It felt so good to stand at that window, my tiny hands on the glass with the soft aroma of bread and cookies and donuts filling my nostrils and the air around me. The owner inside didn't look at me in a very nice way, but that was no problem, I got those types of looks from almost everyone...
...But that was all right, I'm used to it.
I took my dirty hand away from the window, leaving my impressions on the glass and turned back toward home, which was only a couple more blocks up the street. My ripped and torn overcoat took another beating as I began to walk because it was too long and I stepped on it all the time. Some of the people on the street shied away from me, letting me pass with lowered eyes, while others brushed my shoulder, bumping me as if I wasn't there. I felt like an insect at times, noticed only when it was about to be crushed under a foot or at times avoided all together...
...But that was all right too, I'm used to it.
I passed more shops and food vendors, but none of them caught my attention or senses the way the bakery did. There was just something about the smell of a bakery that makes my mouth water, my stomach grumble, and my body long to have at least one cookie or a slice of bread or one tiny donut hole. But people don't give out food for free, and since I have no money, the food I wanted would just have to sit in that showcase, alone, without me to eat it...
...That's all right though, I'm used to it.
The sun was setting behind me like some far reaching beast, entering a time of sleep. Up and down the street, the security lights all came on in unison. A slight chill filled the air, brought on a wind that whistled and tore at my tattered clothing. I turned right into a dark alley. My home stood ahead, against the right wall of the alley. I was so proud of it because it was the best box in this half of the city. I could stand up in that box, my head barely brushing the top. Lifting one flap, I crawled inside, chased out a large rat, then straightened out my newpaper bed to sleep. My stomach growled once then quit. Another gust of wind burst down the alley, opening one of the flaps to my home and engulfed me in a blanket of icy cold. I wish summer would get here soon. My body shivered constantly. I wish I had a warm blanket, at least it would keep me warm. But I have no blanket. I have no food. I have no money. I've got nothing but my box and my life...
...and that's allright by me. I'm used to it...