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Picking out your new Draggahaus Puppy

How do you pick one puppy over the others? This is a hard choice, but that is why we do the Volhard Temperament Test. There is really no way to be positive how a pup is going to turn out, and the worst thing that you can do is pick a pup just because of his or her color. The other thing that I see allot is people who have just lost their beloved pet wanting one that looks just like him or her. I don't advise this either. Why? Because people have a tendency to think this pup will be just like their old dog. And that is just setting you up for some hartimes. Most of the time we forget all the "bad" puppy things that our dog did, and then when our new pup does them we get angry because "Jack never did this!" Well most likely "Jack" did but it was so long ago that we don't remember. Same thing with "I had the best German Shepherd when I was growing up." Please go ask your parents what they remember of your "great" dog. They will tell you of the housebreaking, and chewing, and all the things this dog destroyed before he was trained. Of course we don't remember this because we were kids, and we only remember him playing ball, and running all over the neighborhood with us and our friends. I am not trying to say that your dog was not a great dog. I am just saying that all dogs need training, and your old dog had some that is why he was such a great dog. And no new dog can replace the love that we had for our old dog. I will always remember my first German Shepherd Molly, she was a puppy mill dog,(we didn't know any better back then) I thought she was the best dog in the whole world. I was 3 or 4, my world was small. I never realized that Molly was always chained up because she could get out of our back yard and would run wild through out the neighborhood, causing all kinds of trouble. I just thought she was the best dog because she would play with me in the dog house. She had to she couldn't go anywhere else.

The first thing that you have to do is decided why you are getting a dog. Do you want a family pet or are you going to show and breed? Make sure that you have the whole family involved with this decision. This dog will make a big difference in your family life.

We do the temperament test to see how the pups naturally respond to different situations. This gives you a basic knowledge of how your pups temperament is. This gives you a place to start. Certain dogs do better in certain situations. A dog that will test mostly ones and two's has no business in a pet home. This dog would be way to much to handle. This dog has a "working" temperament. He/she should be in a "working" home i.e.. Police, Schutzhund , Agility, Obedience. This dog will be very active and can become aggressive without a great deal of training.

The best "pet" puppy is one that tests in the 3's and 4's. This is a very even temperamental pup. He will grow and mature into a family protection dog, with the right type of training, and he will relax when it is time to sit back and watch T.V.

So is one dog better than another. It all depends on what you are wanting this pup for. Please ask me for help in picking your puppy. I have done this for quite awhile and have been very successful with placing puppies. But remember, all great dogs have great owners. Owners that train them to be great.