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Profiles of characters by me or others (remember, Janne's story is fictional)

Janne Keränen/Cuba Nectie
Janne is a impressive fighter at the Ju-Jutsu dojo where he is training.Once, a wandering fighter named Ken Masters showed up before him. "I heard that you can fight. I challenge you!" Ken said. Janne accepted his challenge. Unfortunately, he lost. Now, Janne seeks Ken for a rematch...

Win quotes#1: "Okay!! Who's next?"
Win quotes#2: "Admit that I'm best, and maybe you keep breathing!"

Country of origin: Usa
Fighting style: Thaiboxing
Age: 32
Height: 189 cm
Weight: 92 kg
Occupation: none
Hobby: Training
Likes: Beer and pizza
Dislikes: Sagat

Rastegar was the world champion at Thaiboxing. Once, during his journey to find challengers, he heard from a Thaiboxing emperor called Sagat. "I should be the one who holds that title!" He yelled. Soon, he travelled to Thailand. He found Sagat. "Who'll fight me next?" Sagat asked. "I'll fight you, Sagat!!" Said Rastegar. Sagat beated Rastegar in a few seconds. "And this is the world champion?? Bah!! The true champion fights even with one eye!! So, you shall not have your other eye!!" Sagat removed Rastegar's left eye. Wounded and humiliated, Rastegar left Thailand. Three years he trained, and finally he said: "Now, I'm strong enough to face Sagat! This time he's the one who'll be defeated!!" And so, Rastegar left to seek Sagat...

Win quotes#1: "Next time, I'll use my both hands!"
Win quotes#2: "You need years of training to be as good as me!"

Max Dash
Country of origin: Usa
Fighting style: Dash-style fighting Karate
Age: 45
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Occupation: Military leading
Hobby: Being with his family
Likes: Family, friends
Dislikes: Shadowloo and other crime organizations

During the Street Fighter tournament 2, One of Max's men, Guile was fighting in it and was trying to stop M. Bison and Shadowloo. However, a young warrior called Ryu defeated Bison, and he disappeared. Guile arrested other Shadowloo members and reported to Max that Shadowloo was brainwashing fighters to serve M. Bison in his evil plans. Now, Max has sent Guile to another mission. Mission's meaning was to clear up is it true that if Bison is alive. Months passed and no-one heard of Guile. One day, Guile called Max with a radiotelephone and told that Bison was dead. He was killed by mysterious fighter called Daimon. It is told that Daimon takes the souls of the fighter which he has beaten. Guile said that Daimon were going to take part to Street Fighter tournament 4 which arranger was the leader of a crime organization called Bloodlaw. Guile said that he is going to take part to the Sft4 too. Soon after that report, Guile disappeared. Max said: "I'm going to solve this case on my own, and find Guile!!" And so, Max took part to Street Fighter tournament 4...

Win quotes#1: "Stay there, if you don't want to die!!"
Win quotes#2: "Dodge faster next time!"

Yamato Uematsu
Country of origin: Japan
Fighting style: Ansatsuken tought by Ken
Age: 23
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 85 kg
Occupation: none
Hobby: Pick up women
Likes: Women, beauty
Dislikes: Ugly people

Yamato is another promising student of Kens, altough his attitude and his way how to treat Kens female students (picks them up and leaves them at the next day)causes some problems once in a while. One day, he started a fight in a gym. His opponent was a young boy. He fought and lost to the boy. Yamato swore to the boy that he would get his revenge. Humiliated, he told to Ken that a young boy named Janne had defeated him. Ken fought Janne and defeated him. Yamato realized that he would get his honour back if he could defeat Janne.

Win quotes#1: "Don't worry, my face didn't get a scratch!"
Win quotes#2: "Even Sean could defeat you..."

Country of origin: Great Britain
Fighting style: Jan-Kun-Do style Ju-Jutsu
Age: 18
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Occupation: Student
Hobby: Studying and training
Likes: Strenght
Dislikes: Math

Joachim was an excgange student in Finland. One day, when he was in gym, he saw a boy younger than him training. Suddenly, a large man started to fight the boy. The boy beat the man without breaking a sweat. Joachim was impressed. He asked. "What was that style that you used?" The boy answered: "That was the mixinf of Hontai-ryu Ju-Jutsu and my own style, Jan-Kun-Do." "Please, teach jan-Kun-Do to me!!" Joachim asked. The boy refused and left the gym. After that, Joachim has followed the boy secretly and imitated the boy's moves. now, he signs up in Street Fighter tournament 4 claiming to be the boy's student. He has to prove his skills to the boy in order to be a real student of Jan-Kun-Do...

Win quotes#1: "That was Tiikerinyrkki! Want some more?"
Win quotes#2: "Sensei...I wonder if he saw me?? "