Alas, not-so-true-love must come to an end. Unfortunately the end did not come soon enough for Nick. He and Paris ended their heart-break spree on July 22, 2004. Nick fans wasted no time mourning, as we were all glad that he was back in action.
But, happiness was cut short for a small moment in time. Paris quickly reared her ugly head and made her way to the paparazzi in a shocking turn of events.
Take a moment to view the various articles that were written about this oddly paired twosome after the split.

Why Paris and I Split : People (08-09-04)
After seven months together, Backstreet Boy Nick Carter, 24, and The Simple Life’s Paris Hilton, 23, called it quits on July 22. Paris preferred to have her rep confirm the split. Carter, however, briefed Scoop about the relationship’s ups and downs.
HOW THEY MET: We met through her bodyguard, who was a friend of mine. He called me up and was like, “Hey, she wants to meet you.”
WHAT LED TO THE BREAKUP: Our relationship totally was based on distrust. She didn’t trust me. I didn’t trust her.
WHAT HAPPENED JULY 22: We both got on the phone, had a discussion and agreed we couldn’t do this anymore.
HILTON’S REP’S ASSERTION THAT THE HEIRESS BROKE IT OFF: Obviously, that’s the way they’re going to try to make it look. [The breakup] is mutual.
REPORTS THEY CHEATED ON EACH OTHER: The only comment I’m going to have to that is that I’m loyal to those who are loyal to me.
GETTING LINKED BY INK: We got tattoos together three weeks ago (Carter got “Paris” imprinted on his wrist. He won’t divulge Hilton’s tattoo).
REGRETS ABOUT TATTOOING: No, [I don’t regret it] because I love her. She’ll have a place in my heart always.
GETTING OVER IT: I’ve got a lot of work to do. I just want everybody to know that I’m single and ready to have fun again. I’m a wild and crazy guy.
LIFE AFTER PARIS: If someone comes along and sweeps me off my feet, then I’ll be loyal again.

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What Really Happened to Paris? : In Touch (08-16-04)
Since the official end of her romance with singer Nick Carter about two weeks ago, Paris Hilton has been on an emotional roller coaster. In the span of one weekend, she danced jubilantly on the banquettes of a Hampton’s, NY, nightspot and appeared to be crying in the back seat of a chauffeured SUV.
Paris, 23, wailed to a security guard at a posh Hampton’s polo match, saying she wanted her father.
The emotional display occurred just days after Paris was seen with a cut lip and bruises on her arms. Soon, some were pointing fingers at Nick. Paris and her representatives refused to comment, while Nick’s lawyer denied the Backstreet Boy was responsible.
On Monday, “[Paris] wanted to see [Nick] and they spent the night together at his place,” Nick’s attorney, Marty Singer, tells In Touch. He speculates that Paris’ bruises were the result of a photo shoot she did on Tuesday. “I was told it was an ‘S&M shoot,’” he explains.
However, a source in the photographer’s office denied Paris was injured while being photographed. “There’s no way it could have happened during the shoot,” says the staffer.
“It looks to me like the mark on her arm was made by a strap,” says Singer, who claims that Paris has been spreading rumors about the injuries. “You could pull it tight on your arm and create that. And it is not difficult to use makeup on your face.”
Paris’ bruises appeared after July 26, when she and Nick danced at LA’s Argyle Hotel. According to onlookers, the trouble began when the party moved on to another club, Joseph’s, and Nick told Paris he wanted to leave. “Paris slammed her drink down and headed for the ladies’ room,” says a source at the club. “Nick stormed in after her.”

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Trouble for Paris : People (08-16-04)
When Paris Hilton stopped by the L.A. home of her friend, skateboarder Chad Muska, on July 29, something wasn’t right. “I looked for a second and I was like, ‘What’s on your arm?’…And I noticed her lip was pretty big too, and I’m like, ‘What happened?’” says Muska, who had joined Hilton for a shopping spree just three days earlier. “She was like, ‘I just bumped into something.’”
The cause of Hilton’s bruises, which she openly displayed for photographers at Los Angeles International Airport on July 29, is the latest and most dramatic controversy in the wake of the exceptionally messy breakup between Hilton, 23, and her ex-boyfriend, Backstreet Boy Nick Carter, 24. Although the Simple Life star and her family have been mum about exactly what happened, Carter has been put on the defensive, vigorously denying the notion that he is responsible for her injuries. “I’ll tell you one thing: I didn’t touch her,” the singer told PEOPLE on Aug. 2. “I’m not that kind of guy. I would never do that.”
So far, Hilton has declined to press any charges related to her injuries. “I’m doing okay,” she said Aug. 1. “I’m just so happy to be single right now.” During a long weekend of partying and family events in the Hamptons July 30 to Aug. 1, Hilton seemed in high spirits—and, in typical Paris fashion, even danced on the banquettes at Hamptons nightspot Jet East. “Does that sound like a girl who is crying over her breakup?” asks R. Couri Hay, a close friend of the Hilton family’s. “Paris is indomitable.” She can also be, “a handful,” says Joe Francis, the producer of the Girls Gone Wild video series, who briefly dated Hilton last year. “You can’t date Paris seriously without drama.
Certainly drama seemed to follow the paparazzi-basking Hilton and Carter, whose rocky seven-month relationship ended on July 22, with Carter telling PEOPLE that their romance “totally was based on distrust.” Four nights later Hilton—along with her sister Nicky, 20, actress pal Bijou Phillips, 24, and Carter’s brother Aaron, 16—hit the dance floor at the L.A. hotspot Fenix at the Argyle hotel. Next up: a stop a Joseph’s Café, where Hilton’s group ran into Nick. “It was an accidental meeting,” says a Hilton friend. Carter’s lawyer Marty Singer notes that Hilton went home with Carter. Says a friend of Hilton’s: “She spent the night but left there bruised.” Singer also says that Carter drove her to a meeting the next morning; Hilton’s injuries didn’t publicly appear until paparazzi shots taken July 28.
The next day Singer says Carter received an angry call from Hilton, who was upset by the pop star’s comments to PEOPLE, and that the pair “got into a big argument.” Hilton’s camp questions whether the call took place but acknowledges she was likely hurt by the story.
Whatever the truth about the bruises, Hilton and Carter have each had their loose-cannon moments: An explicit sex tape Hilton made with ex-boyfriend Rick Salomon surfaced last year; she also had a public spat with actress Shannon Doherty in ’03. And Hilton’s friends have had their doubts about Carter, who was arrested in Tampa for resisting an officer without violence in 2002. “I certainly didn’t like him,” says Casey Johnson, heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune and longtime Hilton pal. Johnson said Hilton’s focus is now on her career (she has two upcoming flicks, House of Wax and National Lampoon’s Pledge This!, along with her debut album). “I think that having Nick was bringing her down,” says Johnson. “She didn’t have time for both. He needed a lot of attention.” Still, even she notes, “we’ve hung out, and he’s always been very nice to me. He’s never been rude to [Paris] in front of me.”
But clearly the relationship was not always smooth sailing. “When they were really good, they were great, and when they were bad, they were awful,” says a Hilton friend.
Aaron Carter, meanwhile, has stated, “I stand by my brother 100 percent,” while Nick says that he is bewildered by the recent turn of events. “I’m just sad,” says the singer, whose new Backstreet Boys album is due later this year. “I really loved that girl.” As for Hilton, who has been in San Diego to shoot a guest spot on the new UPN series Veronica Mars, “she’s just trying to work and build a career and find the right guy along the way,” says Muska. “Obviously I don’t think this was the one.”

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Was Paris Battered? : Star (08-16-04)
America’s most famous blue blood is now black and blue. Did her ex-boyfriend Nick Carter do it? Star gets all the scoop on the famously feuding duo.
When perennial party-goer Paris Hilton arrived at the club Concorde in Los Angeles on Wednesday, July 28 with a series of strange marks on her arms and face, insiders from Hollywood to the Hamptons began buzzing about the bruises, wondering whether Paris’ on-again, off-again boyfriend, Nick Carter, a former Backstreet Boy and older brother of singer, Aaron Carter, was the culprit, sources say.
By the weekend, the blame game had begun, with friends (and, as a result, the press) saying that the bruising on Paris’ body was indeed the work of Nick. Nick’s lawyer, Martin D. Singer, denied his client’s involvement and told a reporter that Paris’ pals were spreading rumors simply because Paris was angry with her ex.
Though there may be no definitive answer as to whether Nick physically abused Paris, Star investigated his and Paris’ strange relationship and the black and blue marks he may or may not have left on America’s most famous blue blood. The results are surprising.
DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS: In initial published reports, Paris reportedly said that the incident occurred late Monday night/early Tuesday morning after a night out at Hollywood hot spots the Argyle Hotel and Joseph’s went awry. Nick reportedly demanded that the two leave Joseph’s and Paris refused. A source close to Paris agrees, telling Star that Nick – who has reportedly gotten rough with her in the past – pulled her from Joseph’s and into a waiting car.
“When Paris wouldn’t leave, Nick nearly dragged her from the club and started getting even more physical in the car on the way to his place,” a close friend of Paris tells Star. Paris’ pals said later that Paris even tried to jump out of the moving car but Nick held her back.
Nick’s lawyer Singer disputed this story, telling the press that his client had nothing to do with the bruises on Paris’ body. Singer claims that Paris was scheduled to attend a photo shoot for Rolling Stone magazine that week with an S&M theme and that if she were actually bruised, the magazine would not have proceeded with the shoot. Star, however, confirmed that the Rolling Stone shoot actually took place two weeks earlier, on July 19.
On the other hand, a friend of Nick tells Star that the fight actually occurred the next day, late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, that Paris started hitting Nick first and that he grabbed her by the arms only to fend her off. “Nick was supposed to meet Paris at the club Nacional but didn’t show up,” says Nick’s friend. “She was angry and partied there with Tara Reid. She was really mad, and when they met up at his house later they had a shouting match that escalated into a shoving match. Paris was hitting Nick repeatedly and screaming and he grabbed her by the arms to stop her and pushed her away.”
Though friends of both Paris and Nick tell conflicting stories, they do agree on one thing: The duo have a disturbingly dysfunctional relationship. “It seems as if when they’re not partying, they hate each other, but when they have a few drinks they are in love,” says one friend. “They’ve had a volatile relationship from the start.” Adds the friend of Nick: “They were talking even after the fight [last week] and are on the phone constantly.”
LOVE OR HATE?: Paris and Nick began dating last December (they met through Paris’ bodyguard, who was a friend of Nick) and the two were soon inseparable, turning up lip-to-lip at everything from film festivals recording studio sessions. “He’s just the sweetest guy,” Paris said of Nick on January 19, just a few weeks after their romance began. “He sends me little notes and flowers all the time.” But at the same time, a source says Paris’ Simple Life co-star Nicole Richie fought openly with Nick. “Nicole couldn’t take the way Nick was treating Paris,” says a source.
Then, in January, Nick reportedly stormed off in a huff after seeing Paris chat with actor Nicolas Cage at a Golden Globes afterparty on January 25. As recently as this past July 4, Nick blew his stack over a man Paris was talking to at a Hamptons, N.Y., hot spot, says the friend of Paris, prompting a physical altercation between the two outside the club afterward.
Nick, says Paris’ friend, can be prone to jealous rages over the attention Paris gets – and gives – especially involving men (rumors of infidelity on both Paris’ and Nick’s parts have been long-standing).
In addition, says the friend of Nick, he can act “really obsessed” with Paris and can be very jealous.
FAMILY FEUD: Paris’ family is said to be less than fond of Nick but Nick’s friends and family seem to have welcomed Paris with open arms. Earlier this summer, Nick’s brother Aaron said he thought Paris, “is a great girl,” and late last month, mom Jane told Star that “a passionate relationship like that is going to have its ups and downs.”
Perhaps, but pals of Paris say they hope the rising star ends the coupling once and for all, before the erratic behavior gets any more out of hand. As for Nick, he seemed to be moving on in the days after the incident, when he was photographed in Huntington Beach, California, arm-in-arm with a blonde Paris Hilton look-alike.
“Until one of them finds someone else, they’ll still run into each other because they’ll keep going to the same clubs to see each other,” says the source close to Nick, adding, “I have no doubt they’re going to hook up again.”

(Article Inlay): Is Nick Fighting With Wilmer & Lindsay Too?
Shortly after Lindsay Lohan, 18, and Wilmer Valderrama, 24, arrived at the Spider Club upstairs at L.A.’s Avalon club at around 1:30 a.m. on July 31, a source says Nick Carter approached Lindsay “and started talking shit about Paris.” But Lindsay didn’t want to get involved. In a rage, the source adds, Nick grabbed Lindsay’s breast. Afterward she stormed off and told Wilmer what had happened.
Then Nick and his friends and Wilmer and his friends squared off inside the club, according to a source. “Wilmer accused Nick of grabbing Lindsay’s breast earlier at the club,” an eyewitness tells Star. “Nick denied it, then Wilmer got really angry and started yelling at Nick.” And as quickly as it all started, it was resolved. But Lindsay was still unhappy, according to the source on the scene. “Lindsay came over and started screaming and crying, cussing out Nick,” says the source.
Neither Lindsay’s nor Nick’s reps would comment on the alleged breast-grabbing, but Lindsay’s rep did say, “Nick cornered her at the ladies’ room to discuss Paris, but she declined and didn’t want to get involved.”

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Did Nick Beat Paris? : Us Weekly (08-16-04)
Sources claim that Carter hit Hilton in a jealous, drunken rage. His attorney denies it. Do her bruises tell a different story?
Paris Hilton arrived at Hollywood’s Concorde club on July 28 wearing a typically eye-popping, super-sheer slip dress, but the only thing partygoers noticed were the deep purple bruises on her arms and a telltale dark stain on her swollen lip. Now, sources close to the couple claim that Nick Carter, 24, battered his ex-girlfriend and Simple Life 2 star, 23, in a drunken rage just two nights before. “He went crazy on her,” says a Hilton insider. “Her friends and family want to kill him.” Not so, says Carter’s lawyer, Marty Singer. “We have documented evidence showing this claim is absolutely false,” he tells Us. “I don’t know how she got those bruises, but Nick has never touched her.” (Hilton declined to comment.)
The couple had announced their split on July 22, only to run into each other at Joseph’s in Hollywood four days later. “She definitely went home with him that night,” says a source. “The next morning he even dropped her off at an appointment.” A Hilton pal, however, tells a different story. “They fought about the breakup [that night],” says the source, adding that the bruises are “grab marks” from Carter shaking her when their fight escalated. “He is a scary person when he drinks.” (Even brother Aaron Carter, 16, admitted to Us in January, “If we play tennis, I don’t play better than him because he’ll knock me out or something. He has a temper.”)
Whatever happened that night, Hilton returned to Carter’s Hollywood Hills home on July 28, where some kind of exchange took place in the afternoon before she decided to bare her bruises that evening.
Now, Hilton is in San Diego shooting an episode of fall series Veronica Mars. “Men are the last thing on her mind,” a pal tells Us. “She knows someday she will find a guy who will treat her in a way she deserves.

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Backstreet’s Back! : Now UK (06-05)
Still deeply unhappy about his break-up with hotel heiress Paris Hilton, Nick Carter seems very unsure about starting a brand new relationship. Nick, 25, who was recently snapped holding hands with British Eurovision flop Javine Hylton, is now very wary about any woman’s motivation in being involved with him.
“My love life’s been a little up and down,” he admits. “If I stumble across somebody who’s wonderful and everything I need then I’ll get involved with that person. I’m not asking for a lot in a relationship. I just want to have fun with someone and I want them to be truthful and adventurous.
I’m in a much better place now than I was before I went out with Paris. I’ve realized that beauty isn’t on the outside – it comes from the inside. No matter how beautiful a person may look, you don’t know what they’re like until you’ve spent time with them. I figured that out the hard way.”
Nick’s seven-month relationship with Paris ended acrimoniously in July last year when she accused him of being ‘uncontrollably jealous’. He admits he was jealous and says he was unhappy about seeing photos of her with other men while they were together. “Any man would be unhappy about being with someone who disgraced them in front of the world,” says Nick.

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