: Dark. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Darji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Darji Ki dark in kick form. Modifiers: Dark. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Darji Form. Go Darji which means dark wraps your body and then hit a enemy. Modifiers: Boost. Dark. Damage of +12 each blow. Ki cost of 7.

Yaku discipline:

Level 1 Raku Ball: Throw a red energy ball from your hand. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Ball. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Baku Blast: Shoot a green energy blast from your hand. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Faku Bomb: Throw a yellow energy bomb from both your hands raised up and then throw down and it explodes on contact. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Bomb. Explosion. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Kaku Wave: Shoot a purple energy air wave from cupped hands by pulling your arms back on both sides and sending them forward and when they hit they shoot the purple energy air wave. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Wave. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Chou Baku Blast: Shoot a large green energy blast from your hand. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Big. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Chou Faku Bomb: Throw a large yellow energy bomb from both your hands raised up and then throw down and it explodes on contact. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Bomb. Explosion. Big. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6. Level 7 Chou Kaku Wave: Shoot a large purple energy air wave from cupped hands by pulling your arms back on both sides and sending them forward and when they hit they shoot the purple energy air wave. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Wave. Big. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 8 Saku Cannon: Shoot a multicolor large rainbow giant energy blast from your open palm. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Big. Damage of +13. Ki cost of 8.

Level 9 Chou Saku Cannon: Shoot a multicolor large rainbow giant energy blast from your open palm. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Blast. Big. Damage of +14. Ki cost of 9.

Level 10 Cone of Isolation: Shoot a huge orange cone from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the orange cone. It catches enemies and sends them backwards riding the blast. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Cone. Catch. Continues. Big. Big. Damage of +15. Ki cost of 10.

Level 50 Wave of Annihilation: Shoot a colossal black energy air wave from cupped hands by pulling your arms back on both sides and sending them forward and when they hit they shoot the black energy air wave. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Wave. Big. Big. Big. Damage of +55. Ki cost of 50.

Ten Ken discipline:

Level 1 Burst Knuckle: You fly at the enemy and deliver a blue energized punch to them. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Energy Wave: You hit the ground and a red energy wave moves along the ground at the enemy and it even flies up and strikes if they go into the air. Modifiers: Energy. Wave. Ground Moving. Flying. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Burst Kick: You do a blue energized roundhouse kick and smash your opponent with it. Modifiers: Energy. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Energy Geyser: You send your hand to the ground and blow up a colossal long and angled diagonally with a width of you red energy geyser. Modifiers: Energy. Column. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Burst Head Butt: You head butt your opponent with your blue energized head. Modifiers: Energy. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Burst Dash: You rush at the enemy with blue energy all around you and hit them. Modifiers: Lunging/Flying. Energy. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Final Energy Geyser: You send your hand to the ground and blow up a colossal long and angled diagonally with a width of you white energy geyser. Modifiers: Energy. Column. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Dan Ken discipline:

Level 1 Thunder of the Unseen Ridge: A rushing elbow to the gut or head. Modifiers: Lunging/Flying. Flash Strike. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Blue Death Stomp: You stomp and a blue wave of energy flies forward from out your foot and strikes a foe and it even flies up and strikes if they go into the air. Modifiers: Energy. Ground Moving. Wave. Flying. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Celestial Attack Human Cyclone: You turn into a humanoid cyclone and punch your enemy a number of times equal to the damage. Modifiers: Flash Strike. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Decrepit Tooth of the Generous King: A single thrust of your hand palm down at the enemy. Modifiers: Flash Strike. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Fallen Grondo Tackle of the Finger: You thrust your finger at your opponent’s throat. Modifiers: Flash Strike. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Fist of the Twisted Driven Priestess: You throw a reverse punch at your enemy. Modifiers: Flash Strike. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Hand of the Ten Thousand Drunken Monsters: You hit with your palm a enemy. Modifiers: Flash Strike. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Fu Ro discipline:

Level 1 Toss of the Superior Being Immortal: You shoot a purple ball and when it hit’s a enemy it pushes them into the air then pushes them flying into the ground. Modifiers: Energy. Ball. Catch. Flying. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Throw of Superior Ring: You shoot out a orange ring at the enemy and when it hits it hurts them. Modifiers: Energy. Ring. Flying. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Torture of the Tin Janster: You shoot a gray bomb and when it hits it blows up in a twenty to twenty radius. Modifiers: Flying. Energy. Bomb. Explosion. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Blast of the Ten Thousand Warriors: You shoot a blue blast that is ten feet tall and wide and catches enemies on it and send them back straight with the blast. Modifiers: Energy. Flying. Blast. Catch. Big. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Fighter’s Attack of the Unseen Darkness: You shoot a black ball of energy that shocks with black electricity each enemy it passes through and it flies after all enemies. Modifiers: Energy. Flying. Ball. Pass. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Fifteen Courageous Women’s Blast of Queen Rubies: You shoot a ruby red blast that goes and hits every single enemy on the field. Modifiers: Energy. Flying. Blast. Pass. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Stream Smash of the Thirteen Gods: You throw a green energy bomb that when hits sends out a sphere blast that hits all enemies and just them. Modifiers: Energy. Flying. Bomb. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Power Up ability:

Level 1 Power Up: You glow red for one second with power. +1 improved to all your stats. Modifiers: Boost. Ki cost of 1.

Demon discipline:

Level 1 Demon Punch: You punch a red energized straight punch at your opponent. Modifiers: Flash Strike. Energy. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 2 Demon Swipe: You swing a red energized hook punch at your opponent. Modifiers: Flash Strike. Energy. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Demon Blast: You shoot a red beam at your opponent from your palm. Modifiers: Energy. Blast. Flying. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Demon Wave: You swing your arm upward and it shoots out a red energized with red electricity wave at your opponent and it even flies off the ground to catch them if they go to the air. Modifiers: Energy. Wave. Flying. Ground Moving. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Demon Beam: You shoot a red energized with red electricity beam from your cupped palms by pulling back your cupped palms and then thrusting them forward and shooting the demon beam. Modifiers: Energy. Blast. Flying. Thunder. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Demon Bomb: You throw with both hands a red large ball of red electricity energy and hit’s a target and bows up in a fifty length, width and, height dome. Modifiers: Energy. Blast. Flying. Thunder. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Demon Strike: You strike with a red lightning palm attack. Modifiers: Flash Strike. Energy. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Elemental discipline:

Level 1 Fire Swirl: A fire swirls at the enemy. Modifiers: Fire. Flying. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 7 Fire Force: You burst forth with a flame around you. +12 improved to all your stats. Modifiers: Fire. Boost. Ki cost of 7.

Level 2 Fire Dust: You send sparks of flame at the enemy. Modifiers: Fire. Flying. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Comet: You shoot a medium size comet at the enemy. Modifiers: Fire. Flying. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 3 Burning Ball: You shoot a blue burning ball at a enemy. Modifiers: Fire. Flying. Ball.

Level 4 Inferno: You burn the enemies with a inferno. Modifiers: Fire. Flying. Blast. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Burning Inferno: You shoot a burning blue inferno at the enemies. Modifiers: Fire. Flying. Blast. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Fire Bomb: You throw a fire bomb at the enemies and it blows up and hits them all. Modifiers: Fire. Flying. Bomb. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Hell Flames: You send a wave of fire from Hell. Modifiers: Fire. Flying. Wave. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Wind Swirl: A wind swirls and hit’s the enemy. Modifiers: Wind. Flying. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 7 Wind Force: You burst forth with wind swirling around you. +12 improved to all your stats. Modifiers: Wind. Boost. Ki cost of 7.

Level 2 Tornado: You send a medium tornado after a enemy. Modifiers: Wind. Flying. Column. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Wind Ball: You shoot a ball of wind at a enemy. Modifiers: Wind. Flying. Ball. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Hurricane: You unleash a hurricane on the enemies. Modifiers: Wind. Flying. All Around. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Wind Bomb: You throw a bomb of wind at the enemies and it blows up and hits them all. Modifiers: Wind. Flying. Bomb. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Winda’s Fist of Tornado: You punch a enemy and a forward tornado sends them flying back spinning. Modifiers: Wind. Flying. Blast. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Higher Storm: You throws your hands to the ground and unleash a colossal wave of wind from all sides of you blowing back all enemies. Modifiers: Wind. Flying. Cylinder. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Ice Swirl: A ice swirls at the enemy. Modifiers: Cold. Flying. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 7 Ice Force: You burst forth with a blue cold ice swirling around you. +12 improved to all your stats. Modifiers: Cold. Boost. Ki cost of 7.

Level 2 Freeze Wave: You shoot a blue beam of freezing ice energy at a enemy. Modifiers: Cold. Flying. Blast. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Ice Ball: You shoot a ball of ice at a enemy. Modifiers: Cold. Flying. Ball. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Ice Bomb: You throw a bomb of ice at the enemies and it blows up and strikes them all. Modifiers: Cold. Flying. Bomb. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Arctic Flare: You shoot a giant cold boomerang and it hits all enemies. Modifiers: Cold. Flying. Object. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Artic Blast: You shoot a blast of freezing air. Modifiers: Cold. Flying. Blast. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Diamond Dust: You throw three circle ice blades that strike all the enemies. Modifiers: Cold. Flying. Ring. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Shock Swirl: A shock swirls at the enemy. Modifiers: Thunder. Flying. Damage of +6. Ki cost of .

Level 7 Shock Force: You burst forth with shock swirling around you. +12 improved to all your stats. Modifiers: Thunder. Boost. Ki cost of 7.

Level 2 Spark Shot: You shoot a spark at a enemy. Modifiers: Thunder. Flying. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Dampening Field: You send a field of shock around you in fifty feet striking all enemies in the way. Modifiers: Thunder. Flying. Cylinder. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Thunder Ball: You throw a thunder ball that strikes a enemy. Modifiers: Thunder. Flying. Ball. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Thunder Bomb: You throw a thunder bomb at the enemies and it blows up and hits them all. Modifiers: Thunder. Flying. Bomb. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Thunder Slam: You shoot thunder bolts form your palm at all enemies. Modifiers: Thunder. Flying. Blast. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Force of Thunder: You call upon thunder to strike all the enemies even indoors. Modifiers: Thunder. Flying. Column. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Water Swirl: A water swirls at the enemy. Modifiers: Water. Flying. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 7 Water Force: You burst forth with water swirling around you. +12 improved to all your stats. Modifiers: Water. Boost. Ki cost of 7.

Level 2 Tidal Wave: You send a medium tidal wave at a enemy. Modifiers: Water. Flying. Wave. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Water Ball: You shoot a water ball at a enemy. Modifiers: Water. Flying. Ball. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Water Bomb: You throw a water bomb at the enemies and it blows up and hits them all. Modifiers: Water. Flying. Bomb. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Water Blast: You shoot a blast of water at all your enemies. Modifiers: Water. Flying. Blast. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Waterfall Reverse: You make a column of water gust upward from beneath each enemy. Modifiers: Water. Flying. Column. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Drowning Wave: You send a colossal wave to hurt and drowned all your enemies. 1-5 damaged. 6 drowned or killed. Modifiers: Water. Flying. Wave. Big. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Level 1 Ground Swirl: A ground swirls at the enemy. Modifiers: Ground. Flying. Damage of +6. Ki cost of 1.

Level 7 Ground Force: You burst forth with ground swirling around you. +12 improved to all your stats. Modifiers: Ground. Boost. Ki cost of 7.

Level 2 Earthquake: You shake the ground and knock the enemy off there feet. Modifiers: Ground. Damage of +7. Ki cost of 2.

Level 3 Earth Ball: You shoot a ball of dirt at a enemy. Modifiers: Ground. Flying. Ball. Damage of +8. Ki cost of 3.

Level 4 Earth Bomb: You throw a Earth bomb at the enemies and it blows up and hits them all. Modifiers: Ground. Flying. Bomb. Damage of +9. Ki cost of 4.

Level 5 Acid Blast: You shoot a blast of acid at all your enemies. Modifiers: Acid. Flying. Blast. Damage of +10. Ki cost of 5.

Level 6 Thorn Bush: You make a thorn bush sprout up from under the enemies and the thorns strike them. Modifiers: Plant. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 7 Earth Eater: The ground sprouts up around all enemies and engulfs them. Modifiers: Ground. Damage of +12. Ki cost of 7.

Elemental Combines category:

Level 6 Sqrock’s Storm: You send out a colossal fire storm at all enemies. Modifiers: Fire. Wind. All Around. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Aquaflame: You send balls of fiery water at your enemies. Modifiers: Fire. Water. Ball. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Meteor: You send a rock from the sky at enemies in a 25 feet to 25 feet area. Modifiers: Ground. Flying. Wind. Ball. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Flamock: You send fiery rocks at your enemies. Modifiers: Ground. Flying. Fire. Ball. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Fice: You send flaming icicles at the enemies. Modifiers: Fire. Cold. Object. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Blizzard: You send a wind storm with ice balls in it at the enemies. Modifiers: Cold. Wind. Ball. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Waternado: You send a tornado of water at the enemies. Modifiers: Wind. Water. Column. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Shock Wind: You a send a wind with electricity in it at the enemies. Modifiers: Thunder. Wind. All Around. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Electric Fire: You send electrified fire balls at the enemies. Modifiers: Fire. Thunder. Ball. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Frozen Tomb: You enclose a enemy in the ground then freeze it. Modifiers: Ground. Cold. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Ice Water: You send out icy water at the enemies. Modifiers: Cold. Water. All Around. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Shock Picks: You send out icicles that are electrified at the enemies. Modifiers: Thunder. Cold. Object. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Ground Shock: You send a ground wave with shock in it at the enemies. Modifiers: Ground. Wave. Thunder. Wave. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Blue Shock: You send a watered shock at the enemies. Modifiers: Thunder. Water. All Around. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

Level 6 Water Eruption: You burst water from the ground underneath enemies. Modifiers: Ground. Water. Column. Damage of +11. Ki cost of 6.

  • Psychic Powers:
  • Psychic Flames powers:

    Fire: Shoots out a fireball at a enemy.

    Flames: Quarter of enemies torso bursts into flames then it dies down.

    Fire Pillars: Half of underneath enemies burst with a fire pillar.

    Final Blast: A giant dragon head of fire comes out and rushes all enemies.

    Flare: A giant boomerang of fire that flames all enemies.

    Final Inferno: A giant wall of flames comes and rushes through all the enemies in a cone.

    Mega Flare: A colossal boomerang of fire that flames all enemies.

  • Body Change powers:

    Steadfast Gaze. Gaze attacks don’t work on you.

    Boost Speed. Gain a added AP times 1,000 feet used for flying distance.

    Boost Mind. Gain a added AP used intelligence points for a day.

    Constitution. Gain a added AP used constitution points for a day.

    Spirit. Gain a added AP used spirit points for a day.

    Body. Gain a added AP used body points for a day. Damage. Gain a added AP used power points for a day.

    Health. Gain a added AP used points to health for a day.

  • Telepathy powers:

    Telepathy: Read deepest thoughts and give your thoughts to others.

    Telekinesis powers:

    Telekinesis: Lift your intelligence+10 in pounds. Damage is pounds used.

  • Ki Disciplines:
  • Ra Su discipline: Energy Ball: Throw a blue energy ball from your hand.

    Energy Blast: Shoot a blue energy blast from your hand.

    Energy Bomb: Throw a blue energy bomb from both your hands.

    Nova Blast: Shoot a blue energy blast from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the energy blast. It blows up like a nuclear bomb when it hits but doesn‘t hurt you or your allies.

    Ra-Ka Energy Ball: Shoot a red energy ball from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the red energy ball. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding inside the ball.

    Fa-Ka-Ra-Ma-Ka-Ya-Kra: Shoot a blue energy blast from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the blue energy blast. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast.

    Final Fa-Ka-Ra-Ma-Ka-Ya-Kra: Shoot a blue energy blast from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the blue energy blast. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast. Slam Dancing discipline:

    Diamond Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Ki in punch form.

    Diamond Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Ki in kick form.

    Ultra Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Ki energy in punch form.

    Ultra Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Ki energy in kick form.

    Denji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Denji Ki electricity in punch form.

    Denji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Denji Ki electricity in kick form.

    Denji Form. Go Denji which means electricity wraps your body and then hit a enemy. +how much you put into it to your attacks.

    Fireji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Fireji Ki fire in punch form.

    Fireji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Fireji Ki fire in kick form.

    Fireji Form. Go Fireji which means fire wraps your body and then hit a enemy. +how much you put into it to your attacks.

    Iceji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Iceji Ki ice in punch form.

    Iceji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Iceji Ki ice in kick form.

    Iceji Form. Go Iceji which means ice wraps your body and then hit a enemy. +how much you put into it to your attacks.

    Acji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Acji Ki acid in punch form.

    Acji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Acji Ki acid in kick form.

    Acji Form. Go Acji which means acid wraps your body and then hit a enemy. +how much you put into it to your attacks.

    Grouji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Grouji Ki ground in punch form.

    Grouji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Gouji Ki ground in kick form.

    Grouji Form. Go Grouji which means ground wraps your body and then hit a enemy. +how much you put into it to your attacks.

    Windji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Windji Ki wind in punch form.

    Windji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Windji Ki wind in kick form.

    Windji Form. Go Windji which means wind wraps your body and then hit a enemy. +how much you put into it to your attacks.

    Waji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Waji Ki water in punch form.

    Waji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Waji Ki water in kick form.

    Waji Form. Go Waji which means water wraps your body and then hit a enemy. +how much you put into it to your attacks.

    Liji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Liji Ki light in punch form.

    Liji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Liji Ki light in kick form.

    Liji Form. Go Liji which means light wraps your body and then hit a enemy. +how much you put into it to your attacks.

    Darji Fist: Strike a enemy with the power of Darji Ki dark in punch form.

    Darji Kick: Strike a enemy with the power of Darji Ki dark in kick form.

    Darji Form. Go Darji which means dark wraps your body and then hit a enemy. +how much you put into it to your attacks.

  • Yaku discipline:

    Raku Ball: Throw a red energy ball from your hand.

    Baku Blast: Shoot a green energy blast from your hand.

    Faku Bomb: Throw a yellow energy bomb from both your hands.

    Kaku Wave: Shoot a purple energy air wave from cupped hands by pulling your arms back on both sides and sending then forward and when they hit they shoot the purple energy air wave.

    Saku Cannon: Shoot a multicolor rainbow large energy blast from your open palm. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast.

    Final Saku Cannon: Shoot a multicolor rainbow giant energy blast from your open palm. It catches enemies in it and sends them backwards riding the blast.

    Cone of Isolation: Shoot a orange cone from your cupped palms by pulling back your reverse cupped palms and then thrusting them forward with the palms meeting and shooting the orange cone. It catches enemies and sends them backwards riding the blast.

  • Burst Geyser discipline:

    Burst Knuckle: You fly at the enemy and deliver a blue energized punch to them.

    Energy Wave: You hit the ground and a red energy wave moves along the ground at the enemy and it even flies up and strikes if they go into the air.

    Burst Kick: You do a blue energized roundhouse kick and smash your opponent with it.

    Energy Geyser: You send your hand to the ground and blow up a colossal long and angled diagonally with a width of you red energy geyser.

    Burst Head Butt: You head butt your opponent with your blue energized head.

    Burst Dash: You rush at the enemy with blue energy all around you and hit them.

    Final Energy Geyser: You send your hand to the ground and blow up a colossal long and angled diagonally with a width of you white energy geyser.

  • Body discipline:

    Thunder of the Unseen Ridge: A rushing elbow to the gut or head.

    Blue Death Stomp: You stomp and a blue wave of energy flies forward from out your foot and strikes a foe and it even flies up and strikes if they go into the air.

    Celestial Three Human Cyclone: You turn into a grondooid cyclone and punch your enemy three times.

    Decrepit Tooth of the Generous King: A single thrust of your hand palm down at the enemy.

    Fallen Grondo Tackle of the Finger: You thrust your finger at your opponent’s throat.

    Fist of the Twisted Driven Priestess: You throw a reverse punch at your enemy.

    Hand of the Ten Thousand Drunken Monsters: You hit with your palm a enemy.

  • Fu Ro discipline:

    Toss of the Superior Being Immortal: You shoot a purple ball and when it hit’s a enemy it pushes them into the air then pushes them flying into the ground.

    Throw of Superior Ring: You shoot out a orange ring at the enemy and when it hits it hurts them.

    Torture of the Tin Janster: You shoot a gray bomb and when it hits it blows up in a twenty to twenty radius.

    Blast of the Ten Thousand Warriors: You shoot a blue blast that is ten feet tall and wide and catches enemies on it and send them back straight with the blast.

    Fighter’s Attack of the Unseen Darkness: You shoot a black ball of energy that shocks with black electricity each enemy it passes through and it flies after all enemies.

    Fifteen Courageous Women’s Blast of Queen Rubies: You shoot a ruby red blast that goes and hits every single enemy on the field.

    Stream Smash of the Thirteen Gods: You throw a green energy bomb that when hits sends out a dome or in air a sphere blast that hits all enemies and just them.

  • Power Up ability:

    Power Up: You glow red for one second with power. +AP used improved to your power stat for the rest of the day.

  • Dementro discipline:

    Dementro Punch: You punch a red energized straight punch at your opponent.

    Dementro Swipe: You swing a red energized hook punch at your opponent.

    Dementro Blast: You shoot a red beam at your opponent from your palm.

    Dementro Wave: You swing your arm upward and it shoots out a red energized with red electricity wave at your opponent and it even flies off the ground to catch them if they go to the air.

    Dementro Beam: You shoot a red energized with red electricity beam from your cupped palms by pulling back your cupped palms and then thrusting them forward and shooting the dementro beam.

    Dementro Bomb: You throw with both hands a red large ball of red electricity energy and hit’s a target and bows up in a fifty length, width and, height dome.

    Dementro Strike: You strike with a red lightning palm attack.

  • Elemental discipline:

    Fire Swirl: A fire swirls at the enemy.

    Fire Force: You burst forth with a flame around you.

    Fire Dust: You send sparks of flame at the enemy.

    Comet: You shoot a medium size comet at the enemy.

    Burning Ball: You shoot a blue burning ball at a enemy.

    Inferno: You burn the enemies with a inferno.

    Burning Inferno: You shoot a burning blue inferno at the enemies.

    Fire Bomb: You throw a fire bomb at the enemies and it blows up and hits them all.

    Sqrock's Caves Flames: You send a wave of fire from Sqrock‘s Caves.

    Wind Swirl: A wind swirls and hit’s the enemy.

    Wind Force: You burst forth with wind swirling around you.

    Tornado: You send a medium tornado after a enemy.

    Wind Ball: You shoot a ball of wind at a enemy.

    Hurricane: You unleash a hurricane on the enemies.

    Wind Bomb: You throw a bomb of wind at the enemies and it blows up and hits them all.

    Winda’s Fist of Tornado: You punch a enemy and a forward tornado sends them flying back spinning.

    Higher Storm: You throws your hands to the ground and unleash a colossal wave of wind from all sides of you blowing back all enemies.

    Ice Swirl: A ice swirls at the enemy.

    Ice Force: You burst forth with a blue cold ice swirling around you.

    Freeze Wave: You shoot a blue beam of freezing ice energy at a enemy.

    Ice Ball: You shoot a ball of ice at a enemy.

    Ice Bomb: You throw a bomb of ice at the enemies and it blows up and strikes them all.

    Arctic Flare: You shoot a giant cold boomerang and it hits all enemies.

    Diamond Dust: You throw three circle ice blades that strike all the enemies.

    Shock Swirl: A shock swirls at the enemy.

    Shock Force: You burst forth with shock swirling around you.

    Spark Shot: You shoot a spark at a enemy.

    Dampening Field: You send a field of shock around you in fifty feet striking all enemies in the way.

    Thunder Ball: You throw a thunder ball that strikes a enemy.

    Thunder Bomb: You throw a thunder bomb at the enemies and it blows up and hits them all.

    Force of Thunder: You call upon thunder to strike all the enemies even indoors.

    Water Swirl: A water swirls at the enemy.

    Water Force: You burst forth with water swirling around you.

    Tidal Wave: You send a medium tidal wave at a enemy.

    Water Ball: You shoot a water ball at a enemy.

    Water Bomb: You throw a water bomb at the enemies and it blows up and hits them all.

    Drowning Wave: You send a colossal wave to hurt and drowned all your enemies. 1-5 damaged. 6 drowned or killed.

    Ground Swirl: A ground swirls at the enemy.

    Ground Force: You burst forth with ground swirling around you.

    Zamtarquake: You shake the ground and knock the enemy off there feet.

    Zamtar Ball: You shoot a ball of dirt at a enemy.

    Zamtar Bomb: You throw a Zamtar bomb at the enemies and it blows up and hits them all.

    Zamtar Eater: The ground sprouts up around all enemies and engulfs them.

  • Elemental Combines category:

    Sqrock’s Storm: You send out a colossal fire storm at all enemies.

    Aquaflame: You send balls of fiery water at your enemies.

    Meteor: You send a rock from the sky at enemies in a 25 feet to 25 feet area.

    Flamock: You send fiery rocks at your enemies.

    Fice: You send flaming icicles at the enemies.

    Blizzard: You send a wind storm with ice balls in it at the enemies.

    Waternado: You send a tornado of water at the enemies.

    Shock Wind: You a send a wind with electricity in it at the enemies.

    Electric Fire: You send electrified fire balls at the enemies.

    Frozen Tomb: You enclose a enemy in the ground then freeze it.

    Ice Water: You send out icy water at the enemies.

    Shock Picks: You send out icicles that are electrified at the enemies.

    Ground Shock: You send a ground wave with shock in it at the enemies.

    Blue Shock: You send a watered shock at the enemies.

    Water Eruption: You burst water from the ground underneath enemies.

  • Sword Techniques power:

    Sky High: You jump in the air and land your sword slicing down on the enemy.

    Cutter: You rush at the enemies and strike each one once as you pass until you pass them all.

    Flash Cut: You strike your opponent three times in a row.

    Quad Slash: You strike four of your opponents one time or if not four you can strike and add the damage up to four one damage strikes on them or it.

    Twice Flash: You slash your opponent two times left and right.

    One Hit Boom: You strike your opponent once with all your might.

    Omi Strikes: You strike your opponent down, left, right, up, left-down, right-down, and jump and come down on the opponent.

  • Axe Techniques power:

    Hammer Head: You jump in the air and land your axe slicing down on your opponent.

    Giant Axe: You swing your axe and cut the enemy in front of you.

    Deadly Swirl: You spin around inflicting three damage to every one with your axe.

    Power Axe: You send a rip of energy at your enemy from the slash of your axe.

    X Axe: You slice a X on your opponent. Slammer: You spin around and deliver a powerful blow to your enemy.

    Omi Slice: You strike your opponent down, left, right, up, left-down, right-down, and jump and come down on the opponent.

  • Lance Techniques power:

    Dive: You jump in the air and land your lance stabbing down on your opponent.

    Double Thrust: You thrust twice at the enemy.

    Rush Pierce: You rush your opponent and pierce him.

    Four-Way Stab: You thrust your lance four ways delivering a blow to each one.

    Spinning Slice: You spin your lance and slice the enemy with it while its spinning.

    Power Thrust: You thrust with all your might your lance towards a enemy.

    Omi Pierce: You strike your opponent down, left, right, up, left-down, right-down, and jump and come down on the opponent.

  • Morningstar Techniques power:

    Mighty Crush: You jump in the air and land your morningstar crushing down on your opponent.

    Melee Slam: You slam your morningstar into a opponent.

    Third Strikes: You strike three times on three separate enemies doing three damage on them each.

    Crushing Blows: You strike left-down, right-down, left-up, right-up on a enemy.

    Tornado Strike: You spin your morningstar around on your hand and strike your enemy with it.

    Brain Basher: You slam your morningstar upside your opponent’s head.

    Omi Crusher: You strike your opponent down, left, right, up, left-down, right-down, and jump and come down on the opponent.

  • Flail Techniques power:

    Swing Down: You jump in the air and land your flail crushing down on your opponent.

    Hurricane Assault: You spin your flail and strike all enemies around you for two damage.

    Hit Trip: You hit your opponents leg and trip him in the process.

    Twice Is Nice: You hit with your flail left and right.

    Strike Down: You hit with a over the head swing on the back of the head from the front.

    Skull Splitter: You bash with all your might upside your enemies head.

    Omi Bash: You strike your opponent down, left, right, up, left-down, right-down, and jump and come down on the opponent.

  • Gene Splicing category:

    Gene Splicing: You can gain a talent of a enemy or a number of body part(s) of the enemy to replace yours.

  • Toughness ability:

    Toughness: You have damage reduction of how much AP you use.

  • Universal sorcery:
  • Warp sorcery:

    Warp A blue portal opens and you and others of your choice come in and warp somewhere else you know of in the same dimension.

  • Alter Being sorcery:

    Alter Being: You can change a being into what ever you like. You can also keep the categories that you have.

  • Sorcery Kato Spells:
  • Fire Spells sorcery:

    Fire Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. Chant: Oh great goddess Firera, become the fires of destruction! Now! Effect: A multitude of small-size fireballs rushes and hits a target.

    Fireballs Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. Chant: Oh great goddess Firera, become the fires of destruction and hearts of angry giants! Now! Effect: A multitude of medium-size fireballs rushes and hits quarter of targets.

    Fire Pillars Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. Chant: Oh great goddess Firera, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants and, breath of dragons! Now! Effect: A multitude of fire pillars sprout from the ground beneath half of targets. Sqrock’s Flames Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. Chant: Oh great goddess Firera, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants, breath of dragons, ultimate fire and, the flames of Sqrock‘s Caves! Now! Effect: A cone of giant-size fire rushes out from your palm and a fire portal to Sqrock’s cave they come out of and hits all of targets.

    Fire Teleport Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. Chant: Oh great Firera, teleport me to the place I want to be! Now! A swirl of fire surrounds you and teleports you anywhere on the same dimension that you know is real.

    Exploder Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. Chant: Oh great goddess Firera, become the fires of destruction, hearts of angry giants, breath of dragons and, explosions! Now! Effect: A giant bang of fire comes out of a point and continues to get bigger up to 25 feet on both sides.

    Flare Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. A giant boomerang of fire that flames all enemies.

    Volcano Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. A giant eruption of lava comes out of you or the land and hits creatures in a cone going the way it erupted.

    Final Blast Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. A giant dragon head of fire comes out and rushes all enemies in a straight line.

    Final Inferno Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. A giant wall of flames comes and rushes through all the enemies in a cone.

    Mega Flare Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. A colossal boomerang of fire that flames all enemies.

    Pyron Up Effect: Verbal. God: Firera. A burst of pyron fire blows up underneath you with flames on your body and you grow better. All physical stats +AP used +AP used fire damage. Can only apply the defense as a ability meaning once and one per battle.

  • Water Spells sorcery:

    Water Effect: Verbal. God: Waka. A beam of water hits a enemy.

    Whirlpool Effect: Verbal. God: Waka. A whirlpool appears below the enemy and hits a quarter of enemies.

    Water Blasts Effect: Verbal. God: Waka. Beams of water come from a large whirlpool outstretched in front of your hand on its side with the pool part facing you and the enemy and hits a half of enemies.

    Water Canon Effect: Verbal. God: Waka. A giant beam of water hits all enemies.

    Tidal Wave Effect: Verbal. God: Waka. A giant tidal wave materializes on the spot and washes away all your enemies.

    Blood Wave Effect: Verbal. God: Waka. A giant blood tidal wave materializes on the spot and washes away all your enemies.

    Drowning Pool Effect: Verbal. God: Waka. A colossal rain pour falls on the enemies and drowns them all. 1 death. 2-6 Damage of AP used.

  • Zamtar Spells sorcery: Zamtar Effect: Verbal. God: Eunbun. A small thorned plant pops up and hits a enemy.

    Acid Effect: Verbal. God: Eunbun. A medium glob of acid hits a quarter of enemies.

    Meteor Effect: Verbal. God: Eunbun. A giant rock comes from the sky and hits your enemies in a 25 by 25 field.

    Ground Wave Effect: Verbal. God: Eunbun. A giant ground wave hits all enemies.

    Meteor Swarm Effect: Verbal. God: Eunbun. A bunch of giant rocks comes from the sky and hits your enemies in a 25 by 25 field.

    Zamtarquake Effect: Verbal. God: Eunbun. The ground shakes and knocks the enemies down at all of them.

    Zamtar Flip Effect: Verbal. God: Eunbun. The ground flips over underneath the enemies and then smashes them.

  • Electricity Spells sorcery:

    Shock Effect: Verbal. God: Thundra. Chant: Oh great goddess Thundra, become the force of static shock! Now! A small static shock shocks a enemy.

    Thunderbolt Effect: Verbal. God: Thundra. A large thunderbolt shocks a quarter of the enemies.

    Thunderjolts Effect: Verbal. God: Thundra. Many medium and multiple static shocks shock half of enemies.

    Thunderblast Effect: Verbal. God: Thundra. A large thunder bolt shoots out your outstretched hands and shocks all of the enemies as you move the thunder bolt around.

    Thunder Slam Effect: Verbal. God: Thundra. Giant thunder bolts strikes the enemies from your outreached palm.

    Thunder Storm Effect: Verbal. God: Thundra. Giant lightning strikes the enemies.

    Thunder Smash Effect: Verbal. God: Thundra. A colossal bolt hits each enemy.

  • Ice Spells sorcery:

    Ice Effect: Verbal. God: Stark. A small-size ice pick hits a enemy.

    Snow Effect: Verbal. God: Stark. Medium-size snow balls hits a quarter of enemies.

    Ice Cannon Effect: Verbal. God: Stark. A large ice blast hits a half of enemies.

    Blizzard Effect: Verbal. God: Stark. Giant-size ice and snow hits all enemies.

    Hail Effect: Verbal. God: Stark. Colossal hail hits all enemies.

    Snow Cannon Effect: Verbal. God: Stark. A giant snow blast hits all of enemies.

    Blizzard Cannon Effect: Verbal. God: Stark. A colossal blast of ice, snow and, hail hits all of enemies.

  • Wind Spells sorcery:

    Wind Effect: Verbal. God: Winda. A small-size boomerang of wind hits a enemy.

    Wind Bomb Effect: Verbal. God: Winda. A medium-size wind bomb hits a quarter of enemies.

    Wind Slicer Effect: Verbal. God: Winda. A large-size slicer of wind hits a half of enemies.

    Wind Cannon Effect: Verbal. God: Winda. A giant-size blast of wind hits all of enemies.

    Tornado Effect: Verbal. God: Winda. A giant tornado or spinning winds in a cylinder bottom pointing down force of wind hits all enemies.

    Hurricane Effect: Verbal. God: Winda. A hurricane or colossal field of winds going everywhere hits all enemies.

    Air Flow Effect: Verbal. God: Winda. The breath of a creature is took out of there lungs and all air around them is pushed away. d6 1 death 2-6 damage of AP used.

  • Dark Spells sorcery:

    Dark Ball Effect: Verbal. God: Sqrock. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) A small dark ball of energy comes and hits a single enemy.

    Dark Blast Effect: Verbal. God: Sqrock. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) A medium dark energy blast hits all enemies in a straight line and ten feet width.

    Dark Bomb Effect: Verbal. God: Sqrock. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) A large dark energy ball hits the ground near enemies and sends a explosion of 25 by 25 feet.

    Dark Wave Effect: Verbal. God: Sqrock. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) A large dark energy wave runs and hits all enemies.

    Dark Matter Effect: Verbal. God: Sqrock. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) A giant wall of dark energy hits all the enemies.

    Dark Force Effect: Verbal. God: Sqrock. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) A rush of dark and black energy rushes through your arms. Attack +AP used. Can only apply the defense as a ability meaning once and one per battle.

    Dark Dimension Effect: Verbal. God: Sqrock. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) A colossal dark energy ball starts from somewhere in the air and expands to 50 by 50 feet and explodes.

    Dark Prophecy Effect: Verbal. God: Sqrock. (Have to be dark, evil, or neutral) A giant dark energy beam flies and goes through and hits all enemies.