Alleged Height/Weight: 5'8 1/2", 138 lbs.

Finisher: "Impactor" (Double-Handed Chokebomb)

Trademarks: "High Impact" (Spear), "Shock Treatment" (Triple Gutwrench Suplex)

Quotes: "I have made such an impact in this federation.......", "Yeah! Biatch"

Entrance Theme: Ill NiƱo "Five Minutes Alone"

The Olive, a former deranged suprehero character, was tossed away by his idol, Torch. He was told by Torch to leave after Torch obtained the World Title, and could only come back if he had a tougher attitude, bigger muscles, and was much more intimidating than a whacko superhero. The Olive was secretly training for weeks upon weeks to build up his muscle and work on his attitude. He came back to the LIWA "with authoritay" to protect Torch, and to show the LIWA what he was made of. It appeared that the Olive would have a strong future in the LIWA, however after having an argument with Torch, the two separated, and Torch broke Olive's ankle, keeping Olive out of action for several months. He returned at Breaking The Barrier 2001, interfering when Crimson cost Torch the World Title and Commissioner spot Olive and Torch have been allies since, though shaky, and will look to take down the rising power of Will Storm, Sean Irvine, and Crimson with all new moves, music and personality.

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