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*~ ras kas ~*

~~ ras & kas ~~

With this page I dedicate to you my love...
and all the dreams we have shared together
over the years... We have shared so many
situations together... good and bad...
which we always managed to get through together..
especially with your help...

Where do I begin to tell you how much...
I love you... and always will throughout my life...
no matter where it takes us both...
I have done wrong in my life... which caused you...
so much heartache ...and I must say ...
I am sorry for what I have done over the years....

No words can express what we have shared together...
in our lifetime as a couple...

Among everything that has happened
we still remain best friends...
which makes me so happy...
we still enjoy each other so much
and put those problems aside when we are together
sharing the night with one another...
How do I express my love for you...
I have so much to share... so much to say and so much to do in life..

As I would love to have you a part of it all...
You always had me from hello... The first time we met...
after years of being apart... your smiling eyes...
swept me off my feet...
You love a person like there is no other...
and that you deserve back as a person...

I will always love you ...
between you and me we have so much...
Yet I cant get it together...
did I give it a chance or did I lose it all...
are we having a long goodbye...
because there is still lots of love between us...
and are we hoping for a second chance at love...
or are we scared just to lose one another...
I know I will never lose that love for you ...
no matter what...
and I hope you feel the same...

We share somethings in life...
that nobody knows...
about except you and me...
and that will always be dear to my heart...
and I will never ever forget them...
May the arms of an angel hugg you ...
With all my love and keep you safe...

Please save this page for a place for you and I ...
to be able to think alone about us...
May we laugh and cry.. together here or alone if we choose...

All my love to you... that will never change...
Please believe me... no poems or anything ...
just true words from my heart...
that I love you and hope oneday ... this makes us strong ...
and have all our dreams come true with each other...

A big hugg and kiss to keep close...
to your heart just from me !!!!

Love you always...
with all my heart and soul... Kas

(¯`·._.·ras & kas·._.·´¯)

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