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"From now on, it's no more Mr. Nice Bug."

Just because Dex is the Prince of the Planet Edenoi and heir to the throne doesn’t mean he’s had an easy life. He lost both of his parents at an early age and was brought up by his grandfather, Lexian. Then, his own uncle, the evil Count Dreagon concurred his home planet, turned its inhabitants into slaves, and forced them to dig up the poisonous gases that laid deep under Edenoi’s soil.

Dex and his three friends Donais, Zarious, and Ferrian, decided to start a rebellion against Dreagon and free their home world from his control. To help with this fight, Dex was given special powers by his grandfather. These powers were the Masked Rider powers. They had been passed down from generation to generation.

Dex’s life changed when the Power Rangers landed on Edenoi to investigate the planet’s situation and the well being of King Lexian, the creator of their robot friend, Alpha 5. At first the Edenoite Rebels distrusted the Power Rangers and treated them like enemies. But soon, they realized that the Rangers were friends after all. Dex and the Rangers entrust each other with their secret identities and the Rangers help Mask Rider battle Dreagon’s Plague Patrol and Cogwarts.

After the Rangers went home, Dex and King Lexian discovered that Dreagon was planning to conquer their home planet Earth. Dex had to leave Edenoi and go to Earth to protect it. Disguised as a human, Dex teleported to Earth, landing in the backyard of the Stewart family in Leewood. The Stewarts adopted the young prince and his pet Furbus who followed Dex from Edenoi.

To help him with his fight against Dreagon, Dex created two talking battle vehicles-a car named Magno and a motorcycle named Combat Chopper. Also, Donais brought him two crystals that gave Dex the ability to transform into either Masked Rider Super Gold or Super Blue. In Super Gold mode, Dex’s armor is twice as strong and in Super Blue, he can transform into a liquid mass.

What I like about Dex is that he’s kindhearted, brave, able to keep cool under pressure, cleaver, a loyal friend, has a strong sense of family, an excellent fighter, and very handsome.

As far as anyone knows, the fight between Dreagon and Dex is still going on unless Dreagon and his goons were turned into sand along with the PR villains by Zordon’s energy wave. The series Masked Rider is currently off the air, but Saban never made a farewell episode that ended Dex and Dreagon’s conflict. They also only made one team up between the Masked Rider and the Power Rangers. (What’s up with that?)

Dex is played by T.J. Roberts

Picture courtosy of:

A Writer's Guide to the Power Rangers' Universe.
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