Coffee Talk

here's stuff I think about mainly while driving. Here's to blah-ging

Sunday, February 27, 2005

cell group

We re-opened our cell group again (after a year or so). We had a pretty good turn out with 7 people besides the regulars. Formerly, we were known as the Young Married Couples group, but now that were not so young, we're just another Bible study group/ Cell group.

Brave little soul

I almost made it through this pediatric rotation without getting sick. ALMOST. I came down with a sore throat on Friday, but no rhinorrhea or fever so I think I'll be okay. I don't want the baby to get sick. He's actually been a real trooper. He got his 4 month shots on Friday and hardly cried. I think we hurt (my husband and I) more than he did.

Friday, February 18, 2005


The baby is busy in his stationary entertainment center slobbering away. He's at 4 months now and with good head control. Thank the Lord! Now not only do I have the swing and bouncer to utilize , but this little "exer-saucer" keeps him entertained for quite a while. He turns and turns in it with his little legs.

Filipino hair

For some reason, the boy's hair does not slick down even with gel. 4 1/2 inches of it stick straight up like Don King.

Here with his cousins