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Noobie Strategy

When you first start out playing Tibia, you will be on an island called Rookgaurd.  You will start out at level one with only a club, a bag, and an apple.  The first thing you will do is find a place to fight rats.  They are in the sewers under the city.  To get there, go to a grating and right click it and select use. you will be in a sewer.  the other way is to find a stairway down to the sewer.  The best place to start is under the academy because you probably wont run into a lot of rats.

When you get to level two, you can do several more things.  You can yell, run faster, and leave the city.  When you leave the city for the first time, you should be with  a stronger friend.  There are many stronger monsters outside of the city like Orcs and Orc spearmen.  There are also many monsters that can poison, so you should bring an antidote rune with you.  Also, never forget that the guard at the bridge will heal you if you are poisoned or at low health.  The NPC at the temple will also heal you.  

One of the best places to train is on the Northeast corner of the island.  There is a hole that you can open with a shovel. Inside there are many skeletons.  They give 35 exp each and they carry good loot like maces and brass shields.  There is also a dragon on the island, but I would suggest not fighting dragons until you are a lot stronger. 

I would not suggest getting the best items you can in Rookgaurd.  It depends on what Profession you will choose.  If you are going to be a sorcerer, druid or knight,  I would suggest getting a mace and a brass shield, studded armor, a leather or studded helmet, leather legs and boots.  If you buy all the expensive stuff then you will just be wasting your money.  If you are going to be a palliden, then you should use all the same armor/shield/legs/boots/helmet.  The only thing you should change is your weapon.  For a weapon, palidens should use spears since they are good with distance.

That's about all the advice that I have for Noobs.  You probably will die a few times so don't over react.  Also, if somebody tries to act nice and they try to give you a potion, check it first because it might be poison.  Other than that, good luck.

These are the Tibia rules

(don't break them or you can get banned as you will read)

Players from all over the world meet in the online role-playing game Tibia. In order to ensure that this game is fun for everyone, we expect a reasonable and friendly behavior of all players.

Some trusted players have been appointed as "Gamemasters". They have been given the power to banish or penalize characters or accounts in order to stop destructive behavior in the game or on the official website.

The following offences may lead to banishments or penalties:

  1. Characters with insulting (e.g. "Bastard"), racist (e.g. "Nigger"), extremely right-wing (e.g. "Hitler"), or sexist (e.g. "Bitch") names or player information.
  2. Characters with names consisting of sentences (e.g. "Who are you"), unreasonable combinations of letters (e.g. "fgfshdsfg", "aaaaaaa" or "b"), senseless formatting (e.g. "F R E D" or "mRCoOl"), names of objects (e.g. "christmastree", "a wolf"), names of real-life celebrities (e.g. "Britney Spears"), or names which were created to cause confusion with existing player names (e.g. "Arieswer" instead of "Arieswar")
  3. Any kind of insulting, obscene, racist, extremely right-wing, or sexist statements in the game or on the official website.
  4. Exploiting obvious errors of the game ("bugs"), for instance duplicating items or killing players in protection zones (Quentin's Temple and the depot). If you find a new bug, you are required to report it to CipSoft immediately (Email:
  5. Intentionally misusing weaknesses in the gameplay. For example by repeatedly shouting long sentences (so called "spamming"), blocking other players in a protection zone, pushing of players from protection zones in order to kill them, or arranging objects or players in a way, that other players cannot move them.
  6. Using tools to automatically do or repeat certain actions without any interaction of the player ("macros").
  7. Massive random playerkilling. This includes traps that are not specifically targeted at certain persons.
  8. Unprovokedly killing of low-level characters (characters on or below the 10th level).
  9. Threatening or insulting a gamemaster for his actions or his role as a gamemaster. Claiming to be a gamemaster or claiming to have influence on the decisions of gamemasters.
  10. Intentional untruthfulness towards a gamemaster concerning his investigations, e.g. intentionally false reports about rule violations, faking screenshots, etc.
  11. Bugged characters. They are banished in every case, regardless of their behavior or previous record.
Killing other players is NO reason for banishment as long as the rules above are respected! However, we ask every player to show consideration for new and inexperienced players ("newbies").

A violation of the Tibia Rules may lead to temporary banishment of characters and accounts. In severe cases removal or modification of character skills, attributes and belongings, as well as the permanent removal of accounts without any compensation may be considered. The sanction is based on the severeness of the rule violation and the previous record of the player and is determined by the banishing gamemaster.

These rules may be changed at any time. All changes will be announced on the official website.