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Jen (Pink Time Force Ranger)

"We're fighting for our future."

Jen is a member of the Time Force police, a 31st century law enforcement crew. At the begiing of Time Force, she had evreything going for her. Ransik, the world's most dangerious criminal was in jail and her beloved Alex, the Time Force Red Ranger, had just preposed to her. But then Ransik escaped and crticuly injured Alex on his way to the past. Alex gave Jen his morpher and sent her and her four team mates on the adventure of their lives in the year 2001.

Jen is the second female and first Pink Ranger to lead a Ranger team. She's she is real stern and strict, expecting only the best from her fellow Rangers. She was espechialy hard on Wes, the new Red Ranger. But over time, Wes began to grow on Jen and the two became friends.

Also, by the end of Time Force, Jen's heart had turned from Alex and had gone to Wes. She didn't confess her true feelings for him until after Ransik had turned himself in and she had to go back to the future with the other Time Force officers. Sadly, she couldn't stay with him.

Jen is played by Erin Cahil.


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