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Sergei Tiranin

Sergei Tiranin

What the author says about himself :

    I was born in 1936, February 25, in the city of Samara. I have been drawing since my childhood. In 1954 I finished the Art school at Suvorov Military College in Samara. I have always been attracted by the paintings of old masters, much taken from the real life. In 1960 I graduated from the Drama School at the Academic Drama Theatre in Samara. At various times I worked at different theatres of Russia: in Samara, Kostroma, Stavropol, Volgograd. In 1968 I was invited to work in Moldova. Since that time I have been working at the Checkov Russian Drama Theatre in Chishinau.
   It began to grow the necessity to chive the thoughts and images overfilling me and to reflect my visions on the canvas. Theatre decants of its specific character - that is to say the dependence on the playwright and the director-limited the possibility of self-expression. Thirst for knowledge and skill overcame me.
   After graduating from the Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in S’-Petersburg in 1984 I got the art-critic diploma. I devoted all my free time to painting. I paint mainly in oils. Most of my canvases we recreated from my own imagination, but I always was fallowed by reminiscences and impressions I got in my life. My creative work was determined by the following essential moments: faith in God, intuition, spiritual character and ethical implication. As for the technique of painting I adhere to tonic painting, but if the subject acquired to me the achievements of the expressionists in the realm of color and form. I prefer varied textures - the combination of priming touch. The main elements of my compositions were: the silhouette and the counter - lacy design, 5the chiaroscuro, lint and color contrast. My passion for avant-gardism’s by no means a caprice or a Tribute to the fashion - it’s most likely an attempt to solve in a proper way a certain artistic idea - that is to say to find a formalistic device for the sense and image - bearing formula made up by me. I liked to work in the genres of composition portraiture and landscapes.
    My ethical and artistic credo was:” We are happy prisoners of the word, which was the God shining with Beauty and Grace. That was why my name was - to represent this Beauty. God’s Light (Radiance), the emanation of the God in nature and people in my paintings.”
   You may often felt a kind of subtle sadness in my canvases, became I never forgot the philosophical principle” Memento moiré...” I felt happy when I saw sincere people with a smile on their face or with the tears in their eyes, standing in front of my pictures. Then it appeared a wish to say:” I am working not in vain.”
Sergei Tiranin.

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