Earlier this year, Nick, AJ & Kevin sat down and gave a radio interview. A segment of that interview turned out to be very interesting. Below, I have transcribed what was said. It has to deal with how Paris was consistently bad-mouthing Nick to the press. It’s very interesting to see how Nick has matured in some aspects. I respect him for taking the high road when it comes to dealing with the subject of Paris. If anyone has a copy of the Rolling Stone interview that's mentioned, let me know. I've been searching for it and can't locate it on the net anywhere.

Shannon Tyler : Last week a certain young lady was promoting her movie and she had something not very nice to say about you. And you might want to comment.

Kevin : What did she say?

AJ : Oh that movie House of Crackpots?

Shannon : That’s the one. She said, and I hate to say it but I’m quoting, that you were a disgusting pig. So, you can comment you cannot comment.

Nick : It’s funny, I actually read that on the internet and I’ve been waiting to answer this question for a little while. The way I look at it is, maybe she should take a look in the mirror, first of all. Um, second of all, I kinda have to brush it off my shoulders because I look at it like she’s very immature and if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all. That’s the way I look at life. You know, obviously she feeds off, um…

AJ or Kevin : attention

Nick : yeah and just really, um, like trying to hurt other people and I’ve not been that way. I’ve never been that way.

Kevin : We’ve advised Nick this whole time when she was firing darts to take the high road and be classy about it, don’t comment on everything she says because, you know, it’s stupidity. Um, but, it’s frustrating for me because the five of us, like not the five of us but the four of us outside of Nick has never done anything to say anything negative about her or anything at all and in a Rolling Stone article somebody told me she made a comment about the group. So I saw her at a party and I went up to her, I’m like, “Can I talk to you for a second?” And she’s like, “Yeah, yeah.” (he says it in a really whiney tone while Nick and AJ laugh). So I pull her aside I’m like, “Paris, the five of us, I mean the Backstreet Boys, the four of us as a group has done nothing to harm you or said anything bad about you ever. I just heard about an interview you did with Rolling Stone, so I read it myself and I don’t appreciate the comments that were made and unless you want me coming after you in the press and opening up a whole can of worms…” I’m like, “You don’t want me talking about you on the microphone.” So I’m like, “You need to stop it.” I’m like, “Lay off my little brother and don’t say anything else about us.” And that angers me that she’s started again because for a while she didn’t do anything. So, it just angers me. What really angered me the first time and what really made me really suspicious about her is one time we were in the studio working on the record. She came in, right in the middle of the studio, interrupted an important meeting that we were having. But, it was Nick’s birthday and she wanted to surprise him. She’s like, “Oh, I’m sorry, but I have a surprise for Nick.” So we’re like, “Okay, cool.” We go out for the surprise and she’s got a birthday cake with her face on it (Nick starts to laugh again) and three camera crews and two tabloid magazines. So what does that tell you about her? She’s a press…you fill in the blank.

Nick : I almost feel sorry that she can’t move on. You know, I’m not the one calling her a disgusting pig or anything. I’ve moved on. I don’t care. She’s still got that negativity towards me obviously she still got something going on. So, uh, I feel bad for her.

Shannon : She’s treating her breakup with Nicole with more respect than she’s treating her breakup with you.

Nick : Yeah, (stumbling of words) Nicole, during that whole thing, cause I went out with them on that Simple Life thing that they did. And Nicole, I don’t know if it’s because of her upbringing or her background. I related to her much more and I realized that when I went out there with them. I related to her much more because she was adopted and she is a really genuinely kind-hearted person. The problem with Paris is that she…she thrives off of hurting other people and it’s not just me.

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