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Danny (Black Iron Bison Wild Force Ranger)

Danny is the Wild Force Rangers' "Gentle Giant." He's big, strong, but quiet, and likes flowers. He worked at a flower shop in Turtle Cove for a while, but had a jerk for a boss who treated him like dirt. Danny showed his good nature when he saved this same jerk boss' daughter from getting run over by a car. This act of selflessness and kindness caused the Iron Bison Zord to chose him to be the Black Ranger.

Danny's closest friend on the Wild Force team is Max, which comes as a surprise to some because the two are so different. As the Black Ranger, Danny wields the Bison Ax and controls the Black Bison Zord, the Armadillo Zord, and the Rhino Zord.

After Master Org's defeat, Danny travelled the globe with Max.

Danny is played by Jack Guzman

Image provided by: Fox

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