The Plan

Before I begin let me just say the most important thing for everyone is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior. As Christians we believe he died for all and rose again.

We as Christians are currently waiting for Jesus to come back and to usher in his Kingdom on earth. Now I don't want to go against this notion, but I believe that we should gather ourselves together and then wait for Christ. Throughout history many Christians have tried this and failed, most who tried always set dates for Christ's return, and if we read Matthew 24:36 no one knows the date, and if there are people who set dates then we know they have it wrong. Now God does want to Gather us and you can find this in 2 Thessalonians 2:1, Matthew 24:21, and Ezekiel 20:34. I don't believe that God is against us waiting for him, but I believe that God will be more pleased if we gather ourselves instead of just waiting. As seen throughout the entire world there is no government, country, or nation that has completely turned to the Lord Jesus. I believe that it is time for Christians to get out of all nations and start a new one in the name of the Lord. If we read in the scripture this has always been God's master plan from the begining, from Abraham all the way to John the Baptist. In Genesis 17:6-7 we read that God will make nations from Abraham and a covenant between him and his "children". Abraham's grandson, Jacob recieved a similar promise in Genesis 35:11. The nation of Israel was to be a grand nation for God but sadly God saw the people's doubts and waveringness, but this was not the end of it. Even before John was born, God told his father Zacharias John's mission which was to get a people ready for God, Luke 1:17. Many might dissagree with this idea but God really does want us out of the nations. In Luke 17:29-30, "but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed." These verses just say in the last days it will be like Sodom and Christians will flee from the cities like Lot did. What I'm saying is that it would be more better for Christians to get out of the cities way before that time comes. God himself tells us this in Revelation 18:4, "...Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you recieve of her plagues." Now I know some interpret this in different ways but God means cities, and nations. In Revelation John mentions a city, and others which has sinned greatly and will be judged by plagues like Egypt was. If we read the verse before Revelation 18:4 we read, "for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication..." Revelation 18:3. When the bible mentions "her" it means Babylon and since all nations are guilty of joining her it makes sence that God will destroy them all, and commands his people to get out of them. This view is again supported in Revelation 16:19, "Now the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell..." In Lot's time God made a promise with Abraham that if there were at least 10 righteous people in a sinful city that God will spare that city for the sake of those 10. So if there is at least ten, God will keep his promise, but we must understand that the Bible does mention the destruction of sinful cities, and nations so God wants us out of them, and we shouldn't try to stop the coming destruction by staying, but that is exactly what we're doing.

The plan is to try to gather as much Christians out of all the nations to a refuge
from the coming disaster. When the time is right, we will leave this refuge and
enter into the promise land. This will be known as "The Second Exodus"