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You've dreamed about Mr. Perfect. Well these guys might not be that Mr. Perfect, but they all definitely will qualify for Mr. Hottie 2001.


This is where I put up an ad...if you have a website or something that I should put up here, e-mail me at

Disclaimer: This website is not intended to make anyone feel uncomfortable. If you cannot handle the fact that some of these guys do not have shirts or pants on (but do have boxers or briefs on) please leave immediately! I would not like to get email from people complaining that they did not want to view the material on this site, or else why are you here?! If you are under the age of 12, I would also advice you to leave because the viewing of the material on my site should be shown to mature people. I do not want any emails from your parents saying that I have exposed inappropriate materials to you! I am not the one to blame because YOU are the one that's here and YOU are the one making the decision of whether or not you want to view the material on my website. I designed this website for my personal pleasure and it is not intended for the advertisement of any of the guys shown here. No I do not have connections with the guys on this website unless I have stated so, so do NOT email me asking for the phone number (or e-mail address) of one of the guys! I DO NOT KNOW THEM PERSONALLY. And if you are one of the people on my website, and want to contact me, you can e-mail me at Now, once again, if you are under the age of 12, or you do not like to be exposed to half-naked men, then you should leave this site NOW!
~The Webmaster (DarkPrincess)