I would now like to take this time and state the obvious- this is an unofficial site. Surprise! I have absolutely no connections to Rob, and, now that you know this, please stop sending me your undying love letters. My name is Rebekka, not Robbie, and no, you can't have my baby. Seriously, I'm flattered and all, but I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment.
Another thing you should know about my site is that it's all complete and total bullshit. Yup, it's all crap, caca, poo. Everything you see on this site has been made up by my twisted little mind and then neatly cut and pasted into place. Hah, and to think, my guidance counselor said I wouldn't amount to anything in life! See boys and girls, that just goes to show you that with a little hard work and the book Webpages For the Criminally Insane, you too can have direction in life...or at least a Robbie Williams website.
Now, for one last side note. All emails sent to me with the subject title "Die you nasty bitch" will be automatically deleted. If you wanna send me hatemail, be a little more creative and try to, at least, get me to open the damn thing. This is a humour site, and just because you had the misfortune of being born an anal prick is no reason to rain on my parade, alright? Instead, why don't you take that time you waste emailing me nasty letters and try removing your head from your ass? And, hey, remember that Jesus love you...even if you are an asshole.
*If you'd like to lodge a complaint about something on my site, please direct it to the
Tuff Shit Department. Thank you.