In the beginning, January 28 of 1980 to be exact, God made Nick Carter (and we thank Him everyday for that creation). A little more than a year later, February 17 of 1981, God made Paris Hilton (and most of us are still scratching our heads over that one). Who knew that many years later the two would be destined to meet and cause one of the most notorious relationships known to mankind?
It was written in the stars for this duo to dissolve. These two come from completely different backgrounds. Let’s take a look and see:

Nick Carter

a. It is well known, to any Backstreet fan that Nick’s family struggled in the beginning of his life. I believe they even had to go on government assistance for a short time (according to one of Jane’s books). -I just want to state that there’s nothing wrong with that. I had to be on it for a very short time myself.-
b. Nick, along with the rest of the Backstreet Boys, had to struggle for their fame and fortune. I’ve seen the documentaries on these guys and they went through a lot to get where they are now.
c. Nick’s family has gone through mess after mess since 2001, maybe even before then. The struggle for Nick and his family has been there since day one.
d. While Nick occasionally goes out on the town, he’s professed many times that he’d much rather stay at home and chill in front of the television.

Paris Hilton

a. Paris the Heiress grew up in the lap of luxury. Her every whim was granted. The girl never had to freaking want for anything materialistic!
b. Paris became famous for just being Paris! She didn’t do anything important! Please, let us all remember that. She became well known first and then started all of these projects that she now has going.
c. By the way Paris talks, her family is perfect. Mummy, Daddy, and sister Nicky are perceived as angels practically. Come on, not even millions of dollars will buy you a perfect family.
d. Is there any night of the year that Paris doesn’t go out? To take it one step further is there one hotspot bar/club where Paris hasn’t flashed herself or danced on the tables? I thought so. I think if Paris had to stay home for an entire night, she would combust.

So, you see kids, there was no way this was going to work. Nick is way too simple life for this girl. He doesn’t need all the paparazzi and exposure. In fact, while they were dating, that was the most I saw Nick out and about. He was always one to keep it on the down low. I rarely saw pictures of him out partying. I think this is a fact that Paris couldn’t comprehend, too much for that brain to handle.
I don’t know either one of them. Like most of us, I wasn’t privy to the details. All things written here are my opinion. But, I’m gonna bet that there will be a lot of you out there that agree with most of it!

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