It had been a woman’s voice on the other end of the line, and she had asked for Justin, Tracy’s husband. Tracy was high strung with emotions and the sound of that woman’s voice sparked the thought that her husband was cheating on her. The hardest part of it all for her to believe was that when Justin got home that night, Tracy confronted him with her fears. Justin didn’t hesitate in telling her that, yes, he was having an affair. She was so distraught over the news that she had kicked him out of the house after a lengthy screaming match.
Now, Tracy sat in the tub, water to her chin, and her right hand on the ledge of the tub, fumbling lightly with a single edge razor blade. She opened her eyes and delicately ran her finger over the shinning blade. She’d teach Justin. One swipe of the blade and he’d be regretting ever sleeping around on her. She lifted the blade and brought it over to the opposite wrist. As her hand lifted off the edge of the tub, she notices something odd in the mirror.
The mirror was completely steamed over with a white, hazy mist, and on the surface of the mirror, written in the condensation, was a short statement that made Tracy’s breath catch in her throat.
“Don’t do it, Tracy!”
Tracy jerked out of the water, splashing a bunch onto the floor.
The statement was written in a loose, looping, and broken script, almost as if it had been written by a child. Before her eyes, the mirror steamed over again and the words disappeared.
The razor drops into the water, forgotten.
“Who did that?” she asked the room, knowing that nobody could have done it, she was alone in the house. “Who’s there?”
She carefully gets out of the tub and wraps herself in a large, blue towel. Justin’s towel, she thinks, then shakes her head, ridding herself, for the time being, of all thoughts of her husband.
She slowly crossed to the large mirror. She reached out and touched its surface and was surprised at how cold it felt under her finger.
“Who are you?” she asked. Again, there was no answer. She wrote it on the mirror, her finger slowly formed the letters.
Instantly, the mirror steamed up again and the words she had written there were gone.
“Help me, Tracy.” The words scrolled across the mirror and she backed away, startled at the unseen finger that made them. She backed away from the mirror and into the door as the words disappeared. She noticed that she could see moisture coming out of her mouth as she breathed. The temperature in the bathroom had dropped twenty degrees it seemed and she clutched the towel around herself as goose bumps rose over her body. She could feel something in the room with her, not anything physical, but it was an emotional feeling, as if a sixth sense had suddenly developed in her mind and she could feel the other world, the world beyond this one.
She crossed back to the mirror and wrote, “How do I help you?”
“Release me,” appeared after her words had gone, then, directly beneath those words were, “Please, Tracy.”
“Who are you,” she wrote again.
A presence passed over her then and a chill went up her spine. Her words disappeared on the mirror so quickly that it wasn’t natural or possible. A shadow passed over the mirror, as if something passed behind her and she jerked away again and fumbled for the door. It wouldn’t open. She turned it and pulled, twisted the lock, but nothing she did would open the door. She glanced over her shoulder and at the mirror again. “Help me!” was being written across it repeatedly, rapidly, as if the unseen finger were angry or frustrated. A cool wind flew through the bathroom. Then, just as soon as it had come, the wind was gone. The words kept repeating themselves over and over again on the mirror.
Tracy was crying again as she pounded on the door and worked the knob for escape. “Stop it, stop it,” she yelled, repeating the statement over and over again to the mirror and to whatever abomination was tormenting her.
Suddenly, her fear turned to anger and she attacked the mirror, using her hand to wipe the condensation off its silvery surface. She recoiled from her reflection then watched as the mirror clouded back up again.
“Help me, Tracy.”
Tracy was panting heavily and tried her hardest to calm herself down. She crossed to the mirror and wrote, “What do I do?”
“Break the mirror, Tracy.”
Her heart beat harder and stronger in her chest.
More words appeared before her.
“Please, Tracy. Break the mirror.”
Then, “Release me!”
Tracy waited a couple of seconds and touched her finger to the mirror as it grew over with condensation. “Tell me who you are.”
Tracy waited for her answer, and when it came, it sent her into such a panic that she stumbled over her own feet but caught herself on the sink. She strikes out at the three words on the mirror and it shatters into a million jagged pieces into the sink and onto the floor. She slipped in the tub water that she had spilt earlier and fell backward, striking her head on the toilet. Blackness enveloped her sight. It was a total darkness but for three, silvery words that floated across her vision like a ghostly apparition…“I am you!”
Tracy’s eyes snapped open as the bath water almost choked her. She had fallen asleep in the bathtub and had slipped down into the water. She felt like a completely rejuvenated, completely new Tracy. She looked at the mirror over the sink and smiled to herself. She had, at first, been upset by her husband’s extra curricular activities, but she didn’t have to be upset any more. She had within her now the power to show her husband just who was boss, just who was in control.
She rose from the bathtub, being extra careful not to slosh any onto the floor, and grabbed the blue towel off the towel rack. She opened the door that led out of the bathroom, but before she left, she turned back to the mirror. The condensation was thick and silvery, with just the slightest, blurry image of herself within its wet surface. She wrote two words on the mirror and left. It was time to deal with her husband.
“Thank you,” were the words that Tracy scrawled on the mirror, and as they faded, a jagged script replaced them, just three little words that Tracy would never see…
…"Your Welcome, Tracy.”
Copyright March 2001 by Christopher J. Thomasson