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1.Always chrono under 300 fps.

2. During a game, goggles are to be worn at all times by all persons
on the playing field and never removed for any reason.

3.If hit and there is a ref call paint check if you were hit in a
place you can't see, the ref will pause the game, the ref will check
if paint has broken if not you may continue play. If you see you
are hit and paint has broken yell "hit" and walk to the dead box or
the safe zone.

4. If a player holds his/her gun with both hands stretched out over
his/her head, none is to shoot at the player. This movement is only
allowed if the player is eliminated, or in a case of emergency.

6.If two or more players mark each other simultaneously, all must be
eliminated. A referee will decide who is to be eliminated when two or
more players are marked

7. "Dead Man Silent" is when a player gets hit and walks out of the
field. During this walk s/he is not allowed to speak to any of the

6. An eliminated player cannot shoot while walking out of the field,
nor is s/he to be shot at.

7. Referees are under no circumstances to be hit.

9. No physical interaction whatsoever is allowed between players

10. If you are off the feild and you gun is aired up you must have a
barrel plug or a barrel condom on or in your barrel.



Hit Counter