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Other Strategy

   Once you finally get out of rook and you go to main, you are in a lot more danger.  In Main you can be attacked by other people, so be on guard.  You should first start by finding the depot in the city you are in.  when you get there put all of your stuff in a locker.  Only your character can access your locker.  After that I would turn all your money into platinum coins.  100 gp is 1 Plat.  The last thing to do is get better items.  i would probably get a Morning Star and a Dwarven Shield.  You can probably get Scale Armor too.  If you want to get another helmet, then you should get a soldier helmet.  If you are planning on getting other legs, then you should get brass legs.  These items are not the best, but they should be fine for a while.

When you first start, you shouldn't just go out and try to kill strong creatures.  You should just go and fight weaker monsters like trolls or bugs.  Then when you get a little stronger, you can fight rotworms and minotaurs.  If you have some strong friends, then you can get a lot of help from them.  If they are nice then they will show you around and probably go hunting with you.

This is pretty much everything for my strategy.