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San Antonio

Steph in San Antonio

Arrived:August 23, 2002
Places We've Visited
St. Patrick's Day Party
Mission Conception
Mission Espada and Mission San Juan
Mission San Jose
First Impressions:


Steph's Opinion
It's a beautiful city, when it comes to the scenery. Despite everyone telling me it's a dry city, San Antonio is a very wet city. It's kind of like Houston, all rainy and wet. Most of the people in San Antonio seem to be friendly people. Now I know that Houston is the United States Fattest city and San Antonio is the 3rd fattest city, but what is with the Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? I heard that San Antonio only has one Krispy Kreme, which I guess, would make since to the popularity. In Houston, Krispy Kremes are in all the Gerlands(grocery store), Albertsons(grocery store), and on almost every block. It just amazes me to see a line of people extending all the way out of the door, and around the building (in the rain sometime), just to get doughnuts. This is 24 hours a day that people are lined up! It freaks me out, but I guess it's a San Antonio thing. I guess I never thought the doughnuts were worth standing in line for an hour.

Club Scene
Steph's Opinion
Now it might be too early for me to judge, considering that I've only been to a few clubs, but San Antonio's club scene is weak compared to Houston. It seems like the whole city is in to Techno musice only! While techno music is fun to dance to, I've always found it more fun to have a mix. This eliminates the same old thing week after week. I guess I shouldn't really compare a big city to a medium city, when it comes to the party scene. San Antonio has a lot of catching up to do, but the club scene isn't totally horrible. San Antonio's club scene is alright. Okay here is what I think of the few clubs that I have I have been to. On a scale of 1-5 stars, one being horrible and 5 being FABULOUS
Level:* a whole bunch of people who think they are far I have seen 1 person who can find a beat in the club...TOO MUCH TECHNO they need a better mix of music.
Grahms Central Station:** over crowded with people who try too seems like the place everyone wants to be but nobody wants to dance? Wierd.
Electric Company:*** can we say Ghetto? I do have to say that the mix of music is great, and the people can actually dance! This club is full of a mix of people...I like that.
Polyesters(on the river walk):*** I have to say I had a ton of fun when I went, but that was because I went with a TON of people. The club in definitley a crowded place, and the music is great, but there are WAY to many guys who don't know how to dance and CANNOT take a hint! Not a place I intend to return, but I would choose it over Grahms or Level.

Driving Scene
Steph's Opinion
Okay, I know Houston has a reputation for having bad drivers, but COME ON! So far, I've noticed that San Antonio drivers are IDIOTS! (no offense to the normal drivers who have a brain) Maybe in Houston we're all backwards, but I was always taught that yield meant to yield to the other traffic, NOT to STOP! I don't know, but it seems to me that it's a little dangerous to STOP when you are entering a FREEWAY. Picture this you, a San Antonio driver, STOPPING to merege onto the FREEWAY (where the cars are going 50mph), and then after you've stopped to make sure you can get on, accelerate (not even close to 50mph yet) as you enter the FREEWAY, and then expect not to get run over! Ri-ight. And they say Houston has horrible drivers.... Oh, and what's with the stopping on the feder road of a freeway to let cars off(when you want on)? It does say YIELD to the people EXITING the freeway, NOT ENTERING. I don't get it. Other than that, My first impression of San Antonio drivers, is that they all drive slow (as in slower than the speed limit or right at the speed limit) and that they really don't know how to drive in the rain. Everytime is rains, I see like 20 accidents. Here's a HINT: It takes more time to stop in the rain, and you have to not make sudden stops (like entering a freeway).

