it pays to complain
I have been doing a lot of public complaining and it has paid off! About a week ago, the residents received a new health insurance packet where we were basically restricted (because of the outrageous costs for HMOs) to use the hospital we work in (university hospital) and related physicians as health care providers. The cost comparison is for the university hospital plan versus the HMO is $17 vs $218 for one person. Obviously, it doesn't leave anyone much choice.
I don't get sick to use insurance anyway, except for the fact that I'm pregnant now. I purposely chose a HMO last year, paying only $70/month, but this new plan is forcing me to change to a different doctor half-way through my pregnancy. The thing is, I really wanted to keep my anonymity/privacy when it came to having a child where I know a lot of the OB residents/staff. It's just plain weird to me--especially since the delivery of a child is such a vulnerable position in the first place. You're naked, you're feet are in stirrups,etc.
Luckily, after writing a 2 page paper to the housestaff council, I got a reply from the vice-president of benefits at the hospital who said they'll cover my expenses at the HMO until 6 months post-partum.
Life is good . . .