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My name is Hunter Thomas, I am a Computer Science major at Ole Miss. This is my webpage for CSCI 103 with Sridhar Ramakrishnan, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday @ 9:00.


Things I Use Computers for:

  1. Burning CD's

  2. Downloading Music

  3. Creating Graphics

  4. Creating CD labels

  5. Checking E-mail

  6. Writing Papers

  7. Research Information for school

 Ole Miss Chancellor's Message:

I am Robert Khayat, chancellor of the University. These are exciting times on the Ole Miss-Oxford campus ?perhaps the most exciting in our history. Our faculty are among the most gifted classroom teachers and researchers at any public university; the staff are as dedicated as any you will find; Ole Miss students are brighter and more talented with each entering class; and our alumni are among the most loyal and generous anywhere. There's a renaissance at The University of Mississippi that makes this a great American public university. The Web site is a good place to begin, but to really catch the excitement, you've got to go to Oxford and see it for yourself.

Click Here to Visit NORML

I am a supporter of NORML - The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

NORML Mission Statement

NORML's mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to achieve the repeal of marijuana prohibition so that the responsible use of cannabis by adults is no longer subject to penalty.

Adopted by the NORML Board of Directors, February 27, 1999

Click Here to see my resume.

Hunter Thomas
1802 West Jackson Ave. Apt. 100
Oxford, MS 38655