Coffee Talk

here's stuff I think about mainly while driving. Here's to blah-ging

Friday, March 10, 2006

baby einstein

As much as I fought myself from ever buying those annoying Baby Einstein DVDs--I did. But just one, others were given. Ryan likes them and they buy time on our 5 hour trips to Dallas. Without them, the trip would take 7 hours. Seriously.

I still can't believe how boring those DVDs are, but one thing I like are the digital flashcards included. They are simply pictures of objects I could take if I had time, followed by a pause for the child to identify, followed by the spelled out word. I was surprised when Ryan quietly said "shoes" and "socks" when he saw the pictures for the first time.

I still think human interaction is the better teacher though.


"The boy" as I refer to him, is almost 17 months old. He talks up a storm although most of the time it's a bunch of very expressive jibber jabber in the form of a question. He tilts his head and waves his index finger at you. I wonder what he thinks he is saying. As far as comprehensible words, his favorite phrase right now is "there you go" which he learned from my dad.

Our latest scare was when we found him on top of the dining room table. That foreshadowed him climbing onto the coffee table that he got onto after climbing onto the couch. That lead to him falling off the coffee table and onto the floor leaving a bruise on his forehead. Where was I? Right next to him. He's that quick.