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Maya von haus Richards

Page updated 11/09/04

Maya is now 5 1/2. We are almost ready for out Sch1 test. This dog would have gone alot faster in the hands of a advanced schutzhund trainer. But because we also wanted her to be a good house dog and family pet she is moving slow. She loves to train and work, and we are having fun. Taylor has done a great job in taking these pictures for me and we will on occation add new pictures. Here is a link to her father the very famous V Chris vom Forsthaus Hattlich SCH III OFA Good, a SON of the WORLD famous: V-A Mark vom Haus Beck SCH III. There are lots of pictures on this page, but be pationt and wait for them to down load they are good ones. ~Heather

pictuers taken on 11/9/04

We recomend an organic dog food for all our pups. To learn more about our recomended dog food go to