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We are born
Of flesh and blood…
We are human.
We grow in life,
We’ve loved,
We’ve lost.
We are not superheroes,
We can not move mountains
With our thoughts.
We are human.
But when we sacrifice ourselves,
For the lives of others,
We are unknowingly,
selflessly made a hero.
And a hero is beyond,
Any superhero,
Beyond any
Political leader,
Beyond any
Religious martyr.
A hero is someone we know,
Have spoken to on the phone,
Who’s always there when we feel alone.
The greatest gift we give,
Is the gift of our lives
For strangers,
For friends.
We are human.
The heart of the nation,
The hearts of Her people,
Lay in splinters
Within the city
Of the Lady of Freedom.
We will pick up the piece,
We will rise up again,
The memories of those lost,
Will lead us to victory.

The End

Copyright October 2001 by Christopher J. Thomasson
