Coffee Talk

here's stuff I think about mainly while driving. Here's to blah-ging

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

a little mean

Was I a little mean the other night when I was on call with the intern? I'm asking myself that. I told him he didn't show enough intiative for someone who is going to be a second year in 5 weeks. Why? . . .I had to tell him what to do about every single second. And then, he said he needed to sleep as if it were possible with 2 people in the ER and a pregnant woman still needing to be seen.

Actually, I was frustrated. I have complained about him in this blog before, but that was at the beginning of the year. He had an excuse, but not this time.

I like to sleep too. And usually I do, b/c the intern on call (whoever it is) and I work as a team. I felt like I was on call by myself that night. I told him, "I should be the one tired, I'm the pregnant one!" Still, he schlepped behind me towards the ER.

I am not the only one who feels this way. Two attendings told me to keep a watch on him this month. And the funny thing is, at the beginning of the night before hell broke loose, this intern told me how he thinks everyone is being unfair. That just b/c he made mistakes in the past, no one gets over it. I listened for a while and then told him, "You know, if many different people are telling you these things, you must look at yourself in the mirror and ask,'maybe I am doing something wrong.'"

Since he is being scruitinized, I told him he has to go above and beyond not just the other interns, but himself. With that in mind, I expected him to work hard that night, but he didn't. Or at least I didn't think he did.

And the worst of it all, by 5:30am, I let him go upstairs to the call room to bring up XRays while I admitted the last lady by myself. At 6:45 am, with 15 min before call ended, I went to the call room to brush my teeth and found that he had actually slept!

Monday, May 10, 2004

another reason to buy clothes
I finally had to buy some maternity clothes b/c my pants were getting too tight at the waist. The nice thing is that maternity clothes are pretty nice nowadays. There's even low-rise pants which come in handy for my barely there stomach. I'm sure I'll have to wear the type with that large panel in the front one day, but for now, I'll enjoy the low-rise.

Lots of people touch my belly now that I'm actually showing. At church, when we're greeting eachother, people tend to shake my hand with one hand and rub my belly with the other. I don't mind at all, but it's just something I noticed.

I'm having fun being pregnant. Yes, I am breaking out like crazy, but I have had minimal nausea and no vomiting. I have a little hip pain which makes me take less stairs, but I'm okay otherwise.