Coffee Talk

here's stuff I think about mainly while driving. Here's to blah-ging

Monday, May 10, 2004

another reason to buy clothes
I finally had to buy some maternity clothes b/c my pants were getting too tight at the waist. The nice thing is that maternity clothes are pretty nice nowadays. There's even low-rise pants which come in handy for my barely there stomach. I'm sure I'll have to wear the type with that large panel in the front one day, but for now, I'll enjoy the low-rise.

Lots of people touch my belly now that I'm actually showing. At church, when we're greeting eachother, people tend to shake my hand with one hand and rub my belly with the other. I don't mind at all, but it's just something I noticed.

I'm having fun being pregnant. Yes, I am breaking out like crazy, but I have had minimal nausea and no vomiting. I have a little hip pain which makes me take less stairs, but I'm okay otherwise.


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