Reality Can Be Frightening!

For seven months, Nick Carter fans didn't have to tune in to their favorite soap opera, all they had to do was watch his relationship with Paris Hilton and get the same effect!
Now, I realize that this relationship has been over and done with for over a year. But, it seems like press hound Paris the Heiress couldn't let Nicky go for the longest time. Now that she's engaged to Paris Latsis, maybe she'll give the vendetta up. Only time will tell.
I'll be honest with you; I never cared for Miss Hilton. In fact, I saw this as a doomed relationship from the beginning. Nick didn't grow up being waited on hand and foot like Paris did. No, he had to actually work for his fame and fortune. That's something Paris wouldn't even think of doing.
I know what you're saying: "Paris works! She models, creates jewelry, has a reality show, acts in movies, is recording her own album..." I think she stumbles her way through those things...much like life. Try to convince me all you want, I don't think she deserves half of what she's gotten.
With that being said, I invite you to check out my wonderful site that I have created! I will warn you, my personality is strong and my sense of humor is plenty. I will speak my mind a lot. If you're a Paris fan, you don't belong here. Go over to The Hilton Lounge and have a ball! I'm very pro-Nick, so this is really a website for his fans and those of us who think Paris is nothing but a press whore.
I hope you have fun and please, let me know what you think by leaving your thoughts in the guestbook. But remember; if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Of course, that statement only refers to those of you who like Paris and refuse to heed my warning!
Also, I will only be updating this site if there are any new articles or interviews that mention the former relationship OR if Paris decides to open her big fat unintelligible lips.
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