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A Friend In Need pt. 2

Dex assures his new friends that they will be safe from the shelling for a time as he stumbles into the back part of the cave. Zarious, Ferrian, and Donais ask if he’s okay. Dex says he is and that he just needs to rest for a moment. He powers down and the Rangers are surprised to see that other than the crystal on his forehead, he looks human.

Dex introduces himself as the Prince of Edenoi and the Masked Rider. His powers were bestowed upon him to battle evil and injustice. Dex assures the Rangers that it is safe enough to breath in the cave because it’s far enough away from the mine site. He asks the Rangers for their names and says he will not betray their secret identities. One by one the Rangers take off their helmets and introduce themselves. Then Dex introduces Zarious, Ferrian, and Donais to them.

Tommy asks Dex what happened to Edenoi and what are the crystals the Edenoites have on their foreheads. Dex turns around and explains that the crystals are called Mind Crystals and that they allow the Edenoites to communicate telepathically and project mental images. Dex projects images of his people working in the gas mines and tells how they came to be conquered. Edenoi was a planet of great peace and its people were a race of scholars and artisans, who had not the need of weapons for many centuries. Count Dreagon knew about this and waged an attack on the unsuspecting and unprepared Edenoites.

Billy asks Dex how he became the Masked Rider. Dex says that the Masked Rider Powers were given to him by his grandfather, Lexian, when it became clear that the Edenoites were losing the battle with Dreagon. The Masked Rider Powers were passed down from king to king, always ready, but until now never needed. If Dreagon were to get his hands on them, he’d be invincible. Until the day when Dreagon is finaly overthrown and King Lexian is restored to his throne, Dex and the rebels fight on to delay Dreagon’s plan to destroy the planet and bring some sense of hope to their people.

Back at the Juice Bar, Bulk and Skull have finally made their appearance. They’ve spotted two lovely young ladies, a blonde and a brunette, talking at the bar. Bulk says that the girls are absolutely ga ga over the Power Rangers. Skull declares he isn’t in the mood to go on another wild goose chase trying to find the Power Rangers. Bulk says that they don’t need to, they’ve already found them. Bulk points to himself and to Skull and smiles. Skull catches on to the plan and calls Bulkie Boy a genius. (What is that crazy duo up to now?)

Later, Bulk and Skull move closer to the girls and Skull tells Bulk he knows a spot where the Power Rangers meet everyday. This gets the girls attention and they eagerly listen in as Skull tells Bulk that the spot is the mountainside near East Angel Grove Heights.

Back on Edenoi, the Rangers conversation with their new Edenoite friends is again cut short by Dreagon’s forces. This time it’s a group of Plague Patrollers and three frog like creatures called Cogwarts. Dex tells the Rangers that he can handle the Cogwarts, but there’s still the matter of the Plague Patrol. Well, that’s something the Rangers can definitely take care of. The Rangers and all four Edenoite rebels rush out of the cave after re-doning helmets and gas masks and shouting “To the Power.”

The Plague Patrol tells Dex that they will put an end to his rebellion once and for all and that his multi-colored cohorts won’t be able to save him. Dex says as long as friends like the Rangers rally to the rebels cause, the day will soon come when Dreagon will be banished from Edenoi for good. Dex then calls for his comrades to destroy the bad guys before morphing into Masked Rider.

“Now villains, you shall know the power of the Masked Rider and the Power Rangers,” Dex shouts. The Plague Patrol is not impressed. They decide the time for talk is over and it’s time to fight. Donais, Zarious, and Ferrian go back inside the cave where they won’t get hurt, leaving their powered up pals to tough it out with the bad guys.

Dex “corals some Cogwarts” with some of his Edenoite fighting moves. While the Rangers exchange hits and insults with the three Plague Patrollers. Tommy takes on the Patroller with a buzzsaw on his right arm after kicking him off his horse. Rocky dukes it out with the one wearing a mask made out of a carpet, and Adam, Aisha, and Billy gang up on the last Patroller, the one with a blade for a right hand.

Meanwhile, on the moon, Finster presents his newest monster, the slimey Repellitor, to Zedd and Rita. After grossing Rita out with a slimey kiss on the hand, Repellitor is sent down to destroy Angel Grove.

Zordon and Alpha are alerted to Repellitor’s arrival on Earth. Alpha tries to contact the Rangers, but there’s some interference and the signal can’t go through. Zordon and Alpha have no choice but to call in Kimberly.

The Pink Morphin Ranger takes up the call and goes to the park to take on Repellitor. The two duke it out and despite being sick, Kim holds her own pretty good. Until she goes into a sneezing fit all over Repellitor. Repellitor is disgusted, which surprises Kim. Why should a disgusting monster be worried about germs. Repelltior says if a monster doesn’t have his health, he doesn’t have anything.

The battle goes on. Repellitor soon manages to grab Kimberly from behind and reveals that he has the ability to scramble molecules. An ability he is all too happy to demonstrate on Kimberly.

After being scrambled then tossed aside, Kim gets back up, seemingly unharmed, and jumps up in the air to punch Repellitor in the head. But Repellitor mearly grabs her and scrambles her molecules in mid-air. Then tosses her away again. Kimberly wonders how she’s ever going to beat this creep alone.

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