And so my week long vacation is coming to an end
We went to a crowded vietnamese restaurant with only two waitresses who also acted as cashiers. They were literally running all over the place forgetting to refill water and procrastinating on taking people's orders. The food, however, was awesome--and no bugs this time.
I hung out with my brother today who made me watch the entire Depeche Mode music video DVD. I do like Depeche Mode, but I can't stand their videos. They're weird--every single one of them. But It did bring back memories of high school and all the rest of the great groups like Erasure and New Order.
I really have my brother to thank for enlightening me with the likes of "new wave," but I did introduce him to Morrisey and The Smiths. Of course, if it weren't for the fact that I moved to a school mostly dominated by rich, white people, who tended towards that type of music, I might have been listening to more rap. Not that there's anything wrong with rap . . .
Which reminds me, I all of a sudden know the chorus to Eminem's new rap song Lose Yourself. When I drive, I find myself bobbing to the music like I'm driving in a convertible low-rider, top down, and cruising on Sunset drive. What in the world has become of me? Music is so powerful, and while the lyrics are very encouraging they still are littered with expletives. Radios censor these and I don't sing them (they aren't part of the chorus), but I still feel it could have been written without them. And so I rationalize.
Yes, for the most part, i voted "conservatively"
Society basically has no standard of morality. We change but we do not evolve because that would mean we actually improve ourselves when we don't. We alter the standard based on what a majority thinks is okay. This is the first year I have heard several expletives on major network TV stations that I never heard when I watched TV as a child. These words are not acceptable TO ME and I really hope in 10 years they don't become acceptable in polite society. People throw things out there and they become more and more commonplace. Will I hear my children saying #?!* to eachother because of what they hear on whatever becomes the next Rugrat equivalent? My parents taught me not to curse and yet at times I do (when I have a close-call in traffic mostly). But the moment I curse, I have a pang of conviction (not guilt) which was instilled in me from my upbringing. I hope I never lose it.
All of a sudden I relaize why I'm writing this. I've been listening to too much secular music lately. I need edification and redirection.