Vital Stats:
Height : 6'7
weight: 190 pounds
Age: 20
Birthday: 6 January
Hair colour: Black
Skin Tone: white
Tail: Yes
Power Level: 1,704
(Ki: 100%)
Stats:(Strenght:412 / Speed: 382 / Stamina: 354 / Fighting Abitlity:556 - 200 from sword)
Hit Points: 41,170 / 41,170
Race: sayin
Items: weighted clothes,
Dragon ball Radar
Equipment Gym
Move:(5%)ki beam
(20%)Special Beam Cannon
(30%)Triple Form Attack
(15%)Destructo Disc
(20%)Super Kamehameha
Doing:on earth looking for dragonballs.
Battle record:1-0-0
Win / Tie / Lose
Biography:Xenon always wishes to better himself so he trains harder and when he reaches great power he wishes to be even greater which accounts for his dislike for most other people. He is a 6'7 190pound muscle bound destroyer