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FAQ - quick help for users

"Even if the whole world turns against you, here is always a way for you"

  • Forgotten your Username ?:

 Write your complete real name, full address and Email address! into the question box at the end of this page, with a short sentence that you lost your usernameID. Your Username will be send to you by email.

  • Forgotten your password ?:

 Go to the login page and click the link to change password. go to login 

  • Why does it take so long to receive my membership confirmation ?:

 It may take more than a day until your membership will be confirmed. If no confirmation will be send in a month or more then simply send the application form once.

  • About the member list and your portrait:

 By joining NOX you add automatically your screenname and email address to the official memberlist. Every NOX member is a proud Satanic member and must accept the NOX-statements (under NOX-SATANISM) to be considered as true Satanist at NOX.
Every proud member may also add a portrait of himself to this list, by sending
  • your screenname
  • your portrait(max.size 5X5cm) to the NOX-portrait-folder under NOX-world
  • About NOX-sellers:

 Every member of NOX may become a seller! ,if you have many satanic cds or other dark stuff that you want to sell, then apply right now! Every seller can send the details of his article to the NOX-council,who will add it then to the NOX-CYBER-STORE if the price and the maintenance is acceptable. The seller will be contacted if one of his articles is recommanded.

How to become a NOX-seller ?

  • you must be a member of NOX (under join) and you must accepted the NOX-statements (under NOX-Satanism)
  • you must have applied for NOX-seller and you must have accepted the Seller-Statements

Messages to the NOX-council

Your e-mail address :  

 Comments, questions, suggestions here:

last update:13/09/01

Contact for information: founder of N[()]X