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Ads for VED

This part of the site is where we will show the ads that we have had for anything that has to do with team VED. Also we will show all of the graphics we have had.

This is our first ever logo for TEAM VED, made by Travis.

This is an ad that was put up at Westland MS in Feb 2002 when we were advertising for our T-shirts. (By:Sebastien Wood)

This is another logo for TEAM VED made in February 2002, it was the second VED logo.

This is a drawing of Mister Squarepants doing a Kickflip in some VED Gear. Made by Ben Burke.

This is a picture of Squidwirt doing a kickflip, with VED style.

A VED Mafia drawing by Francis.

A drawing of the VED Hed by Sebastien Wood.

A little few drawings by Francis.