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Echo~* =) My Profile


My Profile


About Echo~* Studios

Echo~* Character Information

I Am Sam...Sam I Am...I Like Green Eggs and Ham...

Who I Am...or What...

Hiya...well I guess this is where I tell you a little about myself....*deep breath* OK GO!!

~Name/Alias: Kat Smith/Veeah-Chan, DblOhEcho, and Akisame

~Gender: Female

~Age: 17 (born in 1986)

~Height: 6' 1" (Damn straight!!)

~Art Experience: 3 years

~Occupation: Student, works at convenience store, waitress and artist of Echo~*

~Likes: Peach candy (mmm!), reading, vid games, music (all kinds!!..'cept country!), breaking out of the mold, doing strange things (like dying my hair red and then having it tourn hot pink and orange ^^;; ), sushi, playing volleyball and tennis and uhh....just havin fun?

~Dislikes: Snobby rich girls, ants (INFESTATION!!! Die u stupid mofo!! *squish*), Mom's "Expirament" dinners, doing the laundry.

~Special Ability: Smiles all the time. (Isn't it unnerving?!?)

Well now you should have a basic idea of I am! ^^;;
