Q: How do I set DC++ up?
A: Its actually pretty easy. Follow the directions below:
1) Download DC++ from http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dcplusplus/DCPlusPlus-0.670.exe?download . Pick a download site, it doesn’t really matter which one, but try and pick one in the US. Download and save to your desktop.
2) When the download is complete, open the file. This will install DC++. After DC++ is done installing, click Start à All Programs à DC++ à DC++. This will launch the DC++ program
3) A read me on DC++ will be launched, read it if you want, then just close it. In DC++ Click File à Settings.
4) In the settings tab, Make sure Personal Information is selected on the right. On the Personal Information tab next to nick, type in your name in chat. This name will be available to all users in the hub.
5) In settings, click on Connection Settings on the left. Make sure Active mode is selected. (Advanced Note: If you use your own hardware firewall\router, you MUST type in your IP {get it at http://www.whatismyip.com) and you need to forward a port to your computer
6) In settings, click on the Downloads To on the left. Select a folder where you want your DC++ downloads to go to.
7) In settings, click on sharing on the left. Click on Add folder, and then select what folder(s) you want to share. Note: You must share at least 500MB of data (1gig recommended) in order to connect to the hub.
8) 7) The files will begin to hash. (if you don’t know what this means its no big deal) Just click on Run in the Background. Rinse and repeat for all of the folders you want to share.
9) On the sharing tab, change upload slots to 4 slots.
10) Click OK in the settings tab, your almost done!
11) In the main DC++ window, click on the yellow star
12) This is called the favorites window. We are going to add the hub manually into DC++. In the favorites window, click on New.
13) Type the following in the boxes:
Name: OSU
Address: Oswego.ath.cx:4556
Description: OSU
14) Click on ok. Now you should see the server. Check the box next to the server.
15) Double click on OSU. Congraulations, you are now part of the hub! If you need any help or get any strange error messages feel free to IM me at OswegoDCPlusPlus
15) For advanced options, click File à Settings and select advanced. Feel free to play around with options