Coffee Talk

here's stuff I think about mainly while driving. Here's to blah-ging

Thursday, December 02, 2004


My first teacher was my grandmother. At three, she used to teach me children's songs and have me write them down in my own black and white composition book. I had no idea to how to spell so she would recite each letter . . ."T-h-i-s l-i-t-t-l-e b-i-r-d t-h-a-t b-u-i-l-d h-e-r n-e-s-t ..." As I learned more songs, I also learned how to read and write. This was all before Hooked on Phonics of course, but it worked, and soon I was reading my brother's 2nd grade reading books.

In the summer before 2nd grade, my grandma started to teach me my multiplication tables. I abhored staying inside when my older brother got to go outside. I had to finish my lessons first. The multiplication tables were easy at first, but I remember that memorizing The Threes took me forever. The funny thing was, in second grade, no one knew their multiplication tables. Therefore, I was a math whiz for a brief moment in my life . . . but only when it came to the multiplication of ones, twos, & threes. I stumbled over the rest.

Despite her 5th grade education, my grandma had high regard for higher education and knew the opportunities it would bring. She determined that all her 6 children would get college degrees. Had it not been for her encouragement, my grandfather would have had them go into farming with him or man their little store. My grandma's influence trickled down to her grandchildren. So far, 5 of her grandchildren are doctors/ph.ds with a few more on the way and all are or have gone to college.

My grandma died Nov 24th at 87 years old and has definitely left a legacy.


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