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Opening Scene...

First Match:
Twisted Demon Vs. Ghost Vs. Blacksmith

Second Match:
.:Non Title:.
X Factor Vs. Kane

.:Special Scene:.

Third Match:
Dread Knight Vs. Gerd Naut

Fourth Match:
.:World Tag Titles:.
Kronik Vs. The APA

The Main Event:
.:Non Title:.
Xavier Serikaz Vs. HHH


.: The scene opens up in Austin, Texas, as the warfare arena is packed. The camera scans the arena as the fans are ecstatic to be here in an exciting night in EWE history. Fireworks explode and pyros shoot up as the warfare video plays over the titantron.

Fonz; Bobby ... We're back in these seats here, by ringside yet again for another electrifying hour of high flying, power slamming, un-predictable wrestling out there in the industry today!

Heenan; Indeed, I'm afraid so, it's going to be a great show tonight, we have a non title match between kane and x-factor...

Fonz; A friendly match, can you say?

Heenan; I don't think the word friendly is in Kane's dictionary.

Fonz; We also have Kronik Vs. The APA for the tag team championship belts!

Heenan; It's interesting, Kronik holds the tag team belts alone...very independent character he is.. But let's not stall...Our "MAIN EVENT!"

Fonz; Xavier Serikaz Vs. HHH, two of the biggest superstars in the EWE bashing it out against each other! What do you think of that bobby boy?

Heenan; I don't really know, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Fonz; Well folks we'll back back from our commercial break and go straight into our first match...THE TWISTED DEMON VS. GHOST VS. BLACKSMITH!!!!!

Heenan; Amazing...Just Simply Amazing...


Twisted Demon VS. Ghost. Vs. Blacksmith

The commercial break fades out as Twisted Demon, Blacksmith and Ghost stand facing each other...Twisted Demon looks at Blacksmith and nodds as they both turn to face Ghost, they both begin to draw nearer to Ghost as Ghost retreats walking backwards very slowly, until Ghost is pinned to the turnbuckle with no where left to go.
Suddenly Blacksmith turns and nails Twisted demon accross the head sending him down to his knee. Blacksmith takes advantage of this and begins to stomp on a kneeling Twisted Demon.
Instead of going down, Twisted Demon somehow uses energy to rise whilst being stomped on, but Ghost takes care of that, as Ghost drop kicks Twisted Demons knees.

Fonz; Haha did you see that bobby boy?!

Heenan; That was just cruel...a 2 on 1 situation is building up here!!

Fonz; HAHA! Can't wait to see the outcome of this match!

Twisted demon's body connects with the canvas as he is out flat on the mattress. Now Ghost walks away with an evil smirk on his face as he taunts the crowd...The crowd gives in their mixed reactions towards Ghost. Blacksmith sees an opportunity to take advantage, as he approaches Ghost!

Heenan; This is going to be lethal!

Fonz; Haha! You're telling me!!

Now Blacksmith now applys a reverse DDT on Ghost sending the back of his head flat down on the mattress of the ring! Ghost rolls around holding the back of his head in pain!

Fonz; HAHA!!! Amazing!!

Now Blacksmith taunts the crowd as he slowly lifts up Ghost and rolls him out of the ring! Whilst that is happening Twisted Demon has lifted himself up to his feet!

Heenan; Two men left in the ring now...


As blacksmith turns around, his cocky smile starts to fade as he realizes what is going to happen to him. Twisted Demon kicks Blacksmith in the midsection causing blacksmith to bend forward, as Twisted Demon sets him up from a powerbomb...Twisted Demon connects with the powerbomb on Blacksmith sending him through a word of hurt!
Now Demon runs to the turnbuckles, and bounces off it executing a moonsault.
Demon hooks the leg and goes for the count.






Fonz; Look at the look in his eyes bobby!

Heenan; No doubt in my mind that Twisted Demon will make his mark here at the EWE...he's just shown the EWE tonight, what he is capable of...

Fonz; Indeed, and now ladies and skunks...our next match!



.:Non Title:.
X Factor Vs. Kane

My Immortal By Evanescence plays over the PA System, as the lights dimmen, and a red light is visible glowing at the top of the ramp. Pyros begin to burn a fountain as Kane slowly walks out from behind the curtains and makes his way slowly down the ramp. Kane now enters the ring as the fans boo!
Now wasting no time, X-Factor's theme song hits the PA system as X-Factor runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. X-Factor drops his european championship on the mattress whilst he is getting up and runs at Kane as the ref rings the bell, and takes the european championship and hands it down to the ring assistant.

Fonz; X-FACTOR!!! Look at that...not even one second wasted...attacking the big red machine!

Heenan; Let's see if size does matter.

Fonz; We all know size matters, it's just how you wrestle that makes the difference.

Heenan; And it seems to me, that size won't be a limiting factor!

X-Factor continues to attack kane with a fury of punches till kane is cornered into the turnbuckle. Now X-Factor climbs the turnbuckle and starts punching away at Kane.

Heenan; X-Factor is relentless!!!

The ref starts the punching count...









Suddenly X-factor goes flying accross the ring as Kane pushes him off.

Heenan; Well maybe size does matter?

Fonz; Maybe bobby boy...maybe...

Kane walks toward X-factor as X-factor as X slowly lifts himself up. Kane now grabs X-Factor by the neck and tosses him about a meter infront of him! Kane now steps over X-Factor as X-factor's back is in pain. Kane about to bend down to attack X-Factor with his own fury of punches but X factor grabs onto the legs of kane and slides uner him. X-Factor now kicks kane's gluteus maximums as Kane goes flying into the ropes! Kane is now holding onto the ropes as X-Factor karate jumps back up to his feet.

Fonz; Now that's what I call an ass kicking...Literally!

X-Factor turns around to face kane as kane does the same. Both men are on their feet and ready to brawl again. Both Kane and X-Factor approach each other cautiously as they dive at each other. They are now caught in a grapple! Kane seems to be over powering X-Factor as X-Factor slowly starts to bend down on one knee whilst in the grapple! The Big Red Machine now takes advantage of X-Factor and sends a knee to the face of X-Factor! The grapple breaks as X factor goes down into the canvas! The big red machine begins to stomp on X-Factor!
The ref now separates both wrestlers as X-Factor grabs hold of the rope! A groggy X-Factor stands up kane wastes no time and is on the offensive yet again! Kane this time kicks X-Factor to the midsection as X-Factor bends down. Kane now sets up X-Factor into a powerbomb position.

Fonz; Oh this can't be...ahhhhh!!! He's going to powerbomb X-factor!

Heenan; This is going to be painful...very painful man...this could be the end of X-Factor...

Kane now lifts up X-Factor and turns around 180 degree so he faces the ring and then slams X-Factor into the canvas as the big red machine executes one of the most powerful powerbombs ever seen in wrestling history! Kane flips his hair back and then signals the crowd that X-Factor is dead as kane draws his thumbs around his neck!
Kane now places X-Factors hands over X-Factors chest, as Kane goes for the cocky pinfall!



tthhrr.... KICKOUT!!!


Heenan; It was actually quite a long count on the referees behalf but anyways let's continue this match...

Fonz; It seemed to be an ok count to me...

Kane now looks up at the ceiling of the arena and then slams his fists into the ring canvas in anger as Kane can't believe this... X-Factor uses this time wisely as he gets up to his feet and dives at kane sending kane straight on his back! X-Factor attacks kane with a fury of punches.
X-Factor now gets up and and drags kane up by his hair...

Fonz; X-Factor is quite the wrestler...I don't think I've ever seen anyone drag kane up to his feet by his hair!

Heenan; X-Factor must be brave...Kane is a scary man, I'd be scared to drag him by the hair

Fonz; But that's because you're a little girly boy.

Heenan; Oh shut it!

X-Factor irish whips Kane to the turnbuckle and attacks Kane yet again with a fury of punches! Now X-Factor switches to Kicks!

Heenan; X-Factor must be trying to tire down the big red machine with all these punches and kicks...

X-Factor now lifts up kane to sit on the top turnbuckle, as X-Factor climbs up to the top turbuckle....X-Factor signals the crowd as he lifts his arm up with pride! Now X-Factor jumps and connects with a hurricanranna off the top rope sending Kanes head straight into the canvas!

Heenan; Oh my...that must have taken everything out of kane?!

Now X-Factor flips over Kane so Kane is facing belly up. Suddenly a man is seen running in from the crowd. X-Factor now goes to the top turnbuckle as he jumps and connects with a high quality 5 star frog splash! Kane seems dead as he lays there in the ring breathing heavily, not moving at all. Now X-Factor goes for the pin, as he hooks the leg but X-Factor puzzled does not hear a count. After about 6 seconds X-Factor gets up to see what's wrong as the referee is nowhere to be seen. And now the man who has running down from the crowd gets up into the ring wearing a referees shirt!

X-Factor looks puzzles but anyways goes for the pinfall again






X-Factor wonders why there is no 3 count? X-Factor gets up and looks at teh ref, as he notices it's Nero! Now Nero starts to laugh as X-Factor charges at Nero with a clothesline, but Nero counters and applies an Impaler to X-Factor sending his face straight into the canvas Nero now drags kane and plants his groggy body over X factor and makes a quick 3 count!


Kane gets up groggy and holds his arm up in the air as he is triumphant...but not for long...


Shane's theme song plays over the arena PA system as Shane comes out with a microphone.

Shane: Now Nero, get the hell out of my ring! Now Kane you won tonights match....not really...we're going to ignore that ridiculus 3 count, and as of now, I am the Referee for this match...

Shane takes off his buttoned shirt and reveals a referee shirt.

Shane: Now Nero get out of my ring...

Nero slowly backs out of the ring as X-Factor is up to his feet. Kane is also up to his feet as Shane runs down into the ring and calls for the bell as the match restarts! Kane and X-Factor tangle up again as they are not in a grapple. X-Factor breaks the grapple with a knee to the midsection of kane! Kane bends down, as X-Factor places one foot over kanes head and does a back flip and then lands, running back at kane connecting with a knee to kanes face taking kane down!
Kane slowly gets up as X-Factor bounces off the rope. Kane is now up as X-Factor dives at Kane with a flying Clothesline but Kane catches X-Factor in midair and lifts him up by the neck. Kane brings X-Factor's body down into the canvas with a chokeslam form hell!!!

Heenan; This match is really boiling up!

Fonz; You're telling me bobby boy, Shane is really taking control over his side of the federation!

X-Factor lays on the floor as Kane goes to the top turnbuckle!

Fonz; AHHHH What's KANE DOING?! He's not meant to be doing these high flying moves...he's too big for that?!

Heenan; If kane connects with this, this could finish the match!

X factor raises himself to his feet as Kane dives at him with a flying clothesline, but X-Factor ducks out of the way as Kane misses and goes into the canvas...Kane's arm is in serious pain. Kane slowly gets up as X-Factor is catching his breath. Kane now runs X-Factor, but X-Factor somehow pulls out the energy to kick Kane to the midsection as Kane bends down.

Fonz; COULD THIS BE?!!?!?!?!

Heenan; I think so!

X-Factor hits Kane with the X-Terminator as Kanes head goes flying into the canvas and rickashades off the canvas flipping kane over belly faced up. Now X-Factor drags himself over Kane and hooks the leg as Nero stays ringside Slamming into the mat apron trying to wake kane!




Fonz;HE DID IT!!!

Heenan; Ladies and gentlemen, the big red machine has been defeated by X-Factor!!!

Ring Announcer: And your winner of tonights match..............X-FACTORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

The show cuts to a commercial break...


The show comes back from a commercial break as the titantron flashes the words "LIVE" on it as the scene opens up in Shane O Macs office. Shane is sitting down and he has a guest in the office. The guest is not visible. You can only see his back from this angle as the guest is looking at a book case full of books. Now the guest turns around as it is X-Factor!!! Now they begin to speak to each other...

X-Factor: What's is it you want man?

Shane: First of all, do not speak until you are addressed.

X-Factor: Listen to me bub...I demand some respect!

Shane: You will get it in due today I came down there and saved your ass

X-Factor: No, You came there and did the right thing and stopped Nero from cheating me out of my win.

Shane: Yes exactly. But now I have my own little problem now.

X-Factor: What's that ?

Shane: Regardless of what you say or do...You are going to come down next thursday and face kane again...this time in a Cage as the main event.

X-Factor: I Beat him once, I can do it what's your problem?!

Shane: It's for your European Championship!

X-Factor: What?! Not until he defeats me in a non title match! He doesn't deserve a title shot till he can earn it!

Shane: I'll decide who gets the title shots around here.

X-Factor: man screw this, you and the EWE are always finding ways to screw me over

Shane: Maybe you should go elsewhere then if you don't like it? nWo perhaps? Another Federation maybe?

X-Factor: Maybe I Will Shane...Just Mayyyybee..

X-Factor storms out of Shane's office as Shane has an evil grin on his face...The scene fades out as the titantron goes blank!


Dread Knight Vs. Gerd Naut

The German fans raise their flags up as Rammstein blasts through the arena. Gerd Naut Comes out to fountains of pyros as he has the evil look he usually has on! The fans boo, apart from the odd few german fans as the German Juggernaut makes his way down the ramp and into the ring!

Heenan; I Personally think that the German Juggernaut is full of talent.

Fonz; Oh please the guy\s a fruitcake!

Heenan; That doesn't make him a bad wrestler!

The lights dimmen as Dread Knight enters the arena. Dread Knight enters the ring, and disrobes his large cloak and brushes his hair away from his face. The ref rings the bell as the two men circle the ring. Gerd pulls the first move as he draws nearer to the centre of the ring. Dread pulls closer as well following Gerd.

Fonz: This match is going to be crazy doubt!

Gerd jumps onto Dead as they are now tangled in a grapple. Dread powers Gerd out as Gerd goes down on one Knee... Dread beginning to take advantage as he applies more power over Gerd as he begins to sink lower.

Heenan; Look at the display of power by Dread Knight!

Fonz; dirt german fruitcake!

Gerd suddenly begins to power out of the grapple as he's back on both Gerd breaks the grapple and sets up Dread Knight in a suplex, as Gerd connects with a belly to belly suplex! Gerd gets up and stammers to Dread Knights body and begins to pound away with a chain of kicks to the chest as Dread Knight bounces off the mattress after each kick!

Heenan; Well, it seems the "german fruitcake" is on top of the match now...

Fonz; Oh shut up...(crosses his arms)

Gerd now grabs Dread Knight by his beard and pulls him up. Now Gerd grabs a good hold of Dread Knights beard and whips him accross the ring by the beard! Dread Knight yells in agony! Gerd now with an evil smile on his face lifts up Dread Knight. Dread breaks the hold Gerd had while lifting Dread up, and begins to unleash a fury of punches on Gerd. Gerd slowly begins to back. Dead steps back as he gains momentum and charges a huge fist towards Gerds forehead, but Gerd ducks and nails a strong punch to the midsection of Dread Knight. Now Gerd takes advantage of the bending Dread Knight and nails an elbow to the back of Dread Knight!

Fonz; AHHHH Get up Dread!

Heenan; So size doesn't matter!!!

Fonz; I guess not

Heenan: Well we'll see at the end of this match if that is true!

Gerd now steps over the laying Dread Knight and pulls a camel clutch on him as Dread Knight yells in pain. The ref checks up on dread knight as he is not about to give up! Dread reaches for the ropes, but Gerd tightens the hold causing Dread to pull his hand away. Now Dread attempts one last time, as Gerd tightens even more but somehow Dread grabs hold of the ropes.

Heenan; Dread is not ready to give up!

Gerd in frustration gets up and kicks a kneeling Dread Knight! Dread knight goes back onto the mattress. Gerd now lifts Dread Knight and sets him into a German Suplex! Gerd connects as he yells at the crowd

Gerd: itz en TIMEEEE!

Gerd lifts dread knight up to his feet as Dread Knight is completely groggy. Gerd sets Dread up for his finnisher. The German Bomb!!!
Gerd lifts up Dread with some what of a challenge due to Dreads size and weight, but sends him down connecting into the mattress with such power.

Heenan; And that's the end of Dread Knight folks!

Gerd jumps onto Dread Knight with a standing frog splash. Gerd hooks the leg and the referee makes the count.

Fonz; Ahhh that's it!!!





Gerd gets up and laughs as he makes his way out of the ring and back up the ramp, and goes backstage to his theme song by Rammstein!

Fonz; The German Fruitcake dominated that match!

Heenan; Ahhh shut it once and for all man! The German Juggernaut, Gerd Naut dominated the match and won it with ease, now folks...everyone watching at home...and everyone in the arena's time for the tag titles to be put on the line...



TheTitantron flashes "LIVE" as shane mcmahon is staring out of the titantron.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this just in, Kronik has been in a car accident on the way to the arena, he has been taken to the hospital. Nothing serious has happened to him, but as a safety measure he must be checked by doctors. Tonights match will be canceled. Sorry ladies and Gentlemen, We hope that our main event compensates for this matches absence.

Fonz; Well I'll be damned!


This Image above flashes on the titantron as the fans go wild....

Fonz; Ahhh it's time for the main event!

The lights dimmen as the challenger is about to enter the ring. HHH comes out as green lights flash. HHH takes a sip out of his water bottle and sprays it out on the crowd. HHH now throws his water bottle into the other side of the crowd and makes his way down the ramp. HHH slides into the ring and yells..


Fonz; HHH is relentless, this should be a very exciting match!

Heenan; What do you think the outcome of this match will be?

Fonz; I feel HHH might have the momentim to pull this one off.

Heenan; But let's not forget why Xavier is the world champ

Fonz; Cause he is THAT DAMN GOOD!!

Xavier walks out from the top of the platform and walks down the ramp. The fans explode with cheer for the heavyweight champ as he climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Xavier hands his belt to the ref who hands it to the ring assistant to keep safe. Xavier takes off his leather trenchcoat which he usually wears and hands it to the ring assistant as well, with his sunglasses. HHH stares at Xavier during all of this with an evil stare. As if HHH wanted to kill Xavier. The bell rings but then the lights dimmen! Everyone wonders what's going on.


Shane McMahon walks out with a mic in his hand, as the lights come back on.

Shane: Now didn't think I was gonna miss this main event? I'm coming down as a special guest commentator...

Shane makes his way down, as the bell rings again, and the two men are on the offensive. HHH dives at Xavier with an idea of a grapple but Xavier blocks the counter and kicks HHH to the midsection instead. HHH bends over as Xavier sends a knee to HHH's face. But HHH does not go down. Instead he stumbles backwards onto the ropes

Shane: Hey fellas, it's nice to be here...

Fonz; ahh Shane O Mac, it's great to have you down here, ringside.

Shane; You guys obviously didnt think I was gonna watch this from backstage? No way!

Heenan; Might have crossed out minds....

Shane; What's that?

Heenan; I said never crossed out minds.

Shane; Hope not...

HHH bounces off the ropes and comes back on the offensive against a cautious Xavier as HHH dives at Xavier with a flying knee, taking Xavier down, back on the mattress. Xavier slowly makes his way back up to his feet, as HHH begins to pound away at Xavier with a combination of punches.

Shane; Ahhh HHH will get what he deserves...damn nWo junkie.

HHH pulls back for some momentum to slam Xavier between the eyes with a powerful punch, but Xavier reacts quickle and dives a headbut into the mid section of HHH knocking the wind out of him. Xavier bounced off the adjacent ropes and connects with a flying scissor kick to the back of HHH's head. HHH goes down as he is on his chest. Xavier capitalizes by holding HHH in a boston crab.

Shane; Ahhhh I told you he'd get it coming to him!

Fonz; Indeed you did Shane O Mac!

Shane; Are You mocking me?!

Fonz; No no no...

Heenan; No he was agreeing with you, for you know everything.

Shane; ...Yeah....I thought so...

Xavier releases HHH of the Boston Crab hold as he pulls HHH up to his feet by the hair. Xavier now does a combo of karate kicks and punches on HHH causing HHH to fatigue, as HHH becomes groggy. Now Xavier bounces off the ropes and dives at HHH horizontally and executes a cross body block. But HHH catches Xavier in mid air, and body slams him into the canvas. A tired HHH tries to catch his breath as he lay standing on his knee. Xavier slowly makes his way up as he pulls himself up by the rope. HHH slowly lifts himself up. Both men now at opposite sides of the ring stand up and charge at each other. The result being a double clothesline, causing both men to be flat out on the floor.

Shane; Now that's not good...

The ref starts the count...








Now Xavier Makes his way up to his feet by aid of the ropes...



Xavier is fully up as the ref stops the count.

Shane; Well that was close...

Xavier walks to a struggling HHH, and lifts him up yet again by the hair. Xavier signals the crowd for what is known world wide now as the "Royal Bomb". Xaviers finnisher!

Xavier lifts up HHH as HHH spins in the air. The crowd go wild as HHH comes down, and crashes onto the mattress. Xavier lifts himself up after executing the Royal Bomb, but it doesn't look like he's finished yet!

Fonz: This is what I love about Xavier...he's never finished till he's sure...

Xavier drags HHH so he is laying by the turnbuckle. Xavier jumps up on the turnbuckle and sends himself flying, and executes a moonsault on HHH. The impact was deadly! HHH bounced up as soon as he felt the impact. Xavier goes for the pinfall as the referee calls the count...





Shane; Well oops he's done it again.

Fonz; Indeed he has

Heenan; Thank you folks for watching...this is EWE warfare...and unfortunately, we're coming to an end.

Fonz; Catch us next week for another electrifying hour in sports entertainment.

The scene fades off as Xavier stand Triumphant over a wasted HHH.




Thank you for your patience. - Shane O Mac.

OOC - sorry i kinda rushed the end matches. but i was in a rush, and decided i could finish the results on time before leaving the house to where i wanted to go, and i figured i'll be back by like midnight so i wouldn't be doing any results then, i'd be too lazy, so here are the results...hope you enjoy!