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Son Chi Chi

Chi Chi is the daughter of the giant, the Ox King. When she was a little girl, her father's castle caught fire,and she was sent to her father's karate teacher, Master Roshi, to retreave a spechial fan that would extinguish the flames.

While on her journey, Chi Chi came across a strange little boy named Goku, who rode a gold cloud and had a monkey tail growning out of his back end. Goku told her that he had been sent by the Ox King to give her a lift to Master Roshi's. Chi Chi imeaditly developed a cruch on the little boy.

After the fire at the Ox King's castle were extinguished, Goku and his two friends Oolong and Bulma left to continue their quest to find the Dragonballs. When Goku and Chi Chi saw each other again, Chi Chi talked Goku into agreeing to marry her. (At the time, Goku thought marriage was something edible.)

The next time Goku and Chi Chi met was at the World Martial Arts tournament. By this time, they were both youg adults. Chi Chi was steamed when Goku didn't recgonize her. When Goku asked who whe was, Chi Chi told him she wouldn't tell him unless he beat her in their match against each other. Goku kocked Chi Chi out of the ring easily and was shocked when Chi Chi revealed who she was.

Goku and Chi Chi were married after the tournament ended. They had two sons together. The oldest was Gohan, whom Chi Chi wanted to be a genius. She made him study day and night and made a huge fuss every time either Goku or Piccolo interupted his studies to train him in the martial arts.

Goten, Goku and Chi Chi's second son was born about elleven years after Gohan. For some reason, Chi Chi didn't push him to study a lot like she did Gohan. She even taught the little boy some fighting moves, something she never did with Gohan.

Chi Chi is a pretty overprotective mother who doesn't jump into the fray unless she has to. She may nag her husband and sons a lot, but she loves them all very dearly. She's also the only character in Dragonball Z that Goku is afraid of.

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