deja vu
I'm feeling like an intern again--sleep deprived and over-worked. I started my inpatient geriatrics rotation om Monday and have started my days at 5am. Since I am the only resident on the rotation every admit comes through me. I have had an admit every day except for the first day. I can be in clinic one afternoon and get a page regarding an admit. Right after clinic, I'm at the hospital admitting. During the past week, I went to the hospital at 10pm and left at 12 midnight only to get up at 5 the next morning.
The hospital is private and nothing like the county hospital in terms of scut work. If I order a CXR that's all I have to do. I don't need to call radiology and see if they even received the fax only to find they didn't and I have to fax again. No, here the med clerks do that.
The consults are polite too unlike the over worked residents we have to consult at the county hospital. WHY are you calling me!!! they sometimes ask annoyingly. Private hospitals are so nice.
There is also not that smell if you know what I mean . . .