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11 o'clock

by Christopher J. Thomasson

“I’ve got your daughter. Be at the pay phone on the corner of 4th and Goliad in ten minutes. Hurry! She really wants to talk to you and if you don’t make it in time, I may have to remove her tongue.”

“It’s ok, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, we’ll get your daughter back. Garrett, you can hang up the phone now. Are you up to running? There’s no way to get there in time by car. It’s almost five in the afternoon and the downtown traffic will be horrendous. Do you understand me, Garrett?”

“Yes, Aaron. I understand.”

“Here, Garrett. Put on your raincoat.”

“Thank you, Michael.”

“Now, let’s test our headset’s. Can you hear me Garrett?”

“Loud and clear, Aaron.”

“Good. Now, Garrett, try to keep that transmitter dry. Don’t remove your coat and let it get wet. Michael is going to try and follow you in the car. We’re going to do everything in our power to get your daughter back.”

“Ok. Just try not to call in the police if you can absolutely avoid it.”

“We’ll do our best. Michael, how are you reading us?”

“A-ok, big brother.”

“Good luck, Garrett. Good luck, Michael. I’ll stay here with Mrs. Smith and monitor your progress on the computer. Looks like your personal transmitters are working just fine, I’ll be able to track you from here and send for backup if any is needed. Now go, we’ve already wasted precious seconds.”

* * *

“Take it easy, Garrett. Don’t push yourself too hard. Four blocks is not that far.”

“Easy for…you to say, Aaron. You’re not…overweight and out…of shape. I can’t see…a thing in this rain…and my glasses…are fogging up. Aaarrrggg.”

“Garrett? Garrett, what happened?”

“I’m…ok, Aaron. I just…slid off the curb. Skinned…my knee up…pretty good. God it hurts.”

“Michael, can you see him?”

“No Aaron, its raining cats and dogs out here. Garrett, where are you?”

“Just crossed…second street, Michael. You still…back there?”

“Yeah. I’m still here. I’m caught at a red light on 1st street. I think I’m gridlocked.”

“Hey, Aaron?”

“Yes, Mr. Smith?”

“How’s…my wife, Aaron. Is she…doing all right?”

“Sarah’s doing all right, Garrett.”

“Tell her…I love her, ok, Aaron? Tell her…I’ll get…our daughter back.”

“I think she already knows, Garrett. She already knows.”

* * *

“Aaron! Michael! The phone’s…already ringing. I’m almost…there and it’s…ringing off…the hook.”

“Don’t panic, Garrett. You’ve still got two minutes. Michael, I think this guy is playing games with us. Where are you? Can you get to Garrett?”

“I’m still stuck here, Aaron.”

“Go to hover mode, Michael.”

* * *

“Hello…? Hello…? I’m here! I’m here! Oh, God. I think…he hung up. But I’ve…still got time.”

“Don’t panic, Garrett. He’ll call back. He has too. Did you read me, Michael? Go to hover mode.”

“Aaron, you know that’s against the law in downtown, even for cops.”

“I don’t care, Michael. I’ve got a feeling something really bad is going to go down.”

“Well, all I can say is, your going to pay the fine, Aaron.”

“It’s…ringing again, guys. Hello? Yes, it’s…Garrett Smith. Let me talk…to my daughter, you bastard!”

“Garrett! Calm down. He’s got the upper hand right now and you need to do whatever he says. I’m in hover mode now, Aaron. I’m approaching 4th and Goliad. I see Garrett at the phone.”

“Hold right there above him, Michael. Garrett, my brother is right. You need to stay calm.”

* * *

“What’s going on with my husband?”

“Just a minute, Sarah. Garrett, what’s going on?”

“He say’s…I’ve only got till 11 o’clock tonight…to find my daughter…before he kills her. He wouldn’t let…me talk to her, Aaron. He wouldn’t let me…talk to her! Oh, my God. Michael! I see them! I see them! They’re in a blue sedan parked over on the other side of the street. I see…my little girl!”

“Michael, what’s going on down there?”

“Garrett just ran across the street. Crap, Aaron, did you give him a gun?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Well, he’s gotten one from somewhere and he’s pointing it at the blue sedan. HE’S FIRING, HE”S FIRING!”

“Michael, go get him out of there.”

“I can’t, Aaron. I’m hovering and there’s no where to set down.”

“I got him, I GOT HIM, MICHAEL. Did you see it? His head exploded like a watermelon. Jennifer, Jennifer, are you ok?”

“What’s he doing, Michael?”

“He just shot the driver’s side window, Aaron. Now he’s trying to get the back door open. It’s not her. I repeat, Aaron, It’s not her. Garrett just shot at an innocent car. I repeat, there’s no one in the car.”

* * *

“What’s going on, Aaron?”

“We’ve got some major problems now, Mrs. Smith. Major problems. It seems you husband has just opened fire on a car downtown.”

* * *

“Tell us what happened, Mr. Smith. What did the kidnapper say over the phone?”

“Do you mind if I have one of your cigarettes?”

“Sure. Here you go.”

“Thank you, Aaron. Anyway, I picked up the phone and he told me to loose the badges. I assume he was talking about you two. He said he was going to send an email with precise directions and that I was to come alone. He doesn’t want money, he wants me.”

“You? What does he want with you?

“I don’t know, Michael. I don’t know.”

“Now, Garrett, why’d you shoot the man in the blue sedan?”

“I was listening to him talk and I looked up at Michael’s vehicle hovering above me. I glanced down at the traffic and I thought I saw Jennifer looking out of the rear window of the blue sedan. The man driving was on the phone…was on a cell phone, talking. His mouth moved at the exact same time the kidnapper spoke into my ear.”

“Now, Garrett. I was out there too, and there was no way to see any more than ten feet in all that rain. How do you expect us to believe that you could see this man across six lanes of traffic in a downpour?”

“I don’t know, Michael. But it was as if it weren’t raining at all. It’s hard to explain. I could see through the rain.”

“Where’d you get the gun?”

“It’s mine. I had it stuffed down my pants.”

“Do you know that you’ve probably jeopardized your ever seeing your daughter again. Even if there ended up not being anybody in the car, how can you explain firing a gun in the middle of the downtown metroplex? On top of that, you may have scarred the kidnapper off.”

“I know, Aaron. I know.”

“Let’s just hope with all the rain, no one was able to get any digitals of the incident. I’ve already reviewed the security cameras for that entire block, and the rain was so heavy that the cameras didn’t completely capture the action. I think you may be safe for now.”

“You mean, your not going to turn me in?”

“I can’t say that we wont, Garrett, but for now, no.”

“Can I see Sarah now?”

“Sure, Garrett. I think you’d better check your email too. It’s almost 9 o’clock. Let Mrs. Smith in, would you Michael?”

“Ok, Aaron.”

“Oh, Garrett, what’s happening to us?”

“It’s ok, Sarah, honey. It’s ok. We’ll get through this. We’ll get our daughter back. Look, we’re getting an email now. Maybe it’s from the kidnapper. Yes, it is. Michael, Aaron, he’s sent the message!”

“What’s it say, Aaron?”

“’Go to the cotton gin on the north end of town. You will receive more instructions there. Come alone. I mean it this time. By the way, nice shooting earlier. Too bad you weren’t looking two cars back or else I would have been in trouble. LS.’ That’s all it says Michael.”

“He was there.”

“He also gave us his initials. Garrett, do the initials LS mean anything to you?”

“No, Aaron. Not right off the top of my head.”

“I know where he’s talking about. It’s the only cotton gin left standing in the city. The only reason they haven’t torn it down is because it’s a historical landmark now.”

“Thank you Mrs. Smith. Now, Garrett, It looks like Michael and I are going to have to hang back this time. I’m calling in some backup, and we will be three blocks away. I’ll stay here and monitor your transmitter and audio tracking.”


“Are you ready?”

“I think so, Michael.”

“Good. Here, you’ll need this.”

“You’re giving him his gun back? Do you think that’s wise, Aaron?”

“Michael, I think he’s going to need the protection. You won’t be as close to him this time.”

“Let’s get this going, Michael, I’m ready to get my daughter back.”

“Ok, Garrett, let’s go. I’ll give you a ten-minute head start and me and the other police will close in to within three blocks of you. Keep your vehicle in hover mode just in case you have to make a quick exit.”

“Keep me notified of everything going on, ok, Garrett? We can’t see you so you will have to tell us what you see. I’ll try to advise you from here.”

“Ok, Aaron. I’ll try my best. I love you, Sarah.”

“I love you too, Garrett. Be careful.”

“I will. Wish me luck everybody.”

“Good luck.”

“Good luck.”

“Good luck, honey.”

* * *

“I’m almost there, Aaron.”

“Good. Do you see any other vehicles around the building?”

“No, everything looks quiet down there.”

“He must be inside then. Michael, are you almost in position?”

“Yeah, Aaron, we’re here now. All the other units are ready too.”

“Good. Now Garrett, I want you to listen to me. If it gets hairy down there and you feel you need some help, do not hesitate to let me know. Michael and the other units are only three blocks away and can get to you in under a minute. Do not take any unnecessary risks with your life or the life of your daughter. Do you understand?”

“Sure, Aaron.”

“Michael, be on standby, Garrett is moving in.”

“I’m ready, Aaron.”

“I’m landing, Aaron. I can see another vehicle inside.”

“Drive in, Garrett, don’t walk in. If worse comes to worse, you can use the car for protection.”

“Ok, Aaron. I’m driving in now.”

“Take it nice and easy, Garrett.”

“Oh, no.”

“What is it?”

“It’s the same car from this morning. The same blue sedan. There’s my bullet holes!”

“Calm down, Garrett, Calm down.”

“I’m getting out of the car, Aaron. There’s a note on the hood.”

“Be careful, Garrett.”

“Oh, my God. Jennifer! Jennifer! Open the door, Jennifer!”

“Garrett! Garrett! What’s going on?”

“It’s my daughter, Aaron. She’s in the back seat! She’s not moving!”

“Michael! Michael! Move in! Move in! I hear shots fired. Move. Move! MOVE! Garrett, are you there? Talk to me, Garrett. What’s going on?”

“I’m on my way, Aaron.”

“Hurry, Michael.”

“What’s happening to my husband, Aaron? What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, Sarah. The last thing I heard him say was that your daughter was in the back of the car. Then there were gunshots. He’s not saying anything now. I can’t even hear him breathing anymore.”

“Garrett! Garrett! Talk to us, honey….”

* * *

“Where are you, Michael?”

“We’re coming in above the building. The roof is gone, I can see the car’s below me.”

“Proceed with caution, Michael. Do you hear me? We still don’t know exactly what the situation is.”


“Aaron. Who’s that?”

“C-can you hear me?”

“Yes. Me can hear you, ma’am. Can you please tell us your name?”

“My name is Jennifer Smith. Can somebody help me please. I think my daddy is dead.”

“Oh God. Did you catch all that Michael?”

“Yeah. I’m right on top of the vehicles. I see Garrett. He’s down, Aaron, I repeat, Garrett is down! The daughter is leaning over him. There’s nobody else in sight.”

“What’s going on, Aaron?”

“Mrs. Smith. I believe your husband has been shot.”

“Oh, no. Oh, God, no. Aaron, you take me there right now! You take me there!”

“Mrs. Smith, please, stop hitting me. Michael is getting everything under control.”

“Under control? Under control! You haven’t had this whole operation under control since it started, Aaron. Now, my husband is probably dying and my daughter has been missing for three weeks and your telling me that everything is under control? You take me to that damn warehouse right this minute!”

“Michael? You there?”

“Yeah, Brother, I’m here.”

“Secure the scene, call in the EMT’s, and search that building. Mrs. Smith and I are coming to join you.”

* * *

“What time is it, Aaron?”

“It’s almost 10 o’clock. Why do you ask.”

“The instructions said to be there at 11. Why did you send Garrett early?”

“Sarah, we needed to surprise the kidnapper if he happened to be there. We were hoping to get the drop on him.”

“Look’s to me like our kidnapper was the one that surprised me. I think he was betting on you showing up early, and now my husband is probably dead.”

“The EMT’s said that he was stable. Garrett took the bullet in the shoulder. He’ll be all right.”

“I sure hope so, for your sake, Aaron. So far, I haven’t been impressed with the way you and your brother are handling this situation. How long have you been in the private investigation field?”

“Sarah, I don’t think this is the time to discuss our credentials. You called us remember? You called us for help and never questioned our expertise. We’re almost there. See the lights?”

“You’ve got all those police for backup?”

“We had every asset available to us from the beginning, Sarah. A high profile case like this could only work that way. We were trying to keep it quiet and under wraps for your family’s sake. Here we are.”

“Jennifer! Jennifer! Oh, my baby, my baby. Are you all right? What did that bastard do to you?”

“I’m ok, mom. I’m all right. What about daddy?”

“I don’t know, baby. I don’t know. Aaron, can you check on Garrett?”

“Michael? Are you there?”

“Yeah, Aaron. I’m here. We just entered the emergency room. Garrett is stable and conscious. There’s something weird going on here.”

“You’re with Garret? I thought I told you to check the building out.”

“Aaron, Garrett wasn’t shot with a gun.”

“Do what you mean?”

“The medical technicians say that whatever struck Garrett is not a bullet. It buried itself just below the skin. They say it looks like a microchip of some kind.”

* * *

“Michael, the warehouse is all clear. We’re heading your way.”

“Ok, Aaron. We’re in room 231.”

“Be there in a few minutes. Sarah, Jennifer, you two ok?”

“Just take us to my husband, Aaron.”

“Where’s the officer in charge? Johnson? Officer Johnson?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I want you to shut this place up tight. Get the CSI unit in here and have them sweep the car. I want whatever information they come up with forwarded to me at the St. Joseph’s downtown, ok. Can you take care of all that?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Ok, Mrs. Smith, let’s get you and your daughter airborne.”

* * *

“Here we are, room 231.”

“Thank you ma’am.”

“Oh, Garrett, are you ok?”

“He’s still unconscious, Sarah.”

“Daddy, daddy! Wake up.”

“It’s ok, Jennifer. Daddy’s all right. What’s going on, Michael?”

“We don’t know, Mrs. Smith. Look at these, Aaron, they just came up.”

“What is it?”

“X-rays of Garrett’s body. You see all these bright lines zigzagging over his body?”

“Yeah. What are they?”

“Their tiny wires. They all originate from the microchip that was shot into his chest. Each one connects to a muscle, artery, or organ. There are hundreds leading to his spine and skull. The doctors have never seen anything like it.”

“What time is it, Michael?”

“Ten till eleven. Why do you ask, Aaron?”

“Because, whatever our kidnapper has up his sleeve will happen at eleven. And I think it’s all going to center around Garrett and his new microchip.”

“What are you talking about, Aaron? What’s going to happen to my husband?”

“I wish I knew, Sarah. I wish I knew. What we need to do now is try to figure out who your family’s tormentor is. In the email were the initials LS. Do those initials mean anything at all to you? A family member, college buddies, friends from high school? Anybody?”

“He had a brother that died back in World War III. His name was Lucas.”

“Ok, Sarah, let’s start there. Tell me everything you know about Lucas.”

* * *

“Lucas was Garrett’s twin. They were inseparable growing up and weren’t just brother’s, they were best friends. Only Garrett knows what really happened to Lucas during the war, and he’s so traumatized about Lucas’ death that he can’t ever tell me what happened. I’m afraid that’s all I know. I never met Lucas, and I didn’t meet Garrett till after the war.”

“It’s a couple minutes till eleven, Aaron.”

“Thanks, Michael. Would you mind getting the doctor, we may need him for this.”

“Sure, be right back.”

“Mrs. Smith, I know this may sound crazy, but would you help me put your husbands arms in the bed restraints?”

“Excuse, me? I won’t do any such thing.”

“Sarah, I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t think it was necessary.”

“What makes you think it’s necessary, Aaron?”

“I’ve just got a very bad feeling about that microchip.”

“Do it yourself, Aaron. Jennifer, honey, how are you doing? Aaron, how come you haven’t questioned her about the kidnapper?”

“Michael already did, Ma-ma. While we were waiting on you and Aaron. I wasn’t of any help, I never saw the man’s face or anything. He kept me blindfolded most of the time.”

“Oh, good. Doctor Pace, I need your permission to restrain Mr. Smith.”

“What do you need to do that for, Aaron.”

“I’ve just got a really bad feeling about this whole situation, Michael. There’s someone leading us along and so far, we’ve got zilch to go on. The only clue we have is the initials from an email.”



“Dr. Pace? How are you today?”

“I’m fine, Garrett. How are you feeling?”

“I feel like a brand new man, Doctor. Oh, by the way, I’m not Garrett…”

* * *

“…I’m Lucas.”


“No need to flinch away, my lovely sister-in-law. I see that Garrett did well in catching a prize like you. And don’t act so surprised. You and Garrett have suspected that I survived for quite some time now, haven’t you?”

“Lucas, I hate to interrupt your family reunion. I’m Aaron Carver. This is my brother, Michael. We were hired by Garrett and Sarah to find their daughter, are you responsible for her disappearance?”

“Now what do you think? My objective was not to harm your daughter, but to get to Garrett. I had to get him alone so I could place this transmitter into his body. You’ll never catch me, you know. Things are about to get very interesting for Mr. Garrett Smith.”

“What does the microchip do, Lucas?”

“Oh, It’s a wonderful little piece of circuitry, Mr. Carver. I designed it myself. Now, let me explain something to you before you go trying to surgically remove my masterpiece. I’ve placed enough high yield liquid explosives into the microchip to destroy this entire room and everyone in it. Any tampering and it will go. The same goes for me, if I notice you trying anything to stop me, I’ll kill Mr. Garrett.”

“What are you going to do to my husband?”

“Sarah, I will do to him no less than what he did to me by leaving me behind during the war. He will relive every hurt, every pain, every mental anguish that I did, tenfold. Now, if you will excuse me, Garrett and I have a nice little subconscious chat to have.”

“He’s unconscious. What did all that mean, Aaron?”

“I don’t know, doctor, but I have something I need you to do. Would you step out into the hall with me, please?”

“What about me?”

“Stay here with Mrs. Smith, Michael, I won’t be long.”

“Look at him, he’s in such pain. What is Lucas doing to him? What is that BASTARD DOING TO MY HUSBAND!?”

“I don’t know, Sarah. But we’ll figure out a way to stop him somehow. I promise you. Doctor?”

“Of course, Aaron, after you.”

* * *

“What’s going on, Aaron?”

“I don’t know any more than you, Dr. Pace. We started this early this morning as a routine kidnapping investigation and it suddenly turned wild and crazy. But I need you and your staff to do something for me.”

“What’s that?”

“The staff here is a common sight and I need you to get about twenty or so nurses, technicians, janitors, whoever you can spare.”

“What do you want us to do?”

“I need you to make a sweep of the entire building. Top to bottom, I want every nook and cranny searched.”

“What are we looking for?”

“Lucas Smith, Dr. Pace. We’re looking for Lucas.”

“Do you think he’s in the building?”

“ As small as that microchip is, I’d say that there is a good chance that he is. It couldn’t have very good range, even with today’s technology. If he’s not in the building, then he’s within a three-block radius. Your staff can get in and out of the rooms without raising suspicions. Can you make this happen?”

“Let me get on it.”

“Ok, I’ll wait for you here in Garrett’s room.”

* * *

“Aaron, I can’t stay here and listen to this. He’s in such pain that I can’t bear to hear any more.”

“What’s been happening?”

“He’s been yelling and screaming constantly. I’ve got to get Jennifer away from here. If you need us, we’ll be down in the waiting area.”

* * *

“What’s up with her, Michael?”

“I don’t know, but I think she’s hiding something.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Did you see the way she reacted when Garrett woke up and told us he was Lucas?”

“Yeah, she was scared it seemed. What does that have to do with anything, Aaron?”

“Look at it this way. Sarah doesn’t know Lucas. She told us that he died in the war before she and Garrett met. I would have expected surprise, confusion, maybe even a little fear, but not the outright fright that she displayed when she reeled away from the bed. There’s something more going on here than just a kidnapping. More than just getting back at Garrett for leaving Lucas behind.”

“You think that’s what happened? You think Garrett turned tail and left Lucas to die?”

“I certainly wouldn’t doubt it, Michael. I wouldn’t doubt it one bit. Then there’s another twist to all this.”

“What’s that?”



“Don’t you remember where it all came from?”

“Yeah, I do. The estate of Lucas Smith. You think he’s getting back at Garrett over money.”

“I think the majority of it is over leaving Lucas to die, but I think the other part of it is over money, yes. Garrett and Sarah Smith are worth millions now, and I think Lucas wants his part. Call it a settlement for his pain and suffering.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Aaron Carver.”

“Yes nurse. That’s me.”

“Mrs. Smith is asking for you down in the waiting area.”

“Thank you, tell her I’ll be right there.”


“That nurse was kind of cute, don’t you think Aaron?”

“Sometimes you amaze me, Michael. I’ll be back in a minute. You going to wait here?”

“Sure, take your time, I don’t think Mr. Smith here is going to give any trouble, except maybe a headache from all his whining and screaming.”

“I’ll be back.”


* * *

“Sarah, did you send for me? I see Jennifer is finally asleep.”

“Yes, she’s finally resting a little. She’s had a busy, busy day.”

“We all have. What can I do for you, Sarah?”

“I haven’t been completely honest with you and Michael throughout this…this…ordeal.”

“Go on, I’m listening.”

“About three month’s ago I got a phone call. It sounded just like Garrett, but there was this…malicious undertone surrounding the way this man spoke. He was mean or vulgar by any means, but he just had one of those voices that you could tell something about him was hurting inside. It was Lucas, back from the dead, at least as far as I was concerned. Remember that I didn’t know him before I met Garrett.

“Anyway, Lucas began telling me different things about Garrett. Financial information that only Garrett would know. Embezzlements, profit skimming, money laundering. He was talking only fractions of a percentage at a time that Garrett was putting in his pocket from bank loans, car loans, student loans. Every loan that Garrett approved through the bank had a hidden service charge that was deposited directly into a numbered bank account in Columbia. The percentages were small, but all of them added together over the last six years has grown to a substantial sum of money.”

“How much, Sarah.”

“Forty-eight million, give or take.”

“My God, how did Garrett think he could get away with it?”

“He didn’t get away with it. He was found out about six months ago.”

“Why isn’t he in jail, Sarah?”

“He bought his way out of it by promising fifty percent of his cut and a twenty million dollar payoff. It turns out the ‘powers that be’ are just a corrupt as my husband. Now they see profit potential and my husband as the perfect scapegoat. If anybody goes down, it will be him.”

“Now where does Lucas fit into all this?”

“Who do you think found Garrett out? Now he has the perfect opportunity to exact his revenge on Garrett for leaving him to die.”

“So why did Lucas contact you? How come he didn’t just confront Garrett himself?”

“I don’t know. I think he wanted to scare me for some reason. Remember what he said in the room…that I was a nice catch?”


“I think some of it is jealousy because of the condition he was left in after the war. He blames Garrett.”


“He lost his left leg, half of his right leg, and all of his reproductive organs. He has a lot to blame Garrett for.”

“There’s something else that’s bothering me. How did Garrett inherit Lucas’s fortunes if Lucas wasn’t dead?”

“Garrett told the military that his brother was dead.”

“That’s all it took? No proof? No body? Just his word?”

“Aaron, Garrett watched his brother get injured. Lucas was leading the squad through the trees when he stepped on a land mine. Garrett was ten feet behind him when the mine went off. He watched the lower half of Lucas’ body disintegrate before his eyes. The squad leader made them keep moving. They had no room for the injured, he said. Lucas was still conscious when Garrett was forced to move on. Garrett could have stayed, should have stayed, but he didn’t, and Lucas despises him for it.”

* * *


“Yeah, Michael?

“Dr. Pace is looking for you. He’s over at the nurses station.”

“How’s Garrett?”

“The same, ma’am. No change.”

“Let me know if there is, will you?”

“Sure thing, Sarah.”

“Where’s the nurses station, Michael?”

“Up ahead. Right at the next junction. You want me to stay with Garrett?”

“No. Come with me. Hopefully our good doctor has found Mr. Lucas Smith for us.”

* * *

“Did you find anything Dr. Pace?”

“Yes, I think so, Aaron. The hospital is connected to the nursing home across the street by the second floor bridge. One of my nurses reported one of the residents has an elaborate computer set up. She walked in to check on him just a few minutes ago and he had some new contraption strapped to his head that she had never seen before. ”

“What’s he look like?”

“He’s disabled. He’s missing his left leg, most of his right. War injuries is what’s on his file.”

“What’s his name, Doctor?”

“The name on the registry is Larry Snider.”

“That’s him, Michael, it’s got to be him. The initials LS again. Thank you Doctor. What room is he in?”


“Thank you Doctor. Now, I think you need to have someone stationed just outside of Garrett’s room. Do not go in, we just don’t know what Lucas is actually capable of doing, and if that microchip is wired somehow with explosives, then I don’t want to jeopardize you or your staff. I want you to evacuate every adjacent room to Mr. Smith’s. Hopefully we can end this quietly. Come on, Michael, let’s hurry.”

* * *

“Ok, here it is, Michael.”

“What are we going to do, burst in with guns blazing?”

“Get serious, Michael. Your going to burst in with guns blazing.”

“I don’t think so.”

“No, I think the best thing to do is to cut the power to this room, completely shut down anything he’s got that’s electronic. Let’s go find the main security room, maybe they can shut down the power from there.”

“It’s probably on the first floor.”

* * *

“What do you thinks happening to him in there, Dr. Pace? How come he just keeps on screaming like that?”

“I don’t know, Lisa. Whatever Lucas is doing to him I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Did you see the way his leg muscles were spasming? What do you suppose would be the cause of it?”

“Going by the x-ray’s, I’d say that the wires leading from the microchip to his muscles was causing it with electrical impulses.”

“Very good. You’re an LVN, correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Are you moving forward with your education?”

“Yes, sir, I am. The hospital is putting me through school.”

“Good, keep up the good work. I need to make a few rounds, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

* * *

“Here it is, Aaron. Over here.”

“Security, huh? Good. Did you knock yet?”

“I was just fixing to.”

“Go ahead. Have your identification ready, I’m sure they’ll ask for it.”

“Yes, may I help you?”

“Yes, sir, we sure hope so. My name is Aaron Carver, this is my brother, Michael. We’re with Carver and Carver investigations and we need your assistance with a delicate matter…”

* * *

“This sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, Mr. Carver.”


“Barker, Mr. Carver. It’s John Barker.”

“Mr. Barker, science fiction is exactly what this is. I don’t know how he’s done it, but Lucas Smith has taken over the body of his brother, Garrett, and is tormenting him somehow with electrical stimuli to the brain and various other organs and muscles.”

“And you want me to turn off the electricity to room 309? That room is dependent on electricity and has it’s own backup generator on the room in the case of and electrical failure. That patient is on constant oxygen.”

“Twenty seconds Mr. Barker, that’s all we need. We have to get into that room without him detonating that bomb, and the only way to do that is to turn off the power to whatever devise it is he’s using. If need be I can call Dr. Pace and he can confirm the urgency of this situation.”

“I’ll call Dr. Pace myself.”

* * *

“Ok, thank you Dr. Pace…Now, what do you need me to do, Mr. Carver?”

“First, we need to know how to disable that generator.”

* * *

“Here it is, Michael. How much time do we have left?”

“Three minutes.”

“Damn, that doesn’t leave us much time to get back down to the third floor.”

“Go on, Aaron. I can handle this end of it, you just get to 309 before John turns the lights off"

“I’m on my way, but hurry, I need you for backup.”

* * *

“One minute. Hurry up, Michael, hurry up. Oh, no! John turned the lights out early…”

“What’s going on out there? Who turned out the lights? Who’s there?”

“Aaron? Aaron, are you in here?”

“I’m on your right, Michael. I just unplugged everything.”

“Who are you? I demand an answer this minute? It’s you, isn’t it Carver? I told you not to interfere. Now Garrett will have to pay.”

“Wait, Lucas. Don’t do anything you might regret.”

“Aaron? I can’t see a blasted thing in here.”

“Hold on, Michael. John will have the lights on in a couple of seconds…There. Now, Lucas…”

“You just hold it right there…both of you.”

“Now, Lucas. Put the gun down.”

“NO! I’m going to finish what I started here and the two of you are going to leave me the hell alone.”

“Aaron, he’s got a switch in his other hand. There’s a red light blinking. You think it’s the detonator?”

“Of course it is, Mr. Carver. Are you afraid I’ll use it?”

“I thought you unplugged everything, Aaron.”

“It’s running off of battery power, Michael. There’s nothing we can do about it.”

“Wow, I’ll tell you something. You two are about the most worthless excuse for private investigators I’ve ever seen.”

“Look, Lucas. There’s no way out of this, if you fire that gun, either Michael or I will have to take you down too. Now put the gun down.”

“Don’t you condescend me, I know what I was getting in to from the very beginning. Look at me, Aaron, Michael. Do you think this is any way to live? I live a half-life existence. Men look on me with pity, women with revulsion. For too long I’ve tracked and watched my brother’s life unfold and prosper while I lay here. I can’t go outside without assistance. Setting up this ploy against Garrett has tapped the deepest reaches of my energy. So go ahead and shoot me. I’ll accept your bullet with a smile, knowing that when I die, my thumb will press on this button and my wonderful brother will know just what it feels like to have the lower half of your body blown to bits.”

“Don’t do it, Lucas.”

“Aaron, get down!”


* * *

“Michael, did you get him?”

“Yeah, I shot the detonator out of his hand. What about you? You Ok?”

“I think so. He grazed my arm though. Man it burns.”

“Don’t get up, Aaron. Stay down below the bed, I think he’s still got the gun.”

* * *

“Aaron? Michael?”

“What do you need, Lucas?”

“Just to tell you goodbye.”

“No, Lucas! Don’t…”

“Don’t do it!”

“Aaron! Aaron, he’s shot himself!”

“Michael, go get Dr. Pace!”

* * *

“What’s going on, Doctor?”

“I’ve got an emergency over in the nursing home, Mrs. Smith. You stay here with Jennifer, I’ll be back shortly.”

“What about Garrett?”

“I think the worst is past now. He hasn’t been in any torment for about five minutes now. Hopefully, the Carver’s took care of everything.”

“What’s going on, mommy?”

“I don’t know, darling.”

“What about daddy? Where’s daddy?”

“He’s sleeping, honey. He’s going to be all right.”

“Mrs. Smith?”

“Yes, nurse?”

“Your husband is asking for you.”

“Thank you, come on, Jennifer.”

* * *

“Dr. Pace! Down here.”

“What happened, Michael?”

“He shot himself.”

“Please leave now, both of you. Go back to the hospital.”

“Come on, Michael. Let’s go check on Garrett.”

“I don’t think Dr. Pace was too happy with us, Aaron.”

“You think?”

“No need to be sarcastic.”

* * *

“Sarah? Jennifer? Oh, God, come here you two.”

“Garrett, what happened? What was going on?”

“Just hold me, girls, just hold me. I don’t want to talk about that right now, ok? Just hold me.”

* * *

“Garrett, I know it’s only been a few weeks since your ordeal, but we need to wrap up the loose ends of this case. We’ve pieced together all the financial and kidnapping details…the man Lucas hired to pull off the kidnapping…the staged sedan in the rain, we still don’t know exactly how he pulled that off, but something you’ve been holding back, even from your wife, is what Lucas actually did to you in the hospital.”

“Where’s Sarah now?”

“She’s waiting outside in the foyer. She thought it would be best for you to talk to Michael and I alone. She hopes that opening up to us first will allow you to open up to her as well. We’re here to help. You can’t just keep holding this inside.”

“I know, I know, but it’s so hard. I remember everything so vividly…the pain…”

“Go on, Garrett. Start at the beginning.”

“You know about how my brother was injured, and the extent of those injuries?”

“Yes, Sarah told us a little about it.”

“Well, when I was lying in that hospital bed, when Lucas was speaking with you, I could see and hear everything going on, but it was as if the gift of speech had been taken away from. I couldn’t move my own body. Lucas filled my every thought. Then I went blank, only I knew that it was just my eyes that had shut, and try as I might, I couldn’t get them back open. I couldn’t ask for help. I was completely helpless and in Lucas’s complete control.

“Lucas explained to me that the microchip in my chest was hard wired to every muscle and nerve stem in my body. Using electrical impulses and thought stimulus he gave me examples of his newfound power over my body. He showed me a mental picture of himself. I saw him in my mind, a legless creature with bright, penetrating yellow eyes that saw into my soul. Then he explained what he was about to do to me with his new toy.

“I relived every pain and…agony that he felt in that mountain jungle. Over and over again in my mind I stepped on the mine…and over and over again by lower body blew apart. It would happen once…then again…and again…in rapid succession. I remember screaming and screaming…”

“It’s ok, Garrett. He can’t get to you any more.”

“But the evidence is still there. The microchip…the wires, it’s all still in me. The doctors couldn’t remove even the microchip for fear that the detonator would go off. I wake up every night screaming that my legs are gone…my legs are gone!”

“It’s like any traumatic experience, it’s going to take some time to deal with it.”

“The thing is…I already know all this, but knowing it…living through it…then trying to deal with it is so much…so…hard. I’m sorry…but I think I’ve said all that I want to say.”

“Ok, Garrett, we understand. When do you start serving your time?

“Next month, Aaron. I don’t know how I’m going to do it. In the shape I’m in…both physically and mentally…I don’t know if I can survive. Don’t ever get into the business of embezzling money, Ok.”

“You’ll do just fine, Garrett. Just remember that you have Sarah and Jennifer waiting for you on the outside, and you’ll come through just fine.”

“Thanks, Michael…Aaron. Would you mind telling Sarah to come in here on your way out.”

“Sure, Garrett. You take it easy now, ok?”

“I will.”

* * *

“Mrs. Smith, your husband want’s to see you now.”

“Thank you both so much for your help these past couple of weeks.”

“Your welcome, Sarah. If you ever need us again…and I hope that you don’t…then you know where to find us.”

“Yes, I do. Thanks again.”

“We’ll see ourselves out. Goodbye Mrs. Smith.”

“Goodbye, Michael…Aaron.”

* * *

“Garrett? Are you ok?”

“Sarah…I think I’m ready to talk now…”

The End

Copyright June 2001 by Christopher J. Thomasson

