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Draggahaus Home

Della and Kender's Litter

Mom, Della's Page Dad, Kender's Page

Della and Kender's 2002.
Contact Heather Haggard



'L' litter

Male~Logan von Draggahuas~SOLD~Luke

6/28/03: Logan is almost one year old. He is a great looking male. Luke has started him in schutzhund and is training in the Denton area. "If you live in the Denton area and are interested in getting together with Luke for training sessions, then call him at



Contact Luke by email

These pictures were take 04/11/01. This is a great looking dog. He has a wonderful temperment. We are very pleased.

These pictures were taken 1/23/03. He has started on his grip work for protection, and as you can see has a nice grip and is possesive. The picture of Logan gripping the puppy tug is also shown on the Leerburg site. They have great stuff, I have heard good things about the video's and equipment.

Leerburg's tugs

Logan's baby pictures below.

Very good looking boy!!

Logan pictured above at 15 weeks.

He is doing wonderful. Very smart and well mannered. He loves to play with my nieces or the other kids in the neighborhood when I take him for a walk. This guy loves to chew and taste everything...geez. I have been working on training the sitz, plahtz, sit stay, down stay, and here commands with him and he is progressing nicely. He will do it on command for food everytime needless to say, but when I take the food away he is more hesitant. Oh ya, he also is learning "aus" very nicely as well. I have only had like 3 accidents while crate training, mostly my problems I'm sure. One night I didn't pick the food up ontime and he ended up pooping in the crate, and the other times I ended up not getting home from work in time so I couldn't let him out at his normal time, other than that he goes all night with mostly no problems. He still whines when I put him in the crate for like the first 5 minutes, but then he settles down. He can definitely tell who his daddy is, he is so excited when I let him out of the crate or when I open the gate to the backyard and he hears it, he comes running to see who it is and then starts running around me frantically to get my attention and to be loved. We were walking the other day and there was another dog "mixed Shepherd" also walking, I was surprised that Logan did not back down, but readily approached him and began to sniff him out and well then of course he started barking at He was in my backyard yesterday and there is a little gap in the fence where he can see the front door area and who is at the door or walking up on the sidewalk. And well a police officer came to my house to visit my roommate about an accident he witnessed and well Logan started barking as if they guy didn't belong was great.......Luke.

Della had her pup today(July 13th 2002) She went into labor lastnight around 7:00 p.m. She was having a hard time with no luck by this morning. I took her into the vet and after helping her all day she had a C-section at 2:00 in the afternoon. Della had one male pup. He is a big boy, Sable.

Della beginning labor.

Della and I fell asleep waiting for her C-Section, we were so tired. She was such a good girl.

Della 'knocked out'. Not long now!!!

Dr Taylor (Rockwall Vet Clinic) took such good care of us. We don't know what we would do without him. Dr Taylor also does all our OFA hips and elbows. He is great!!

Here he is!! What a big boy.

Meeting Mom. Love at first sight.

Logan pictured here on 29th of July. He is already walking around and will come to me when I go into the room. He is very healthy and active. He loves to be held. He is a very dark sable, with a hint of red to him. He is going to be a good looking boy.

Logan's new thing is jumping up on the edge of the box and seeing what is going on in the room. He is a very social pup, and loves lots of attention. He will look for me as soon as he hears my voice.

Logan had his first trip outside today. He was so brave, acted like he's been going out all the time. He wanted to be with us and his mom, and went running down the sidewalk, found a puddle of water and in he went. He was a little surprised about it, but handled it like a pro.

Taylor working on HERE and FUSS(HEAL) with Logan. What a pup!!


Logan has been learning what a litter is all about. He was not very happy at first, with all the other pups jumping on him and biting him, but now he is ok with it and will play back. He is still with Della at night and some during the day, but he needs to learn his litter socialization. Logan has learned that his bark in the fan will make me laugh and he does it if he can't get my attention. It is very funny. Logan is defiantly a leader male.


1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4) 3 5) 3 6) 2 7) 4 8) 4 9) 1 10)Good~Very gentle.

~Mostly 3's This pup is outgoing and friendly and will adjust well in situations in which he receives regular training and exercise. He has a flexible temperament that adapts well to different types of environment, provided he is handled correctly. May be too much dog for a family with small children or an elderly couple who are sedentary.

~Mostly 4's A pup that scores a majority of 4's is an easily controlled, adaptable puppy whose submissive nature will make him continually look to his master for leadership. This pup is easy to train, reliable with kids, and, though he lacks self-confidence, makes a high-quality familly pet. He is usually less outgoing than a pup scoring in the 3's, but his demeanor is gentle and affection.

Logan pictured here with his Sire Kender. What a pair.

To see what Della/Kender pups will look like see thier last litter below.


Della and Kender's litter born 2001. Five males and 3 females.

Della and Kender's puppies are all doing great in their new homes. These are two of the girls, we are waiting on new pictures of the rest of the litter. This litter has been known as the easiest to housebreak. Emma and Elli were raised by us and they never had an accident. What a joy.

Elli at 6 months Elli at 6 months

Elli lives here at Draggahaus and is growing up to be a wonderful girl. to see more pictures of her see Ellie's page.


Emma von Draggahaus pictured at 6 months on the left and 10 months on the right.

Emma Emma

Emma quickly moved up in her obedience classes. She was a dog that I rarely had to "train" she caught on to things very quickly. She wanted to make you happy, and would remember things so that you would not have to repeat it to her. I started her, as a puppy, in clicker training, and she would pick up new things very quickly all though her training when started with the clicker.
We unfortunately lost Emma when she was 10 months to a serious communicable virus. We miss her dearly, she will always be in our harts.

6 weeks Kaizer Bear

Kaizer Bear is loved dearly by his family. He is a sable in color. He is very typical looking male that Della and Kender produce.

Kaizer Bear

We recomend an organic diet for all our pups. To learn more about our recomended dog food go to