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.....and they lived happily ever after.....
Monday, November 14, 2005
Hi everyone.Holy Im psycho.haha dont mind me.Today is going to suck.I have so much homework to do it isnt even funny.I hate school>:|anyways.Kitty is bugging me but hes so cute-look at that face! haha anyways.I want cake.Yeah well last night was so wierd.That blonde guy had the coolest hair ever.LOL.*sigh*Im bored.haha Go third wheel!!!Skank-power!Dont ask-insider sort of.Aww stupid pems are never around when i need one.I lost a valuable phone number:(.Well Im gonna go I guess...Nothing else to say.Oh soon as I order my birth certificate I can get my learners!Finally.Itsso funny cause I suck at driving so bad,Ill probably hit someone/thing the second I get yeah.Ali-Im NEVER coming over EVER AGAIN.Im scared of your stepmom.Shefreaked me out so bad yesterday!anyways.Bye for now

Posted by ashley at 6:56 AM
Updated: Monday, November 14, 2005 6:58 AM
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
back finally
Mood:  special
Hey.Sorry I havent written for soooooooooo long.So much has happened but we'll just skip that stuff.Yeah so what have I been up to lately?Well yesterday I went to a volleyball game.It was Royal vs. Graham.(Go Falstangs!)Kay the whole graham team was hot except for a couple of em.So if any members of the graham team is reading this-youre hot!Unless your one of the not hot ones.which is unlikely.But if you arent then you should email me;)Im going there next semester so im excited.yeah on sunday i went to ryly's,It was awesome,very strange night though.haha kay well Im gonna go for now

Posted by ashley at 4:08 PM
Updated: Monday, November 14, 2005 6:19 AM
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Cha Cha Cha
Mood:  a-ok
Hey there.Yeah today sucked ass.I was supposed to go to the Ex today,but no one wanted to go cuz they thought it was gonna be cold and rain then we ended up spending the whole day outside anywayPlus it wasnt even cold or raining.But nobody listens to me ever Haha yeah well anyways,we ende up going to burger king for some reason....and we went to that 1 store and bought a whole bunch of stupid things.Yeah.well we'll probably end up going to the ex tomorrow like sunday,which i dont want to go that day mmhmm emo boys are hot haha.I cant believe summers almost over.I dont wanna go back to school w/e.Well see yuh!

Posted by ashley at 11:01 PM
Updated: Monday, November 14, 2005 6:33 AM
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Monday, August 1, 2005
Basically-Me Complaining
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: nothing right now
Hey everyone.Sorry I havent been on for a while.I moved and stuff.yeah well this summers pretty boring.Went to Good Charlotte.It was good.I need to go shopping.Yeah my moms friends weddings coming up this month.I really dont wanna go.I'll probably end up sitting with my mom all night.YAAAAAY!!!Well I should go I guess.Bye!
Ashley {{xoxo}}

Posted by ashley at 8:57 AM
Updated: Monday, November 14, 2005 6:21 AM
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
The most interesting entry of my whole blog!!! :P
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Mr.Brightside-The Killers
Hey!Happy b-day Kayla!!!(I think anyway:S)Aww and Jacqualine went away to Nova Scotia:( Im gonna miss you butter-tart:( You gotta call me as soon as you get back and we'll chill! Yah well yesterday I got my report card Im getting all 80's and a 94% in guitar:) Yay.Well this week has been pretty boring so far.Tomorrow I am moving in with my sister for the summer.I have to baby sit my little sister and her friend like allday!:( But I get paid:D Now i wanna go shopping.Well I should go now.Nothing really interesting to write about so bye!!!

Posted by ashley at 1:08 PM
Updated: Monday, November 14, 2005 6:22 AM
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Friday, June 24, 2005
My day:)
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Alis shitty music :P
Howdy.lmao Alis shitty music.Well im just chillen @ Alis and yeah.well my day was pretty cool.Me n jacqualine went downtown and she bought some candy cane flavoured rolling papers and little stuffed penis's and the guy at the vinyl exchange was an ass!Anyway.congrads jac on your accompishment with paying the bills.lmao.That was so easy!those guys at sasktel were talking about you.DAMN!!Yeah my timetable is so screwed up now.Anyways yeah.well today me and Ali are going to stay up all night so I may come on here and write something deep and meaningful:P.haha well.I wish i had some pop.GUESS AGAIN DADDY!:PWell.I hope there is a welcome week dance and they get NightOwl cause then i can see that hot dj again:).Hes really hot.lmao well i have 10$'s.Im rich.Me n ali are goin to wal-mart tomorrow:)lmao.Well I guess I will go now;for Ali sounds bored -sighs- Well until next time.bye!!!


Posted by ashley at 5:31 PM
Updated: Monday, August 1, 2005 8:59 AM
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Wow!I cant believe its over!
Mood:  celebratory
Well.My grade 9 year is now over!It seems like it went by so fast.Im gonna miss everybody.You guys all have to call me to do something!This summer is gonna be so awesome!I cant wait:D Well.finals went pretty sure i passed well today Jacqualine and Ali came over.We watched Seed of aww Glen is my favourite character now!haha hes so funny.Well I guess I will go now.Hope everyone has an awesome summer!<3


Posted by ashley at 2:14 PM
Updated: Monday, August 1, 2005 9:00 AM
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
My Weekend
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Black Hawk-Goodbye Says It All
Howdy.well this weekend was extremely boring.Lets see.Friday I stayed home all day.Saturday I went to a movie,The longest yard or whatever its called.It was pretty good.k we spent like 30$'s there altogether.20,10 for each ticket.And 10 just for pop.And they were huge!I like had to throw it out when it was like half done cuz i was like sick.But at least the movie was good.Today I went to see my grandparents in Martensville.Yeah.I was going to phone some of my old friends from there but i havent talked to them for so long.Ill probably call them this week sometime.I kinda studied a bit today too.hmm.what else happened.Ooh,my bike got stolen:) lol.Hmm lets see oh yeah.I got cut from cheerleading!lol.but the only reason is cuz i sucked on the last day of tryouts because i hurted.Like my legs and arms hurt and i could like barely walk. haha so i tried to do the jumps and stuff so they probably just thought i sucked REALLY bad.But yeah.thats ok.I didnt really want to be in it so i dont care.OOH.Anyone wanna go to Good Charlotte with me?I wish they could have came here like a year ago when i actually listened to them.But I'll go anyway.I need to get my ticket soon.Well.i guess Ill go now.


Posted by ashley at 3:24 PM
Updated: Monday, August 1, 2005 9:00 AM
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Awards Banquet
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Big And Rich-Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy
Hiya!well today was retarded.I went to the academic awards banquet @ I never got an award though.But i got a gift certificate:P....from co-op:P:P haha i rule.But i only was in like 1 or 2 sports this year.But congrats to everyone who did win!{hugz} aww i dont want it to be next year.Im gonna miss all my friends from grade 12 and I'll probably never see them again:( Im trying out for cheerleading:) I went to the first practicy thing today.I'll probably get cut anyway though.but yesterday i missed 2nd-5th and today i missed 1st and 2nd.And i really dont wanna go to school I just never go to school anymore.Oh well.I should go.cuz my sister wants to check her e-mail.Bye!!!


Posted by ashley at 4:16 PM
Updated: Monday, August 1, 2005 9:01 AM
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Franz Ferdinand-Take Me Out
Hi all!Yeah today was stupid.Just got back from Mount Royal Idol.(I had to go cuz of SRC.anyways yeah.I suck.I did Old Time Rock & Roll,Ain't No Mountain High Enough,and Mickey.lmao Im retarded.Yeah it was so stupid especially the last one.We were gonna do this one song but it was the wrong one.haha and there was a hot guy looking at us like we were crazy.Hahahaha we're idiots.Anyways.Im really tired and its sooo hot in my room.grr.I dont think Im gonna go to school tomorrow.k last night I rented Boogeyman.It was pretty good.The monster guy looked really fake though but it has a pretty good story line.Anyways.Im gonna go get something to eat i think.Laterrr -hugs-


Posted by ashley at 5:36 PM
Updated: Monday, August 1, 2005 9:02 AM
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