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Wars Fought

Date: Friday November 17 2000 A 2 on 2 War was fought with "Ghostsquadron" in Death match. IDF won this war From a negotiated surrender. "Ghostsquadron" Surrendered to IDF at aproximatly 4:00am cst

Score: IDF 8

Ghostsquadron 2

Members at war: (IDF) Zadok7, BlueThunder.

Members at war: (Ghostsquadron) Bink, Peter

Squadron Commanders Comments: Well Done, Congratulations to pilots who engaged the enemy in our fisrt war. A campain ribbon is awarded AUTH:zadok7

DATE: FRI JAN 5 2001 A squadron war was fought with "WOLF" squadron in IBS RAW

IDF won the WAR

Although a few of our fighters and bombers were shot down IDF did not suffer any ground losses.

Members at war: (IDF) ZADOK 7, BlueThunder, FOO fighter, LunarWolf, Wizard, FishTail.

Members at war: (wolf) CDT Viper, Burning speed, Maveric, Joey, (Hellcat) , BlackAngel.

Squadron commanders Comments: Well done all that training paid off. Congratulations to all participating pilots who engaged the enemy and had the stamina to stick it out and stay till the end. Well done

I am proud of you guys for such good work

A campain ribbon is AWARDED to each pilot that fought in war .AUTH: ZADOK 7 Squadron Commander

DATE: SAT JAN 20 2001 A squadron war was fought with "French Eagles" in IBS RAW

IDF won the war

French eagles didnt seem to have the stamina, patience or be able to put up with the confusion that went on. We Hit them hard and fast. One by one they left IBS RAW and finally when the skies were clear we all said " where they all go ? "

I personnaly didnt see them all leave as I was occupied at flying below 300 feet to target and could not take my eyes off the terrain. how ever I think we should ask them again if they want to save face and fight us again... If not well we keep the win.

Well done all who turned up

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