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That's me. For those of u who dont know me, my name is Taylor McDonald and I live in P-Ville. p>

New pics of me I took of me 6/28/05. p>

not a good smiler. p>

EHHH I hate showin my teeth. makes me uglier than i already am. p>

Me in my pimpin "Jesus is my Homeboy" hat p>

I thought this was one of my better pics.

This is my Lil Bro, Blake. He's 12 and in the 7th grade. He's tryin 2 look cool in this one lol. Looks nothin like me lol.

This is a pic ( I hate this pic) of me and my bros. I'm in the middle, my older bro is Austin, 17, and he's on the left, and my lil bro Blake, 12, is on the right.

There's my good buddy (lol) Rio. As u can see he enjoys flippin off the camera, but he's awesome.

There's my friend Ms. Amanda Greer. I have come to believe she will be one of those moms who will sound sexy but make fun of her kid @ the same time lol (Chik-Fil-A "Want Somethin To Drink?") ANd idk who that other gurl is.

There's amanda again. Also there's my friend RJ who got his hair highlighted over the holidays. WHO THE HECK IS THAT OTHER GURL AND WHY DOES SHE KEEP POPPIN UP IN THESE PICS?!

This is the ever popular Blake Thames. I've know her since I lived in Montgomery cuz we went 2 Forest Avenue 2gether.

This is a pic of the Fairgrounds Building where we practice wrestling. It's right across the street from my school. and if u look to the right u can kinda see Josh Lamb aka Lambo half naked EWWWWW.

This is yet another pic of the Fairgrounds Building and there's Cody Carter half naked EWWWWW!!!!!!

This is our band (yes i am in band unfortunately but not next year! SCORE!) teacher Mr. Hall and only those of u who went on the christmas field trip would understand.

This is Tyler Ingram @ the Science Olympiad Mock Competition at our school. She is a very sweet and cute gurl and a great friend.

This is Nick Romero @ the SOMC listenin 2 music while we wait for our next event 2 roll around. If you notice that's Nam Joo with that thing in front of his face.

This is Drew Young also waiting for his next even @ the SOMC tryin 2 look suave.

This is Namjoo Chai a VERY smart and all around cool guy @ the SOMC.

This is Katie Evans. Doesnt look 2 awake does she? Well we DID have 2 get there @ 8:30 in the morning.

This is Ariel Riley @ the V-day dance. Looks sad doesnt she.

This is Baily Brown (she's in my 6th period P.E.) @ the dance and she doesnt like bein photoed

This is kevin @ the dance when he went out with Caroline

This is Caroline and Kevin @ the dance when they were goin out but they broke up *sniff sniff* so sad.

This is one of my best friends that is a gurl, Hannah Akers. She's crazy, funny , but a really cool person.

This was taken on the way to the Science Olympiad Competition Saturday (Feb 19) and from left 2 right it's Jeremy, Max, and in the corner u can barely see her but it's Heather. It's so cute awww lol.