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please do not look at these web pages if you are easily offended! If you are then please leave now! This site may contain adult content once fully operated...thank you -Mel IN MEMORY OF RELL SUNN

I have some photo's that I have taken and I would love for everyone to take a look because I love photography. Being able to post what I have done is nice to have others see it as well! I should be getting more of my work up soon so i hope you like them!

“Through my experience in the past few years I have come across a lot of difficulties, trials, and tribulations that have been hard to cope with. I have found a sense of peace that I was never able to find yet somehow I have told my self that everything would be ok. No matter what I might deal with in life, that just one day hopefully I would be ok. I have been thrown through so many loops and spins that I have the feeling in the back of my mind…the burning, mind juggling, nauseated, sick to my stomach feeling. I thought I’d never be able to release the pain I had been feeling. I have been down many roads, met so many new people that their names are blank in my mind. Times that I have been dealing with good and bad have been times I would never give up. They have taught me more in life then I could ever imagine, and more than I could ever ask for…this is how life treats us, this is how we are put forth to deal with the situations that we thought we’d never be able to cope, this is the life we were given…”

this is the newest updated HTML of my webpage so my tracker has started over so you all are the first to visit the newest version of my webpage!!

Visit some more of my links

My pictures!
Very good Poems by Me!