Hello, and thank you for taking the time to visit my web site. My name is Christopher J. Thomasson and I'm 29 years old. I live in the tall pines of deep East Texas where I've lived most of my life. I love science fiction and fantasy and a lot of my writing reflects these tastes.
I'm a member of several yahoo writing clubs and until recently, poetry hasn't been a part of my writing style. But as you can see below, my poetry list is getting larger and larger as I've learned to thouroughly enjoy spinning verse. (Thanks Mandy, for all the encouragement and support from you and everyone at CWA.)
I've been writing for about 17 years, and I'm currently working on two novels. The first is a science fiction piece called A New Dawn which is now complete (except for my re-write), I'm very excited about this endeavour because the book busted 104,000+ words at 441 pages. I'm expecting these numbers to go up as I work on the re-write, there's still some things that I left out and want to add. I'm self publishing it through on online book publisher called xlibris.com (I suggest you check them out if your planning on publishing you own work in the future). When it becomes availiable, I will post the link here on my site.
My second novel is a mystery and I'm only about 30000 words into it. It's called Average Joe and I hope it will be available in the summer or fall of 2002...I'll keep you updated on its progress.
My short story A Gift for Father was submitted to the 2000 Writers Digest Short Story Competition where it received an honorable mention certificate for placing 90th in the genre/fiction catagory. There were over 19,000 entries world wide and as you could guess, even if I didn't win top prize, I'm very proud that A Gift for Father placed so high. The Kiss was selected by The International Library of Poetry at poetry.com and was published in the compilation book of poetry titled The Joy That Follows (published 2001). I have also received several certificates of recognition from the science fiction/fantasy web site Mars7 for my accomplishments in fiction and poetry. On October 24, 2001, I was a featured author in the weekly fantasy newsletter at Stories.com for my short story The Troll. Also, my story Cursed was featured in the October 25, 2001 science fiction newsletter. I am now a Preferred Author at Stories.com.
The links to all my stories and poems are listed below. Now, sit back, relax, and if you like to read, I hope you like what I've written here. And please feel free to email me with any comments.
A NOTE TO PARENTS: Some of my work contains adult content...though I don't pertain to extremely graphic sex and language in my work, I do sometimes use harsh language where I deem it necessary for character developement and emotion. Also, some of my work is very violent so please, read my work before you allow your children to. Thank you, CT
Here's some of my fanfiction...
Aliens - Earth Scare
Aliens - Wipeout
Tomb Raider - Thorns
Highlander - The Prize
Here are the first chapters of my books...you might want to check back from time to time because I will probably post a different chapter every month so you can read the entire story in serial form.
And here are some of my poems...
The Duel
The Kiss
The Crown
The Armor
First Flight
The Shield
Down There
Come Here
The Storyteller
Lover's Embrace
The Writer
Saved by Knight
Black House
Father's Day 2001
The Swing
Curtain of Darkness
The Castle
The Piano Player
What I'd do for You
The Hunger
Colors Falling
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