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her. asian. 14. happy.


+AIM: baybeeirenee


this layout didn't take too long..edited the pic with photoshop

thanks to Emerald in the Rough for the image


98 degrees
you're my sunshine after the rain.
you're the cure against my fear and my pain.
cuz i'm losing my mind when you're not around.
it's's all because of you.


« # divine design ? »
« # koi ni ochiru ? »



sunday @ 2:46 PM

well hell. it seems that i have been putting off wearing my retainers for over months now, & i just started again yesterday night. *owiee* my teeth feel like they're gonna fall off, explode or both =[ i'm going to the zoo tomorrow to do a stupid extra cred. project...arrg...seems like everything i do nowadays is related to school which is a sucha huuuuuge stress factor for me right now...geez i wish i had photographic memory so i would never have to study & remember everything! i envy people with photographic memory.... or people with all A's. great, now i feel like doing some studying, lol.

saturday @ 1:07 PM

...homework is such pain in the ass. stupid teachers just had to give us 3 projects over the break huh? spring break just started for me yesterday and i have soo much work to do! stupid school, stupid teachers, stupid boys. why do some guys have to be so damn oblivious and inconsiderate to people's feelings? not saying that every male specimen out there doesn't think with his head, but it sure seems like it sometimes. now don't get me wrong or anything, i'm not some pessimistic little girl just raving about all the wrongs in today's society...actually i'm really happy with what i have. i have the best parents ever, the best buddies i could ever ask for, the best sister ,brother, cousin, you name it, & the most beautiful house in the neighborhood...but no one is always happy.


thursday @ 6:23 PM

just one more day until spring break. i bet i'll be watching the clock tomorrow at 7th period waiting for the bell to ring. oh yes. the words 7th period remind me...of how much i hate that class. haha, its study hall. but that isn't the reason why i dread going to 7th period so much..its because of these 2 guys who decided for it to be "lets-pass-embarrassing-notes-to-that-girl-saying-how-hot-we-think-she-is" semester. not saying that i'm not flattered (in the smallest fraction of a negative number) ..but if they pass 1 more perverted & retarded note even heading in my direction, then they're asking for an ass-whoopin. i mean, "hellooo~! how much more brain damaged can you be??" do people seriously think girls like it when guys do that? your dreams.


sunday @ 11:13 AM

school tomorrow. yay. not. *sigh* geometry 2nd period. i abhor it. i detest it. i hate it with the passion of a thousand suns. haha. jk ^^ actually i do hate it, but not because its geometry, but because of ms. steward. ugh. if you don't know her then you are one of the luckiest people to grace this earth, but if you do....i feel your pain. and you know what? i friggin turned in my form to drop that class a week ago...but nooooooooo stupid school, won't process the form until 2 weeks or more! well, har har. at least i get to walk to class with a cool someone and see another cool someone after horrible horrible geometry is over. when the bell rings to signal that geometry is over...i do my mental little victory dance & a mental shout of, "thereis a god after all!" hehe, no not really ;P
