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Chapter 20
Winglets & Rudders

This chapter starts out fast with two steps to cut and glass the upper and lower winglets. I guess that Nat thinks that after doing the wings and canard this should be easy stuff now. I am skipping chapters and have only done the canard, so I flip back and read up on doing the wings also I check the archives and newsletter. These should be the first airfoils to glass because they are the easiest with the exception of the complex curves at the top of each upper winglet. Trying to get the glass to go around for overlap was a bit difficult. After a couple days I had these done, and was ready to move on, except I noticed that one winglet was larger than the other (my second big mistake). Hmmm...remeasuring, and I found that I was off by an inch on the left winglet. Blast, if I could only learn to read a measuring tape! I email Nat and he gave me a two options, I chose to throw away the winglet and make another. I think that I have learned to triple check all measurements before I do anything!!

Right Upper Winglet Left Upper Winglet
Lower Winglets